View Full Version : Wrasslin'

11-01-2013, 01:01 PM
So I love wrestling. Not that rubbishy real stuff. I love me some good, honest old-school worked wrasslin' (How much? Here's an article I wrote on TV Tropes a couple of years back; it's been added to since then, but it's still mostly mine - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoYouWantTo/BeABooker). I've been a fan since the early 90's, and despite falling out of love with the WWE after HHH's Reign of Terror during the early 2000's (and not being able to get back in due to the bland homogenity of the PG-Era) I still love me some wrasslin'.

I am fairly confident I cannot be alone in this here. I was merely curious as to who else loves them some high-powered, suped-depilated, oiled-up ultraviolence/homoeroticism?

11-01-2013, 04:58 PM
Both hands up, me I love a bit of sports entertainment. Not so big into WWE now, but when it was still the WWF and Mick Foley was in action I loved it. I'm guessing for me 2000 to 2003 were the best years. When Undertaker was still good and HHH was brutal. Still Foley and his many personas were where it was at for me. He was great as a face and his mike work was brilliant, and boy could that man take a bump.
Myself and some mates took a trip to NYC in 2001 to the WWF cafe / bar. It was early December and obviously they had the Christmas thing going on. Father Christmas even showed his face to the delight of the kids there, until the Dudley Boys turned up and put old Chris Crimbal though a table. Fantastic :D

11-01-2013, 05:50 PM
Foley really was good; his work rate was never the best, but he was a great set-up man. Made everyone he fought look great. Plus, his promo skills were something else. If it wasn't for The Rock and Stone Cold, he'd have been the best in the business.

2000-2003 really was a brilliant era. Wrestlemania X-7 is still the best card the WWE has put on.

11-01-2013, 05:58 PM
We used to watch all the time when we still had cable. Even managed to meet some WWE stars at times. Great people (if you approach them right)

11-01-2013, 06:13 PM
I had a vhs of one of the big event thingies around the early nineties, Randy Savage won in the end against million dollar man possibly, hulk hogan stepped in to help out when the ref wasn't looking, hitting the guy with a chair...

edit, wrestlemania IV! it was awesome.


11-01-2013, 11:45 PM
Never been a huge WWE fan, but I have a huge appreciation of fine choreography.


11-01-2013, 11:49 PM
I quite approve of wrestling, it's an interesting analogue to the ancient Roman gladiatorial games, faux blood sport in which the participants are distinguished by various semi-fantastical themes or hyperbolic iconography.