View Full Version : X-Men Days of Future Past

10-29-2013, 10:10 AM
Or as it nearly was if I hadn't noticed the typo in time X-Men Days of Future Pasta.

It's a Thing now, so it get's it's own topic. It's a Thing 'cos it has a trailer:



I suspect this is what happens to most women in the presence of Michael Fassbender. They don’t know why they’re moving directly towards him, but they are.
*googles Michael Fassbender* Oh, right. Meh.

10-29-2013, 02:03 PM
Tx. First time seeing that trailer. Have to wait till I cam actually see it when I am inside with out glare.

10-29-2013, 10:27 PM
That looks AWESOME! I must see this film!

And also, it's not just women. I find myself strangely drawn to Michael Fasbender as well. I think he'd make a good Col.-Commissar Gaunt.

10-30-2013, 01:16 AM
I'm underwhelmed. The prospect of more Halle Berry yet again doing her boring version of Storm undermines any excitement I have for it.

Mr Mystery
10-30-2013, 03:07 AM
I'm underwhelmed. The prospect of more Halle Berry yet again doing her boring version of Storm undermines any excitement I have for it.

I'd agree. To date, she's really underwhelmed in that role. In fact, since she won that Oscar, has she actually done anything decent? I mean, Catwoman followed shortly after (yes, she was Catwoman. You didn't hallucinate that bit of cinema hell).

Also getting a bit bored of Wolverine. Heresy I know, but there it is.

Still looking forward to the film overall.....

10-30-2013, 03:13 AM
Thought of this when I saw the title, and the poster made it easy to fiddle with, nothing special, just kind of a haha :)


But It will be nice (IMO) to get back to the franchise.

10-30-2013, 04:57 AM
Ooh excitement. I quite like the idea of them sending Logan back to the future to start everything off. Given Picard is alive, I assuming this is set before/ignoring the terrible last stand. Which is good.

10-30-2013, 06:01 AM
If I remember correctly isn't that the original story sending logan in the past. I am not really impressed with Wolverine, but he does have the look at least. Also Storm saddens me. It's like getting a soft timid female to play wonder women. I really wish that contract would burn.

Only decent movie I seen Hale Berry in was Sword Fish. All I can say is she plays the part of a hooker or gutter trash really well. Outside of those roles not really impressed. Oh she did pretty well in boomerang, which she went from timid to trying to be strong. Anyway I wish she never won that Oscar. Wait Swordfish was before the Oscars.

I like young Magnetto. He reminds me of a James Bond with powers.

10-30-2013, 10:01 AM
If I remember correctly isn't that the original story sending logan in the past.

Nope in the original story it was Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat who got sent back in time. But for the movie series it does make more sense that Wolverine is the one sent back and not just because he's the biggest star of the series, but he does have a rapport with Xavier.

This looks interesting but I'll wait for a trailer that makes more sense before I decide whether or not it looks good. I'm hopeful for a film that manages to tie all the existing X-Men/Wolverine movies together into one reasonably coherent continuity but that is a hell of a tall ask.