View Full Version : fallen angels.... with a twist

Cpt Codpiece
11-02-2013, 07:58 PM
ok so as some of you guys will be aware, a fellow 40k addict over on youtube... the slightly mad templarscrusade01 is going to be hosting a join in chaos warband campaign this coming year.

500 pts plus your warlord to start off with then your progress will dictate the availability of upgrades to your force :) right up my street.

well after much humming and ahh-ing i have decided on.........

fallen dark angels, but a deviation from my own personal belief that luther was not a traitor and the lion was more of a cowardly lion and verging on/ hell even committing heresy with t'chulka.

well these fallen will be so annoyed that they were sucked into the warp that they decide to 'remedy' the situation by 'changing' the way things go....... they get friendly with the big two headed birds and worship tzeentch, in hopes that their destiny will be more than forgotten/hated remnants of the once proud 1st.

and here i present after my fevered night of conversion, my sorcerer on his disk of tzeentch..... his disk is removable on a termi size base for people who whine about me using a full herald chariot. he will have his eyes filled and i am gonna sculpt a single eye in his forehead, his left wrist has been cut and twisted at the elbow and an open hand in place of the plasma as if he is casting or invoking from his helpfully placed scrolls and tomes of arcane wisdom.
i am thinking of adding a lion head (high elf chariot bits) on his left shoulder... but ill see when i get time after i GS his arm and the eye on his head


11-03-2013, 05:46 AM
Nice model; though, if he needs to place the tome that far away to read it, maybe he is on a quest to find the fabled Tuforwon Occularists of Spekksava?

Cpt Codpiece
11-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Nice model; though, if he needs to place the tome that far away to read it, maybe he is on a quest to find the fabled Tuforwon Occularists of Spekksava?

LOL :) yeah that book has a nice gribbly mouth in the middle of the pages too so he has no hope........ did i mention he will only have 1 eye ;P

i was gonna pop a blue horror on there (spell familiar) too but i thought it was a little busy with the blades and tentacles, three books and a scroll holder already on the disk and the model ia a BIG marine to start with.

i will try and get some proper pics up tonight, i just used phone pics as i was off to bed and wanted some opinions on him.
the force will be old school DA black and red with silver trim, but the black will be green just really dark (like the old pacino (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9dReqfKOOw0/TTtBiU2W2gI/AAAAAAAAAPE/49dfplZUWlI/s320/darkangels_lg.jpg) DA art)

Cpt Codpiece
11-03-2013, 06:33 PM
so well, i admit....... it was kind of boring having just plain old krannon the relentless on the disk with a minor arm tweak.

so i had a monkey about with some bits and so far i have this..... it needs GS and more details, feathers and the likes, but i think he looks much more tzeentchian now.


while browsing for possible inspiration on GW site i came across something that made me smile a little.
as my force is supposed to be formed from the fallen DA, just tzeentchified after their exile...... how could i get 1KS rubric marines in the list and still be fluffy.

the librarius of the fallen! what if as this particular group allied with tzeentch a rubric style spell (a residual touch of ahrimans rubric, those gifted with great power became truly great and those who were only low level psychers were rubricised) and GW provides in spades.
The DA upgrade sprue is £12 for 5 robe clad marines.... not the prettiest men in skirts at madi gras as far as the modern sculpts go, but a damn sight better than the horrendous chaos marines GW insist on pushing (why cant they all look like the DV guys??), so for less ££ than a tactical or chaos squad i have 10 former librarians of the pre heresy DA now rubric tzeentch marines with only minor conversions needed as im not going for the Egyptian vibe, ill just bird up some of the bolters maybe add gauntlet hands and obviously they dont have any special/heavy weapons.