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View Full Version : 2k Lizardmen: The Wrath of the Old Ones!

11-03-2013, 11:55 PM
jberrysf posted his list for Thursday after this - here's mine:

• Slann Mage-Priest (Level 4 - Lore of High Magic) w/Focus of Mysteries & Soul of Stone

• Skink Priest (Level 2 - Lore of Beasts) mounted on an Ancient Stegadon w/Engine of the Gods

• 20 Saurus Warriors (Full Command)
• 16 Skinks w/Javelins, +2 Kroxigors (Full Command)
• 15 Skink Skirmishers w/Blowpipes

• 14 Temple Guard (Full Command, Champion w/Warrior Bane)
• 10 Cold One Riders (Full Command)

• 2 Salamanders w/+2 Handlers

The Saurus and javelin Skinks are my anvils, the temple guard and cold one riders are my hammers, and the salamanders and Skink skirmishers are meant to run up the flank and harass anything that looks particularly flammable or shootable. I picture the Skink priest and his stegadon forming the central thrust of the army, flanked by an anvil unit on each side. The stegadon is also a sort of a counter-punch model, joining fights it knows it can win, but mostly contributing via the engine of the gods and javelin volleys.

What do you think?

11-04-2013, 10:05 PM
What is an Engine of the Gods? Also, is that mixing jobs too much with the Priest on the Stegadon? He's not really one you want in combat is he? But the Ancient Stegadon you definitely want in there...

11-04-2013, 10:11 PM
What is an Engine of the Gods? Also, is that mixing jobs too much with the Priest on the Stegadon? He's not really one you want in combat is he? But the Ancient Stegadon you definitely want in there...

Oh, man, an engine of the gods...

The engine of the gods replaces the weapons on an ancient stegadon does three things:

1) I get to pick one Lore at the start of my turn and reduce the casting values for that Lore by -1, making the spells easier to cast.
2) The stegadon and every friendly unit (not model - so the unit can "toe-in" the radius and still gain the benefit) has a 6++.
3) A level 3 bound spell that deals d6 Strength 4 hits to every enemy unit within 4d6''.

I think that because it automatically hits every enemy unit within a radius, it doesn't matter if the stegadon - or, indeed, the enemy units - are in combat. The spell still hits and damages them.

So, basically it replaces the walking gun platform/combat monster into a walking nuke/magical toolbox/combat monster.

And it still has four skinks with javelins on it.

11-05-2013, 05:18 AM
I think that because it automatically hits every enemy unit within a radius, it doesn't matter if the stegadon - or, indeed, the enemy units - are in combat. The spell still hits and damages them.

Sadly that is not the case, as it's listed as a Direct Damage spell, so cannot be targeted into combat (and the wording of the spell says 'targets', not hit). Sorry

11-05-2013, 06:05 AM
Sadly that is not the case, as it's listed as a Direct Damage spell, so cannot be targeted into combat (and the wording of the spell says 'targets', not hit). Sorry

While AI agree with your asessment that this is what was intended, this is one thing in the lizardman book that needs an FAQ.

The BRB states that spells can't target models in close combat (this isn't unique to direct damage, it's stated as one of the 4 immutable laws of magic). However, the Lizardman book specifically states that the spell targets every unit within range. Since rules in army books trump BRB this means the spell's rule could be interpreted as either of the following;

Every unit within range is hit regardless of whether they are in combat.
Only units that are both within range and not in combat are hit.

11-05-2013, 08:13 AM
While AI agree with your asessment that this is what was intended, this is one thing in the lizardman book that needs an FAQ.

The BRB states that spells can't target models in close combat (this isn't unique to direct damage, it's stated as one of the 4 immutable laws of magic). However, the Lizardman book specifically states that the spell targets every unit within range. Since rules in army books trump BRB this means the spell's rule could be interpreted as either of the following;

Every unit within range is hit regardless of whether they are in combat.
Only units that are both within range and not in combat are hit.


If I recall correctly, in the old army book, it hit every enemy unit regardless of combat status. All the powers have remained pretty unchanged, so my guess is that it still works that way.

Of course, in the old army book you had to pick one setting for the weapon of the gods every turn. In the new one, it looks like you benefit from all three every turn, so it's clear that they wanted some things to change.

I will eagerly await an FAQ to clear that up.

11-05-2013, 08:26 AM
But, what I really want to know is...

What do you think about the list?

11-05-2013, 12:10 PM
I personally am not a fan of Skrox units (Skinks + Kroxigors). Why? Well it all comes down to combat resolution. Opponents can choose to swing at the skinks which are much easier to kill, and bloat their combat resolution. Then if the kroxigors don't roll decently or they face well armored opponents then they will lose combat by a significant factor and potentially break and run. That being said.. you know who your opponent is and how he plays. So by all means... try them out. they will probably work better against wood elves than most other armies since wood elves lack substantial ranked combat units.

Temple Guard unit seems a little on the small side. I'd say you should aim for 20 models.

I'm on the fence as far as the unit of 15 skink skirmishers. You'll get a few more shots but the unit footprint will be larger. I'd suggest two units of 10 if you can find the points.

11-12-2013, 06:32 AM
I'm planning on trying a similar sized skrox unit as a flanking unit. The plan being to use their extra speed and manoeuvrability to allow them to get a charge off against anything which has charged my temple guard. I would also suggest increasing the temple guard up to at least 20 if possible, I run 20 and plan on running more once I have the models. You could do this by reducing the skirmishers down to 10 and dropping a couple of the cold ones