View Full Version : New Expansions, the new Rumour Range by Pest_Pone

11-02-2013, 07:15 AM
I've been hearing talk of a couple of new expansions for 40K due for release next month:

The first is a fortifications expansion, containing new datasheets and missions for use in regular 40k. I'm also under the understanding that some of these datasheets allow you to take several fortifications as a single choice.

The second expansion brings superheavy vehicles (and gargantuan creatures) to regular 40k. My understanding is that this will be achieved by adding a new super heavy slot to the force org chart, and that you will be limited to the choices detailed within this expansion (I think there's approximately 15 of them). This expansion will also include new missions.
Sounds nifty. Fortifications ftw. A single superheavy of limited selection in a regular game of 40k is interesting and not unprecedented (Spearhead allowed it from memory).

11-02-2013, 07:33 AM
The second expansion brings superheavy vehicles (and gargantuan creatures) to regular 40k.


Let's hope it's not just "Spearhead" V2.0...

11-02-2013, 07:34 AM
Agreed, Spearhead was fun and useful but very much only worth it as content in WD. If they are releasing this as a proper expansion it needs to be more than that.

11-02-2013, 07:51 AM
Bringing a super hev into standard 40k is fine, albeit they bring back the vehicle damage chart effecting them.
I played 4000pts aside versus a legion with a fellglaive and the fact it ignored all effects of my massed fire meant that it still causes massive damage to my army while the equivalent fire i recieved stopped my tanks shooting etc. Its simply demoralising and onesided.

11-02-2013, 08:00 AM
does seem kinda realistic, too - since in Apoc they probably removed the chart mainly because of the bookkeeping it caused in large games - which isn't really a concern in a more or less regular 40k game

11-02-2013, 08:13 AM
As an example i inflicted two sets of 4 hull points damage and a 9th hull point in 2 turns.
This would have destroyed 2 landraiders and damaged another vehicle all av14 not including all the relevent shaken and stunned results.
However it literally did NOTHING at all to my opponents army. The glaive carried on blasting lumps out of my army at will.
I could have ignored it i suppose, but leaving the battles only super hev in the centre of the table on the only objective isnt very useful.

11-02-2013, 08:36 AM
yeah... on the other hand, having your Super Heavy shaken like it's a Rhino and made virtually useless is almost equally dumb... they'd need to come up with something... maybe let then ignore shaken and stunned, but not Weapon Destroyed?

Mr Mystery
11-02-2013, 09:18 AM
No Sir I don't buy it.

Both expansions rumoured would be exceptionally dull to play.

Plus, you know, Apocalypse. Rules are already there, so no real need.

11-02-2013, 09:25 AM
If this is true, then i might just invest in a Gargantuan Squiggoth for my green tide.

11-02-2013, 10:32 AM
If it used the old Apoc rules for superheavies and Destroyer weapons, I'd be more excited by superheavies in a normal game. But the new Apoc Rules have really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for Apoc. Superheavies should be more complex, not just (ignore 5/6 of the chart) and Destroyer weapons needed to be more granular, not made even more stupidly powerful against most things.

Fortification expansion looks good, hope they are going to use it as a way to sell new terrain like Planetstrike.

11-02-2013, 10:35 AM
I think the book on fortifications is a great idea, especially being able to buy groups of them as 1 slot, so as to have fortified complexes rather than just scattered bits. That ties in nicely with their Wall of Martyrs line. I wouldn't mind seeing a re-done Bastion that ties into that line to be honest as the current one is a bit bland by comparison. Also a great idea to have racially themed weapons selections for the various Xenos forces. I'd buy that book in a heartbeat.

Not so keen on the other idea though. I like the idea of a Lords of War slot in theory, but as others have pointed out above it would be tricky to implement in games off 40k and keep things balanced. Fair credit to them if they can pull it off though.

11-02-2013, 11:55 AM
We never had any issues with it in our Heresy games. The latest rules are on pp.162-163 of HH:Massacre

In there, you only get the following rules for integrating the "big stuff" into your games:

1 Lords of War (superheavy slot) slot, per detachment FOC
Lords of War may not exceed 25% of your armylist points total (so in "normal sized" games, you only see the smallest superheavies)
The destruction of any Lord of War counts as a secondary objective and gives the opposing side 2VP

It seems pretty well balanced to me.


11-02-2013, 01:40 PM
That seems pretty reasonable. I would enjoy using some super heavies in a regular game without having to go full Apoc. I like the legion rules and hope they port over to normal 40K.

I would love more fortifications. Webway gates..........am I right?

11-02-2013, 04:57 PM
I assume it would be like Spearhead where you would have to be playing a certain game type to be able to use a super heavy.

11-03-2013, 01:46 AM
I too can't help thinking that this is adding the Forge World Lord of War slot into 40K. This would make them very accessible and a way of "allowing" Heresy armies to be more widely accepted in regular games in your local store.



Grey Mage
11-03-2013, 02:53 AM
Bringing a super hev into standard 40k is fine, albeit they bring back the vehicle damage chart effecting them.
I played 4000pts aside versus a legion with a fellglaive and the fact it ignored all effects of my massed fire meant that it still causes massive damage to my army while the equivalent fire i recieved stopped my tanks shooting etc. Its simply demoralising and onesided.
You should note that in apocalypse they suggest using those rules for ALL vehicles, not just the superheavies.

11-03-2013, 09:32 AM
The first is a fortifications expansion, containing new datasheets and missions for use in regular 40k. I'm also under the understanding that some of these datasheets allow you to take several fortifications as a single choice.

I called that 4 months ago when chatting with the guys at my FLGS...

11-03-2013, 09:36 AM
Also I suspect that the Multi Fortification rules would be part of a Siege Scenario...

11-03-2013, 09:52 AM
That will teach those pesky riptides.

Hello Tau...meet my Cobras :P

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Also I suspect that the Multi Fortification rules would be part of a Siege Scenario...

That would make much more sense.

And a siege type game could be a lot of fun to play.

But, one does have to ask whether it really needs a supplement. WD article? Yes!

11-03-2013, 01:46 PM
i just don't see how having a superheavy in a regular 40k game would be balanced. If it were part of a very tailored scenario then maybe, but otherwise i think they would just have their way with the opponent, mind you I don't know the rules from Apoc since they changed them.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2013, 01:57 PM
And just like Columbo......one more thing.

I'm struggling to see the additional products to back these up.

If memory serves, the only expansion to date that hasn't had new toys would be Spearhead, which was a WD based expansion. All others had at least linked terrain releases.

With ancillary products missing from the rumours, I remain highly dubious. Though of course, the rumour could well be incomplete, with these products yet to be whispered.

11-03-2013, 02:37 PM
You should note that in apocalypse they suggest using those rules for ALL vehicles, not just the superheavies.

Yes i know that. Im not keen on removing damage charts in smaller games either.
The lord of war rules were fine until the removal of damage of any kind.
If one player has a super hev and the other does not, it really swings the balance of the game when one player has a unit capable of ignoring so much damage.

11-03-2013, 11:11 PM
That would make much more sense.

And a siege type game could be a lot of fun to play.

But, one does have to ask whether it really needs a supplement. WD article? Yes!

1) Supliments stay in print way longer than WDs.

2) WD doesn't do stuff like that anymore, Saddly.

Also Siege Rules would just be part of the supplement, I suspect that the rest will be Data sheets for the Fortifications that have come out since 6th ed and any new ones that come out between now and then.

11-05-2013, 06:50 PM
Planetstrike was effectively Siege rules, no? And look how that went.

GW should produce a free set of rules that you need to buy more models to use properly. I'd rather spend £20 on plastic than paper.