View Full Version : alliy with yourself

Rough Touch
11-03-2013, 01:39 AM
I had a game this weekend and my friend had 3 HQ choices 3 troops and 3 heavy's all from the same codex (CSM) he said he can do this as he can ally with the same army as hes playing.
he's prob right but there is nothing in the rules about this and I was thinking some army's would not do this ( I play orks) there would not be 2 different war boss controlling the army as im sure one would not let the other control hes troops ( even though you can pick 2 with normal hq choices)

does this mean I can also have 3 HQ choices if I roll 3 x ten grot mobs? I would like a warboss weird boy and big mek ...but it does seem like hes bending the rules a bit

11-03-2013, 01:59 AM
The new space marines codex allows you to use your primary detachment with a secondary from the same codex with different chapter tactics. So for example you could take an Imperial fists army with Lysander and an Imperial fists Libby as your main HQs and then allie in some Salamanders with Vulcan.

Rough Touch
11-03-2013, 02:35 AM
hmmm well he was playing CSM, not only that they was all nergle. I don't even know if nergle have derachments!

11-03-2013, 02:55 AM
CSM and Space marines and Tau can ally with "themselves" easily so that it looks like the units are from the same codex, because their supplement codexi (or in the SMs case, their own codex) has so similar units. Eldar are a bit different, because while Iyanden supplement is Eldar codex as well, the units are all wraiths so there could be a visible difference in units.

CSM+Black legion supplement would be the way for CSM to ally with itself, BL-part of the force has the exact same units available CSM has, but they have to be upgraded if possible (cultists cannot, while marines must) and they have a different items available for characters.

Withouth a supplement or a special rule in codex (Space marines have the special rule, and soon a supplement, most armies don't have either of those yet) you can't ally with yourself, and you can't ally with yourself even if you have a supplement (SM is an exception) but you'll have to use the supplement. Eldar+Iyanden is OK while Eldar+Eldar isn't, Tau+Farsight enclaves is OK while Tau+Tau isn't, CSM+BL is OK while CSM+CSM isn't, SM+SM is OK.

11-03-2013, 02:56 AM
hmmm well he was playing CSM, not only that they was all nergle. I don't even know if nergle have derachments!

If the primary or allied force was using the black legion supplement then he's all good, otherwise no he cant. The only reason marines can is because each chapter lineage is treated as a separate codex for allied purposes.

If one force was an allied/primary black legion force then every model in it with the option to take veterans of the long war has to.

11-03-2013, 03:24 AM
hmmm well he was playing CSM, not only that they was all nergle. I don't even know if nergle have derachments!

To me it sounds like he was just allying himself and using the codex twice. No he can't do this.

11-03-2013, 03:47 AM
To me it sounds like he was just allying himself and using the codex twice. No he can't do this.

And if you do it too much you'll go blind.

11-03-2013, 04:24 AM
And if you do it too much you'll go blind.

Oh er mrs, you just went all "Carry on comedy" on me didn't you ;)

11-03-2013, 05:20 AM
Was it a 2000pt battle? He may have taken to FOC's this would allow him to take the extra HQ and Heavy’s. Of course he must also take an extra 2 Troup choices!

Rough Touch
11-03-2013, 05:28 AM
1500pt game
sorry whats a FOC?

11-03-2013, 05:42 AM
FOC = Force Orgaisation Chart (the number of HQ, Troops, Elites, etc you can take in a force). Up to 2000pts you can only take one FOC; over 2000pts you can give two FOCs (sorry, Gotthammer beat me to the "you'll go blind" joke).

benn grimm
11-03-2013, 07:29 AM
To OP(original poster) Orks can ally with the Dread Mob list from Forge world, so they can ally with themselves and you can have 2 warbosses and a mek or 3 meks or whatever (if you so want) plus an extra elite troops fast n heavy(this is very good) Chaos also have a few chaotic forge world lists they can ally with and i do believe Necrons can do this as well. Eldar cant ally Iyanden but they can ally Corsairs, but really do Eldar need allies?)

11-03-2013, 07:43 AM
At 2000 you can have 2 primary detatchments 2 allied detatchments at under 2k you can have 1 primary and one allied detatchment taken from a suppliment or another codex.

11-05-2013, 03:30 PM
The Black Legion supplement can ally with Codex Chaos Space Marines.


11-07-2013, 05:25 PM
The Black Legion supplement can ally with Codex Chaos Space Marines.


Sure, not sure what you are going to win first though: the game or a swift kick to the #$%#$

Rough Touch
11-09-2013, 01:49 AM
So basically you cant do it, but you can bend the rules TO do it. So In that case I will just let him do it to start with lol

11-09-2013, 10:11 AM
I had a game this weekend and my friend had 3 HQ choices 3 troops and 3 heavy's all from the same codex (CSM) he said he can do this as he can ally with the same army as hes playing.
he's prob right but there is nothing in the rules about this and I was thinking some army's would not do this ( I play orks) there would not be 2 different war boss controlling the army as im sure one would not let the other control hes troops ( even though you can pick 2 with normal hq choices)

does this mean I can also have 3 HQ choices if I roll 3 x ten grot mobs? I would like a warboss weird boy and big mek ...but it does seem like hes bending the rules a bit

He's being cheesy and stupid! Tell your friend he sucks and that you no longer want to play with him. If he is bending that way, I wonder what else he is warping?

11-09-2013, 10:52 AM
So basically you cant do it, but you can bend the rules TO do it. So In that case I will just let him do it to start with lol

It's not bending the rules, you have to meet certain criteria to do it. But if your going to let him abuse the rule system then you should follow his lead. Do the same. Post us what models you have and I'm sure some of us here could suggest a list you could use to curb stomp him a lesson ;) and wipe the smile off his face.

Rough Touch
11-09-2013, 10:57 AM
lots of Ork nob warbikers, what im confused with lol i just started a new thread about it as the one is changing from the original question. i am prob over time going to get some stormboys a komandos to go with them.