View Full Version : 2000 Marines Imperial Fists tactics

Patrick Boyle
10-30-2013, 09:06 AM
Given my actual modelled chapter is the Blood Ravens I've been trying to figure out what tactics I want to use and figure I can mix things up, so this is one of the lists I was thinking of to field Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos in. Basic idea was to make as much use of both Bolter Drill and the Devastator's Tank Hunters as possible. So here goes...

Chapter Master
- Thunder Hammer
- Shield Eternal
- Artificer Armor

5x Assault Terminators
- 2x Thunder Hammer/SS swaps(all I have modeled or there'd be more)
- Land Raider Redeemer(would prefer a crusader or even standard but it's what I have modeled at the moment)
- Multi-Melta

10x Tac Marines
- Combi-Melta
- Melta
- Rhino

10x Tac Marines
- Combi-Melta
- Melta
- Rhino

10x Tac Marines
- Combi-Flamer
- Flamer
- Rhino

10x Tac Marines(rear objective campers)
- Vet. Sarge
- Plasma Gun
- Heavy Bolter

Heavy Support
8x Devastator Squad
- 4x Lascannons

8x Devastator Squad
- 4x Heavy Bolters

Thunderfire Cannon

Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Gun

Basic idea, Bolter devastators sit on the defense line with the Quad Gun, Lascannons in some fortified piece of terrain, or vice versa. Mounted Tacticals move up as a group to mass their fire to remove targets, LRR throws itself at the highest value target to get the Gabriel and his Terminator buddies swinging. I've still got 11 points to play with here. I'd like to buy the objective camping tacs a Rhino so they have something to hide from Heldrakes in, or to move if there's nothing in the home table half to defend. I could drop the plasma gun, but then I'd still be 9 points short of another rhino and I'm not sure what else I'd drop. There's always that last vet sergeant I suppose, but I figured I wanted to be extra sure that unit wouldn't break.