View Full Version : Iron hands supplement

10-29-2013, 03:50 AM
Do we know any rules the supplement is bringing?

10-29-2013, 04:01 AM
None I have seen revealed so far.
Shouldn't be long now though :)

10-29-2013, 04:04 AM
I want to know stuff lol. Hoping for servo arms/ harnesses for hqs. Unfortunately vaylund cal makes it so i cant use chapter masters or masters of the forge. So hoping captains can have them. Every supplement moves a unit around in the force org wonder what the ih will do.

10-29-2013, 04:48 AM
I'd bet my mechanical left hand that we get a Dreadnought HQ.
Maybe sanctioned Contemptor Dreads? Dreads as scoring? A bionic upgrade with an impreved FNP save, over the 6+ from CSM?
Maybe access to more relic machines than other chapters. That's in reference to Forge World and the Fire raptor rules.

10-29-2013, 11:07 AM
Id love for dreads to have a inv save but i think thats asking for alot. Probablt wont see contemptors bc that more in forge worlds field. I love the guys but thats fe stuff. Now dreads as scoring would be awesome or even a dread char. Maybe bannus or one of the many dreads. An improvement to the 6+ fnp would be also cool even if it costed points.

10-29-2013, 12:07 PM
I am also watching this carefully. Like Vangrail, I play Sons of Medusa, but since I'm not planning to have Vaylund Cal at every engagement - I haven't even begun to plan how to model him - I have no problem with screwing around with other Iron Hands-esque rules sets in order to play what I want.

10-29-2013, 12:13 PM
That said, don't forget... we can make a few guesses:

1) The new codex might involve force org changes, especially if they give GW new bundles they can sell.
2) The new codex might involve special versions of existing wargear (Strength 8 plasma cannons, AP 1 lascannons).
3) The new codex might involve a new version of an existing model that can be built using the same kit and altered appropriately (ie. they can use apothecaries the way that Blood Angels use Sanguinary Priests, as Independent Characters).
4) New special characters that can be reasonably modeled using existing kits (but this is the least likely).
5) New relics that look just like existing gear (it's a special power sword!).

What I think we will NOT see:

1) New units.
2) New special characters who really require a new kit.
3) Entirely new wargear.
4) New wargear options (sniper rifles on devastator squads! Autocannons on tactical marines!).

10-29-2013, 09:05 PM
I use vaylund cal all the time. He is easily my favorite char. Here is my conversion im still working on painting him. Also there is a marine for size comparison. 5473

10-29-2013, 09:06 PM
also here is a rear blurry shot. sorry for bad quality photo. 5474

10-29-2013, 09:20 PM
Nice conversion, looks really good

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-29-2013, 10:31 PM
4) New wargear options (sniper rifles on devastator squads! Autocannons on tactical marines!).Huh, makes me wonder - MEQ kits are so interchangeable, I wonder if supplements will introduce "new" wargear options/units that simply use another army's kit? Say, a Blood Ravens supplement that has psyker squads made from Grey Knight and Tactical Squad kits.

10-29-2013, 10:38 PM
Huh, makes me wonder - MEQ kits are so interchangeable, I wonder if supplements will introduce "new" wargear options/units that simply use another army's kit? Say, a Blood Ravens supplement that has psyker squads made from Grey Knight and Tactical Squad kits.

My guess would be no.

Don't get me wrong - I think it's a great idea. But, the fact is that after the Chapterhouse debacle, GW has become very squirrelly about releasing books that include stuff they don't have the models for, or don't plan to produce soon. The longest delay so far has been for some Dark Elf stuff, and they did a pretty good job of getting that second wave out quickly. Stuff that could theoretically be made from GW kits... I don't know. I don't think that their corporate branch - in its current incarnation - has that kind of imagination. I think they'd say "can we afford to make a kit for this?" and if the answer is no, they would can it. They'd bee too afraid of the business going to a company like Chapterhouse, or to an online bits retailer, that they wouldn't want to risk it.

Remember, we are talking about the company that once - long ago - released a magazine that included instructions for making vindicators out of rhino kits using hobby supplies you could get at your local model train store. And, more recently, tried to shut down a tiny independent author for using the words "Space Marine" in the title of her book. I'm not trying to bash GW... but at present, this is not a company that is full of life and imagination and happy to create awesome stuff regardless of whether or not they have found a way to capitalize it. Emperor willing, they will one day be that company again, but at the moment? I don't think so.

10-30-2013, 12:53 AM
Not too muchlonger to wait for it. Just with we had more rules confermed for it. Hope someone day one buys it and gives us the rundown.

11-07-2013, 11:19 PM
Did the supplement come out yet?