View Full Version : New Terrain Pieces in Triumph & Treachery

10-31-2013, 01:18 PM
I got my hands on the T&T book a bit early and noticed a couple of possible new terrain pieces. I posted two pictures of possibly new terrain pieces in the T&T book. Hopefully these are not just scratch-built pieces.

Circle Type Terrain

Portal Type Terrain

Maybe another double terrain kit like the Arcane Fulcrums collection

11-02-2013, 03:51 PM
Those are definitely new and don't look like they could have been converted out of anything. Could be custom builds for the book, but hopefully we'll be able to buy them.

11-23-2013, 03:27 PM
Cool, they'd be awesome in storm of magic games. Hope the rumours saying that they're struggling to carry SOM over to 9th are wrong!

11-24-2013, 01:07 AM
90% of the 9th ed rumours floating around at the moment will be wrong. I can't imagine why carrying SoM over into 9th would be at all difficult, the monsters bit is easy (extra 25% points allowance for monsters) and the big battles just need to have their mechanics changed to match however magic works in 9th.