View Full Version : Tau 1500pts

10-30-2013, 09:55 AM
Decided to see if I could field 3 Riptides and two lots of 3 Missile Broadsides into 1500pts.

Cadre Fireblade

Fire Warriors (10)
- Shas'ui
- Markerlight and Target Lock

Fire Warriors (10)
- Shas'ui
- Markerlight and Target Lock

Fire Warriors (10)
- Shas'ui
- Markerlight and Target Lock

Pathfinders (5)

Pathfinders (5)


- Ion Accelerator

- Ion Accelerator

Broadside Team (3)
- High Yield Missiles
- Missile Drones (6)

Broadside Team (3)
- High Yield Missiles
- Missile Drones (6)

Total: 1499pts.

Patrick Boyle
10-30-2013, 12:09 PM
Well, the pathfinders probably won't live long but with all that firepower it probably doesn't matter... Interceptor would probably serve a couple of the suits well but I'm not sure where you'd get them from points wise, the infantry is already pretty light. Maybe drop a couple missile drones per broadside team. Definitely wouldn't want to be opposite that at 1500...

10-30-2013, 04:52 PM
Unless I'm up against someone who knows how to deal with Tau properly, Pathfinders should last at least 2 or 3 turns, maybe four if they're lucky. With three big suits on the table they'll draw most of the heavy fire power as well as the two Broadside teams. While only 10 strong, my plan is to hold the three Fire Warrior Teams back until turn 2 or 3, then start advancing towards any spare objectives. Obviously most players know to go for units that can hold objectives, so the trick is to limit the amount of damage they can do.

11-02-2013, 04:29 PM
if you take off the squad leaders and markers from those FW you can fit an extra 6 man squad. or a second fireblade if you want more firepower.... the fireblades are BS5 with split fire and a markerlight AND LD9. I mean personally i would go 5x6 FW and 1x12 with a fireblade because 6 scoring units are a lot to deal with. 3 fragile scoring units seems like the weakest point of the list to me