View Full Version : Farsight missions?

10-26-2013, 09:13 AM
So I don't have a tablet, and therefore have had to be content to wait for my dead-tree edition of Farsight's supplement. Today I learn it will be at least another week before I have it in my hands - it isn't in yet. Delayed in shipment to my Independent store, you see.

Anyhoo. Would a kind soul with either format of the supplement be willing to give a precis of the missions? Please?

10-27-2013, 10:15 AM
The first mission is, by fluff, more or less a practice mission for the Tau. Deployment is along long table edges up to within 9" of the center line. The opponent deploys first. Tau go first on a 2+. Tau wins if they destroy more units than game turns in the game. The Tau player also gets bonuses to reserves and precision shots, and may ignore the 50% limitation for holding units in reserve.

Second mission follows regular long-edge deployment. Enemy deploys first, Tau second. Roll off for first turn. It's a kill point mission, plus there's something called cohesion where the enemy gets one point for each unit that is within D6+6" of another unit (rolled once at the end of the game) while the Tau player gets 1VP for each enemy unit outside cohesion of another unit. There are a couple minor special rules, including that if the Tau Warlord would roll for Warlord trait, they instead get Way of the Broken Sword automatically and that both sides don't have limits on reserves.

Third mission is alternative Vanguard deployment (9" from the center), with opponent deploying first, Tau second, then opponent getting to roll to Seize. Throughout the game you keep a tally of all units you destroy in the assault phase. The Tau player wins if they destroy more than half as many units in the Assault phase as their opponent. Mission special rules include Tau units getting +1 WS and Stubborn (which can go away), the Warlord trait being determined as Way of the Short Blade if you would roll, and no limits on reserves for either player.

Fourth mission is Orks vs. Tau. Tau must include Farsight while Orks must include a Warboss as Warlord. Four objectives are placed in alternating fashion, at least 18" from a short board edge. Orks deploy first within 18" of one short board edge, Tau within 24" inches of the other. Orks go first unless initiative is seized. Objectives are 2VPs. Tau get 1VP for each ork Character removed, and each side gets 1VP for each enemy unit destroyed in the assault phase. Linebreaker is different for Orks, giving them 1VP for each scoring or denial unit in the Tau deployment zone. Tau don't get the Ork hunters rule. It is night fight turn one and continues each turn unless a 6 is rolled. Night Vision rule is ignored for this game. Each turn with Night fighting in effect, the player whose turn it is rolls a die, on a 4+ they place a large blast template within 12" of a board edge at least 1" from models and terrain - the marker is impassible, blocks line of sight and scatters 2d6" each player turn. Any units hit by the blast take 2D6 s9 hits and then the marker is removed.

Next is Tau vs. Space Marines, and the Space Marines can't include Fortifications. D3+2 primary objectives as normal rules. Deployment is normal long edge deployment - SM go first. Tau get first turn. Objectives are 5VPs to the SM and 1 to Tau. SM get 1VP for destroyed units while Tau get 2VP. Mission special rules include a single EMP the Tau can activate that goes off on a 2+, hitting all vehicles with a haywire hit. SM troops and HS units removed are placed into Ongoing Reserves at the end of the following SM turn. At least 50% of the Tau army must begin in reserve, but can re-roll reserves and all have Outflank.

Next is Tau vs. Orks who include a Warboss and a unit of Flash Gitz with Badrukk and 2 units of Lootas or Flash Gitz and no fortifications. Normal long edge deployment. Orks deploys up to half his army, rest in reserve. Tau may not keep units in reserve besides flyers. Orks get first turn unless Tau sieze. Tau get D3 VPs for each unit they move off the Ork board edge. Farsight is worth 3VP off the board edge. Orks get 1VP for each unit destroyed.Ork ranged weapons are +1S. Orks get outflank and come in on a 2+. Tau get an orbital strike each turn.

There are two more - against daemons and Tyranids, but I have to run and will summarize them later.

10-27-2013, 05:40 PM
The last two scenarios might be the most interesting and cinematic. The first is against daemons, and the tau player must field Farsight and an Ethereal while the Daemons can only include daemons of Tzeentch and/or Khorne, and must include a Khorne Daemon Prince, a Bloodthirster, and a Lord of Change. No other special characters may be taken. There must be a Shrine to Chaos in the center of the board. Daemons deploy first anywhere at least 30" from the center of the board with up to half the force. Tau deploy second within 12" of the center of the board. Finally, a unit of 20 Slugga Boyz are deployed in the Daemon deployment zone at least 1" from any models. Tau get first turn unless Daemons seize. The tau player nominates 3 characters in the army to carry a Talisman of Arthas Moloch (for free). If two of these characters are in the daemon deployment zone at the end of the game, the Tau player wins. If the ethereal is killed, the daemons win. Any other result is a draw. Also, the daemons can re-roll on the warpstorm table.

The final mission is the Eight against up to 1,500 points of Tyranids led by the Swarmlord. Deployment is along short board edges, Tau within 18" of the board edge while Tyranids are within 24". The Tau deployment zone should feature a bastion and "as many buildings and/or ruins as possible. Tyranids deploy first and go first unless seized. The Tau player rolls 2D3+1 at the end of each turn - if the result is equal or less than the turn number, the game ends immediately. The Tau win if the game ends because of this. The Tyranids must kill all non-drones and cause a catastrophic breach, total collapse, or Detonation! on the bastion. Special rules for the game allow each of the Eight for the Tau get FnP and It Will Not Die while the Tyranids get an endless swarm, where removed non-HQ units removed go to Ongoing reserves at the end of each Tyranid turn.

10-28-2013, 12:44 PM
Much obliged, sir or ma'am. Thank you very much!