View Full Version : What 40K Miniatures Most Need Updating?

11-01-2013, 01:28 PM
It's just that simple.

Think about:
-Overall Utility to it's faction

If you want, make a list of the one mini per faction that needs updating the most:
Then, which is the worst of the bunch.

Space Marines:
Space Wolves:
Blood Angels:
Dark Angels:
Grey Knights:
Chaos Marines:
Chaos Daemons:
Dark Eldar:
Imperial Guard:
Adepta Sororita:


11-01-2013, 01:33 PM

Phoenix Lords
Warp Spiders

Honorable Mention: Guardian is looking a bit long in the tooth compared to the rest of the new minis.

11-01-2013, 01:35 PM
Adepta Sororita: All.

11-01-2013, 01:35 PM
Excluding factions I don't play...

Space Marines and Blood Angels: Hm... not a lot to say here. I think they're all ok.

Eldar: Warp spiders. I say this despite having an enormous collection of metal warp spiders. They're static and blocky and provide zero options. Everything else is ok, though.

Tau: Vespid, mostly. Everything else was either ok or got updated.

Adepta Sororita: The whole damned line. Every last model

Emerald Rose Widow
11-01-2013, 01:36 PM
pretty much everything sisters of battle, and warp spiders

Death Shroud
11-01-2013, 01:37 PM
Unquestionably the Sororitas. Whole range apart from the immolator needs re-doing due to the fact they are all metal. Sisters Tactical squad must be the single most required re-sculpt in the entire games workshop range!

Joshua Nicol
11-01-2013, 01:39 PM
Abaddon the Despoiler, he is tiny compared to modern terminators, when his lore states that he was large even for a space marine.

11-01-2013, 01:40 PM
CSM - the berserkers maybe

11-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Azrael, the SW special characters, all the SoB line cuz it's all metal. Don't mind their actual models. Also Abbadon, and the aforementioned eldar jetbikes. Oh, and those terrible chaos backpacks.

11-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Chaos Marines: Defiler
Dark Eldar: Talos/Chronos Pain Engines
Imperial Guard: Storm Troopers
Adepta Sororita: Everything

Ron DelRosario
11-01-2013, 01:49 PM
Blood Angels: Mephiston, Dante!

11-01-2013, 01:51 PM
Adepta Sororita: all

Chuck Williams
11-01-2013, 01:51 PM
The Thunderfire could definitely suck less.

CSM/Daemons need all new greater daemons. Sad that a Bloodthirster can barely reach a Wraithknight's codpiece...

and if they could possibly make a Great Unclean One that doesn't look like a big lump of turds, or Chet from Weird Science, that'd be great. Hell, a giant version of a Plaguebearer would be cool. They don't all have to look like Jabba The Hutt after a three day binge of eating fetid womprats without a bath.

11-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Space Marines/Blood Angels/Dark Angels: The Thunderfire cannon, only because it's a pain in the *** to put together. A plastic dual kit that can make another kind of artillery piece would be fun too.

Space Wolves: Ragnar Blackmane, Njal in Power Armor, Bjorn the Fell-Handed all desperately need resculpts

Grey Knights: Half of the options in the inquisitorial warband don't have proper models, so they could use attention

Chaos Marines: Cypher!!!

Chaos Daemons: Plastic Greater Demons would be fabulous, to bring them up to scale with the new monster sizes

Tyranids: Pyrovore, Zoanthropes, Genestealers

Necrons: Good to go

Eldar: Warp spiders, shining spears, Jetbikes, Jain Zar, Fuegan and Karandras

Dark Eldar: Void bomber

Orks: Buggys, Meganobz, biker nobz, mad dok grotsnik, deffkoptas, most of the character models

Imperial Guard: Special weapon teams, stormtroopers,

Tau: Vespids

Adepta Sororita: Everything except the immolator

11-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Space marine: ATtack Bike
wolves: blackmane
BLood Angels: Tycho/Dante
Dark A: Azrael
Grey Nights: propper gk dreadnaught
Chaos marines: bezerkers
Daemons: Greater Deamons
Tyranids: genestealers
Necrons: Monolith
Eldar: yikes... warlocks, jetbikes, avatar, weapons platforms
Dark Eldar: Wracks
Orks: Heavy armour orks
IMP: Rough Riders
Tau: battle suit
Sisters: Everything only selling a force thats metal/resin now is ridiculous the cost is to much for that quality.

Jose A. Fabian
11-01-2013, 01:54 PM
Most old BA special chars, and Logan Grimnar.

11-01-2013, 01:56 PM
Eldar: Jetbikes (Core)
Daemons: Bloodthirster (Weedy)
Dark Eldar: -
Necrons: Warriors (green sticks are the past)
Tyranids: Hive guard (single pose)
Orks: Deffkoptaz (now black reach is OOP)
BA: Mephiston (Static)
GK: -
Chaos: Obliterators (cost/popularity)
IG: Basilisk (half-a$$ed money grab)
Tau: -
Sororitas: Battle sisters (all)
Wolves: Logan Grimnar (inconsistent proportions)
DA: Azrael
Marines: -

Leaving aside the sisters which need a full range reboot, it's between the bloodthirster and jetbikes for me with jetbikes just edging it because its easy to add wings to the excellent FW daemon prince and jetbikes are just straight up used more.

11-01-2013, 01:58 PM
You people will not touch my pipe organ exorcist. It's awesome as is.

I could go for new warp spiders though, especially if they aren't balanced to fall over on anything short a perfectly level surface.

Daniel A Sniadoski
11-01-2013, 02:03 PM

Phoenix Lords
Warp Spiders

Honorable Mention: Guardian is looking a bit long in the tooth compared to the rest of the new minis.

You forgot the Falcon and Viper. Both of these are just as old as the jet bike.

11-01-2013, 02:05 PM
Imperial Guard:

Catachan Jungle Fighters product line.

I would really like them updated before my Toughest Girls in the Galaxy Jailbirds show up, but alas, wishful thinking.

Chris Batty
11-01-2013, 02:05 PM
The model that needs it most is Malus Darkblade. Darkblade himself isn't bad but his cold one spite is massively fat when compared to the newer ones and he is still metal.

Rick Fernandez
11-01-2013, 02:07 PM
CSM: space marines, helbrutes
Nids: genestealers

11-01-2013, 02:19 PM
Ragnar Blackmane
Ulric the Slayer
The metal Marine Terminator Captain in his tiny, tiny Terminator suit... O.o

11-01-2013, 02:32 PM
Orks: Big Gun's, DeffKopta, Wartrakk/Warbuggy

11-01-2013, 02:33 PM
Space Marines: techies needs plastic
Space Wolves: its up to date nothing wrong here, besides a few chars, nothing important
Blood Angels: some new chars maybe ...
Dark Angels: all in the green here
Grey Knights: the nemisis knight is horrible, stomp it flat and make it new or get rid of it
Chaos Marines: Berserkers! Dreadnought (or for the ones who prefer the horrible new name: hellthingy without any demonic rules...) and (!) we need a new general - but most improtend is: new and improved plastic-kits for cult marines
Chaos Daemons: All greater Demons - Design is kina out of date an we need Plastic!
Tyranids: donīt have a clue, the tyrant-guards n hive guards maybe (plastic upgrades)
Necrons: mostly up to date here - the "jetbikes" still look horrible but ... the are new, so no chance. a multipart kryptomancer with all options
Eldar: oh the jetbikes a good, what do you pointy-ears want? ... ah plastics for the aspects
Dark Eldar: wracks in plastic and new and pose-improved grotesques
Orks: what? īerm? meganobs, buggys, posaz
Imperial Guard: bombard, griffon, medusa - kit ... wait, wasnīt that in the roumors? catchans needs a upgrade and hell gw could do ALL the "old" regiments in plastic ;-)
Tau: krisis, make them smoother - vespas make them newer and more mulitposed
Adepta Sororita: yeah new design, but only sligthly, donīt mess this up gw!

King Damo
11-01-2013, 02:37 PM
Personally, I would love to see a plastic Thunderfire Cannon, but alas, I don'e think I'll see that any time soon.

New Necron Warriors would be nice as well, now that the Immortals have lost the clear green rods, it might be time for the Warriors to lose them as well.

The Ork Meganobz could do with a new release, you can just imagine what you could do with a multi-part plastic box for those bad boys.

Magos Telok
11-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Adepta Sororitas: Everything. Every model. The trick is going to be to add new models/designs, without making everyone's expensive current collections obsolete.

Angelus Mortifer
11-01-2013, 02:46 PM

Mephiston (decent sculpt but static - so much potential in a new fig)
Cmdr Dante (showing his age and "thinner" Marine build - again, so much potential)

11-01-2013, 03:24 PM
Space Marines: Assault Marines. Not only to bring them in line with the current spec of the other kits, but they're genuinely ugly as well (all 5 sets of legs identical for example, which makes the squad look more like a ballet troupe).
Chaos Marines: Chaos Marines box, at least a recut as the moulds are starting to get dodgy. Basically any plastic kit where Step 1 is "get out the Dremel and grind off the 1mm thick mould lines . . ." Also Cultists, since the options are buy a whole DV box or buy the 5-pack which is half melee and half ranged.

Overall though, I'd say the Eldar Jetbike is the #1 priority, that thing is call-a-palaeontologist-for-your-restock ancient, and not quite to scale with the other models anymore.

11-01-2013, 03:30 PM

mephiston (decent sculpt but static - so much potential in a new fig)
cmdr dante (showing his age and "thinner" marine build - again, so much potential)


11-01-2013, 03:37 PM
Theres only 2 models that I think need an update those are Abbadon though the forge world one is so much better buy and Azrial he doesn't need a full new model he just needs a new pose and to get rid of the little guy as he doesn't do much.....

Cpt Codpiece
11-01-2013, 03:43 PM
chaos marines....... not 20 year old chaos marines :) the core troopers need an upgrade DESPERATELY! bring them into line with the DV set!
dreads need the moulds destroying and a nice multi plastic kit. new bikes! to go along with new standard troopers.
FW does a very nice abaddon :) with only minor work he is the lord of chaos we all know and love :)

eldar...... need new bikes..... the current ones are older than a load of eldar players :) thankfully not this one LOL
spiders are the only aspect that truly NEEDS a model update, spears should get one with the JB update, and storm guardians would be nice as a kit rather than an expensive upgrade for half a squad.

marines.... dont really need anything other than assault and bike upgrades but they are really ok as is for now..... its not like FW dont offer other options on that front

D eldar........ Wracks and grots NEED a plastic multi kit as do hemos, and a cheap council would be grand

thats about all i can think of from the myriad of things i give a rats about in the 40k world

11-01-2013, 05:05 PM
Greater Daemons.

They are the centrepiece models of an otherwise beautiful army... and look like arse. And are tiny.

Also the SoB range in general.

11-01-2013, 05:26 PM
Ork Deffcopters, sure we had the AOBR plastics but they aren't available anymore. Plastic nob bikers would be good, as much as the FW are nice, a proper multi plastic kit would be better.

Plastic Ogryn kit would be awesome too.

11-01-2013, 05:29 PM
Orks: Well, Deffkopta's as all have said.
CSM: Berzerkers. Really badly need an overhaul now. And, of course, Abbaddon. The greatest Chaos warlord since Horus (arguably) and he's a static piece of junk that's dwarfed by his Termie bodyguard. Seriously, it's embarrassing.

11-01-2013, 05:37 PM
i will throw it out there because i have them but have been slowly been buying 3rd party alternatives Greater deamons seriously these thing should be massive and they just aren't... look at things like the wraith knight and riptides.... greater deamons should tower over them not be dwarfed by them its pathetic yet my ultra forge great unclean one actually looks like its a great unclean one and not a herald...

Nik Rzv
11-01-2013, 05:46 PM
Space Marines: thunderfire cannon looks terrible imo
Space Wolves: the wolf cavalry needs to be forgotten about.
Grey Knights: nemesis dreadknight. one of the weakest looking models in the game.
Chaos Marines: mos def obliterators, one of the best units in the codex, and as a fluffy iron warriors player i dont field them because the GW models are terrible. 2nd place here goes to the plague marines, FW did so much of a better job of them, GW should just use the FW sculps.
Tyranids: a whole lot of things, genestealers would be a good start.
Necrons: not too crucial, but i think most current necron lords look like the bad guys from the old he-man cartoons mashed up with khemri, but then again, i by a mile prefer old necrons (from around the time they first got a codex, sorry i cant remember which edition) to the new "egyptian" theme they got going.
Eldar: one of the weakest models in the current range: war walkers.
Orks: the ancient wartrakk needs an update
Imperial Guard: all non-cadian infantry really. in plastic. as far as the fluff is concerned 9/10 battles fought in the 40k universe should be fought by the guard, i understand its not very profitable to make all the non vanilla regiments in plastic but to give the universe justice it needs doing sooner or later.
Adepta Sororita: all infantry in plastic please.

11-01-2013, 05:47 PM
Space Marines: Dreadnought - to include all weapon options.
Blood Angels: Mephiston - 'cause damn that is a ****ing ugly sculpt.
Grey Knights: Death Cultists - plastic set of ten, please.
Chaos Marines: Standard Chaos Marine boxed set as well as Khorne Berzerkers - both are hideously dated, with clunky details and goofy proportions.
Tyranids: Tyrannofex and Tervigon - ugly, unaesthetic kit, especially compared to the Carnifex and Hive Tyrant.
Necrons: Necron Warriors - old, dated kit. Should have thinner limbs and bulkier torsos.
Eldar: all need to be plastic, but especially Striking Scorpions because I love them.
Dark Eldar: Plastic kit for Grotesques, please.
Orks: All just fine, actually. Maybe Cybork bodies.
Imperial Guard: standard Cadian Squad; the heads are just godawful, and Cadian lasguns look like turd.
Tau: Crisis Suit kits - limbs need to be posable.
Adepta Sororita: everything. Obviously. But a plastic Penitent Engine first.

11-01-2013, 10:01 PM
<Steps up onto soap box>

Eldar: So much lazy carry-over from the past that should be replaced

Sisters: The whole line, bring on the plastics!

Necrons: Flayed Ones - What the frack were they smoking? Also - Lose the Burger King paper hat Overlords and Ghost Ark/Doomsday Ark pilots.

Space Marines: Rhinos and Land Raiders - Most Xenos vehicles are sized to carry 10 models, do the same for the Marines. Thunderfire Cannons - Legos fit together better...

Daemons: Flyer stands (yep, just like everyone else).

Buildings: Something with the option of closed windows and doors that will actually block line of sight. Especially if it is tall enough to block LOS to a flyer.

Finecast/Failcast: Admit it was a horrible mistake that you charged us more for and revert to what you do best - Overpriced Plastic.

<Steps off soap box>

Drew Horwood-Brennan
11-01-2013, 10:54 PM
Typhus looks like a dwarf compared to the newer termies, defiler,
Some plague zombies(vampire counts zombie regiment)
Csm havocs(more weapon options)
Pink horrors(ones that look less like little chicken people) the old metal ones with the
blue horrors emerging from within looked brilliant

11-02-2013, 01:21 AM
Space Marines: Bikes with those stupid square section wheels!
Space Wolves: Ragnar Black Mane ever ones favourite space wolf hammered flat.
Blood Angels: Mephiston for the same reason as Black Mane... looks like he has been squashed with a size 15 boot.
Dark Angels: OK so this one would fit in any Marine section but Captain in Terminator armour. He is tiny compared to normal terminators and looks stupid leading The Death Wing to war.
Grey Knights: All the assassins. There either flat, static or in stupid poses. In some cases all three!
Chaos Marines: Kharn is static when he should be charging.
Chaos Daemons: Blood Thirster because he looks so badly dated with those great big hands and huge blunt teeth.
Tyranids: Genestealer there so iconic thanks to space hulk I feel they need a better model... and stronger rules on side note.
Necrons: C'tan shard of the Deceiver really stands out to me as a totally pump model.
Eldar: All the Phoenix Lords. They should be the amazing but like Ragnar and Mephiston old moulding techniques make them look flat and boring.
Dark Eldar: Drazhar... Master of blades... does not seem to be holding swords!
Orks: Er none... I like them all!
Imperial Guard: Leman Russ X 10. The tank is tiny and the turret is too small!
Tau: Vespids... Oh what a nice model I've designed... there is just a little something missing... Brian pass me that hammer whack whack whack. That’s better nice and flat.
Adepta Sororita: Uriah Jacobus whack flat!

There are of course lots that need a re-work but these seem some of the worst to me!

11-02-2013, 01:32 AM
Adepta Sororita: All.


Justin Beaver
11-02-2013, 02:43 AM
as an Ork player....one thing to add.....THE BUGGY.....its third edition, and just plain wrong

Mr Mystery
11-02-2013, 02:54 AM
Orks - Trakks and Buggies. They needs them to look proper Orky! Oh, and whilst we're on it, Deffkoptas. Not that the old Black Reach ones aren't nice, just that you can't readily get them anymore!

Marines and Eldar - The Bikes. Oh god they need the bikes redoing!

White Tiger88
11-02-2013, 03:05 AM
Greater Daemons....all of them......badly...

11-02-2013, 06:00 AM
Mephiston, Dante, all greater daemons.

11-02-2013, 02:04 PM
DAEMONS greater daemons
CHAOS skull lord (or whatever hes called just no), all named characters, havocs
ELDAR aspect units and the phoenix lords, guardians, bikes
IMPERIAL catachan jungle fighters, vostroyans, creed, pask,nork vets stormtroopers, ogryns, ratlings, rough riders, seargeant harker, special weapons, artilary box,
GREYK castelean crow, inquisitorial henchmen, assassins
BLANGELS named characters(excluding lemartes)
DANGELS azreal belial(his armour is too skinny) samael
MARINES calgar, gold templars guy, tigarus, teletermies(just no) what were they thinking
NECRONS bikes, scythe, warriors, flayed ones, all hqs,
NIDS biovores mycetic spore.....
ORKS buggies, old zogwart (needs model),deffcoptas with options
TAU battlesuits(standard ones) ethereals,vespids, kroot
WOLVES all HQs/characters (lukas the trickster WTF?)
SOB plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic

11-02-2013, 06:15 PM
Orks: Trakks and Buggies, Mega nobz, flash gitz coz I hate kit bashing these :<

11-03-2013, 12:45 AM
Greater daemons. They don't fit with the new models, and as soon as they come out with new ones I'll have a daemon army.

Then berzerkers.

Eric French
11-03-2013, 06:35 AM
big plastic daemons

11-03-2013, 09:15 PM
Sisters of Battle: re-cast the range in Plastic. I think the models are (mostly) fine, they just need to be in plastic (and therefore cheaper)
Blood Angels: Dante, Mephiston, Tycho, Corbulo. Just need updates/resizes to bring them up to date with the current SM range.
Daemons: Greater Daemons, Just need updating/resizing (perhaps nearer to the riptide/wraithknight sizing) All the slaanesh daemons. Get them looking more like the old-school Daemonettes, models that actually were attractive. In fact, I prefer all the old metal models (from '02) to the current plastics.
Chaos Space Marines: Abbadon (as mentioned before, needs to be larger than a Terminator, not smaller), Kharn the Betrayer (such an old model), Ahriman, Typhus, Lucius, Fabius, Cypher (not as desperate as the earlier models, but still need updates), Mutilators/Obliterators (1 kit, all plastic, makes both, a la Centurions). Berzerkers (just need to be brought up to date). The other cult troops I like, but if they were kept similar and re-cast in plastic, then that'd be nice. Bikers (same as the Space Marines later). Forgefiend/Maulerfiend/Helldrake... Just drop them from the line completely. I just hate the models, the back detailing is just horrible.
Dark Angels: Azrael, Ezekiel (same reasons as the Blood Angel Characters)
Dark Eldar: Drazhar (nice model, but could be updated for the current range)
Eldar: The Avatar, Eldrad, the Phoenix Lords, Warlocks (nice models, just need updating, most of them are too 2D), Warp Spiders, Swooping Hawks (2nd Ed models, really 2D, the Hawks break too easily), Shining Spears/Jetbikes (the latter are too old, and need to buy the upgrades separately, the former are much the same), Guardians (just to make the models easier to assemble and to include all the options, e.g. Storm Guardian models in the same box), Vyper/Falcon/Fire Prism/Wave Serpent (Just need to update the models, they're starting to show their age)
Grey Knights: Stern, Assassins, (models really showing their age), Inquisitorial retinue (Just release a 12-man box in plastic with plenty of options, then have the really unique models (Jokaero) available separately).
Guard: Priest Models, give us a really good one with an Eviscerator, replace the current tank range with the old one again, release all the alternate regiments in boxes. Tallarn/Steel Legion combined Box, Valhallan box, Mordian/Praetorian Box. Updated Catachan range with the option for Tanith Ghosts in the same box), Ogryns - plastic versions of the same models, with parts for Nork Deddog. Stormtrooper/Veteran combined box. Rough Riders (duh!).
Nerons: C'tan (nice models, just a bit old and expensive), Warriors (a bit long in the tooth), Destroyers (ditto), Monolith (again, a bit old, and easy for people to assemble it poorly).
Orks: Gazghkull, the Warboss, Big Mek, Mad Dok Grotsnik, Meganobz, Boyz, Wartraak, Warbuggy, Big Gunz, (all old models, need modernising)
Space Wolves: Grimnar, Nyal in Power Armour, Ragnar, Ulric, Bjorn, Terminator Rune Priest, Iron Priest. (same deal as the other power armoured characters, just old)
Tau: Kroot, Vespid, Sun Shark, Devilfish/Hammerhead (old in the tooth/****e in the case of the Sun Shark)
Tyranids: Tyrant Guard/Hive Guard (update for a combined plastic kit), Warriors, Gaunts, Genestealers (just an update, old models), Zoanthrope/Red Terror/Old One Eye (just horrible ancient models), Pyrovore/Biovore (combined plastic kit)
Space Marines: Power Armoured Calgar (old model, way too 2D), Kor'sarro Kahn (needs to be modelled on his bike), Old school techmarines/Apocetharys/Standard Bearers (old school models, need to be dropped) Dreadnoughts (old models, need updating), Terminators/Scouts/Assault Marines (bit too limited with the amount of poses, and the sprues have way too many gaps) Bikes/Rhino/Razorback/Predator/Whirlwind/Vindicator/Land Raider/Crusader/Redeemer great kits, but they're starting to show their age. Plastic thunderfire cannon.

11-11-2013, 03:26 PM
Sisters of battle: Everything re-cast in plastic, add more pose's, make the Strike fighter a GW kit, death cult assassins are finecast but are still Ģ10 for two for some insane reason.
Chaos Marines: Obliterators (god awe-full model), All independent characters