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08-01-2009, 10:16 PM
Hey BoLS and BoLS-ettes, what's up?

Uhh, where to start?

I'm Chum, I've been playing 40k since 3rd edition, Fantasy since 7th came out. I have Dark Angels, Orks, Imperial Guard, Daemons, and Skaven. I'm thinking of expanding into Tau/Eldar and Dark Elves/Lizardmen/Bretonnians. When I'm not playing Warhams or thinking about it, I'm playing the vidya, making out with hot celebrities, and going to class/work when the mood suits.

I am a competitive player, I have the most fun going up against a good player pitting his strong list against mine. I do enjoy the friendlies, in fact that's the majority of my games, and a little Apoc/Planetstrike/CoD can be fun from time to time with the right people.

I'm here to help everyone improve their game and make competitive 40k fun and challenging.

I can be harsh, to the point, and brutally honest, but that doesn't mean we can't have a good time eh?

08-01-2009, 10:19 PM
Welcome to a Lounge that is truly BoLS.

08-01-2009, 10:31 PM
Welcome to a Lounge that is truly BoLS.

I love BoLS

08-01-2009, 11:07 PM
Welcome to the Lounge Chumbalaya!

08-01-2009, 11:08 PM
For a minute I thought no-one else would welcome you. Maybe you can be as popular here as me!

08-02-2009, 07:47 AM
Welcome to the Lounge! And actually, some of us do have to sleep from time to time, so there's about an eight hour break where most of us aren't around except for Joe who's on vampire shifts.

08-02-2009, 08:08 AM

08-03-2009, 03:41 PM
I'm Chum, I've been playing 40k since 3rd edition, Fantasy since 7th came out. I have Dark Angels, Orks, Imperial Guard, Daemons, and Skaven. I'm thinking of expanding into Tau/Eldar .. (snip)

Sounds like we share a lot of armies. What WH40K armies are you playing now? I'd love to see some recent lists!

-- MKerr

08-03-2009, 05:06 PM
I'm playing Orks at the moment, my Dark Angels are in the process of being optimized for 5th (Rhinos are expensive), my Daemons are still WIP, as are my Guard.

When I get a chance I'll share what I can.