View Full Version : Emperor Titan Decerto Ecclesia Immortalis

Ian Mulcahy
11-01-2013, 06:26 PM
Well, here's my first post on these forums. I'm usually more of a lurker--looking at all the fantastic models that show up and getting inspiration and tips from them. And while my converting and painting skills are nowhere near some of you guys, I'm usually pretty happy with what I turn out. But this time, I just had to show off what I'm doing-- a full fledged Emperor class Titan.

I was heavily inspired by Isotope99's titan, but I'm sadly lacking his painting and sculpting talent--and his finances, apparently. But after seeing what he was able to do, I thought I might be able to pull something reasonable off. I set out to do it in a way that was easy on the wallet-- allowing me to buy small amounts of stuff here and there as finances allowed. So it uses PVC pipe, buckets, tupperware, nerf guns, action figure toys-- all sorts of stuff!

The big guy is unpainted, only primed. Haven't figured out a color scheme for him yet. Gonna take a break from working on him while I figure that little detail out...

But enough yapping-- you guys are here for the pics. (sorry bout the pic quality--all I have is a phone to take photos with)

The big guy in all his (unpainted) glory
http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1385636_572246982846596_1371437500_n.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1385636_572246982846596_1371437500_n.jpg.html)

Top of the body, showing landing pad, sensor tower, 2 vortex missiles, one laser blaster turret, and the quake cannon
http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1391685_572247009513260_618779497_n.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1391685_572247009513260_618779497_n.jpg.html)

One foot.
http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1385581_572246979513263_1613941093_n.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/1385581_572246979513263_1613941093_n.jpg.html)

View from the ground showing apocalypse missile launcher
http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/993442_572247169513244_138679216_n.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/993442_572247169513244_138679216_n.jpg.html)

There's a few things I would like to fix, but trying to do so would cause more damage than I could repair (liquid nails makes it hard to get things apart). I may add a few details here and there, but I need to step away from it for a bit (been working on the stupid thing for months). What he really needs is a cool looking paint job. Anyone got any suggestions for a good color scheme? Any comments or tips-- what can I do to make him even better?

11-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Wow, absolutely awesome work good sir! I love the fact you managed to put a NERF gun on the thing and still make it look viable. While I don't have any suggestions for paint schemes, I would highly suggest that you beef up the legs from essentially the knee joint on up. The thigh strut right now looks like it would absolutely snap the second he tried to move

11-02-2013, 09:07 AM
hmmm 2 upside down bins and a nurf gun very nice

11-02-2013, 01:03 PM
Don't forget the GI Joe toys, a staple of many a scratch build

Ian Mulcahy
11-02-2013, 04:04 PM
Yeah, I have to admit-- those legs are buckets. I was hoping it wasn't so obvious, gonna have to fix that. Maybe get some thin plasticard and put it around the raised "ridges" at the bottom. I also did some work on the back to break up the lines-- its not very visible from the front. I cut a section out, and put in "pipes" to make it look a little more industrial looking. Here's a couple pics I took while doing it that might help show what I mean.
http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/SSPX0221.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/SSPX0221.jpg.html)

http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/krythron/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/SSPX0223-1.jpg (http://s175.photobucket.com/user/krythron/media/Facebook/Warhammer%2040k%20Titan/SSPX0223-1.jpg.html)

And I agree, the legs look a bit thin. The original model's legs were kinda thin, but I may have taken it a bit far--especially given how big the feet are. I was planning of hanging a banner between the legs, much like isotope99 did on his. Do you think that will help? Give it more of an illusion of bulk, since there isn't so much open space between the legs? Or will that not be enough?

Thanks for the constructive criticism guys.

11-02-2013, 06:05 PM
Defiantly breaks up the outline and some little bits of detail on the front will do it wonders

11-03-2013, 07:08 AM
Wait, you killed a Longshot for that thing? That's the opposite of cheap!

Ian Mulcahy
11-03-2013, 07:27 AM
Wait, you killed a Longshot for that thing? That's the opposite of cheap!

Nope-- I killed nothing. Got the part at a tag sale. Was in a bin of nerf gun parts that I bought for $5. I was able to reassemble one full gun for my sons, find 6 working D-cell batteries, and find a piece of a Nerf Vulcan that I used for the carapace missile launcher casing. And there's still more parts in it. Well worth the cost-- even better than searching ebay for "broken nerf parts".