View Full Version : Sisters of Battle Alternate models.

10-25-2013, 04:03 AM
No doubt this a is a topic that's already been raised elsewhere, what with the release of a new Codex and all. However I may have missed it, anyway no doubt like many of you I'm now considering incorporating a small allied Sisters of Battle contingent into my force.

However I do not wish to pay the GW price and was simply wondering as to where anyone could suggest some good alternates? I'm looking for 5-10 models.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks

10-25-2013, 05:47 AM
You'll be lucky. Models of female soldiers are generally rarer than rocking horse poop, and as for SoB equivelants (i.e.: women in power armour)? Nope. Nothing comes remotely close; the stuff that would be usable tends to be collector's stuff, and so not cheaper.

Your best bet is Privateer Press; you could potentially use some of the Cygnar models, but you'd really have to look (and they'll probably be the same price as SoB anyway, so you won't make any savings).

Puppets War might have some bits that are usable, but I'm not sure. I'm saying now that I doubt it. Plus, they're generally just as expensive as GW, if not moreso.

Bottom line, you want SoB, you're going to be paying absolutely top dollar, because there's nothing else like them, apart from stuff that's the same price or higher. Even on eBay, the prices are no better (and this was before the new codex made them actually desirable. Now? You'll probably pay more than on the GW website), but you might get lucky.

10-25-2013, 06:12 AM
Check out toughest girls in the galaxy, their models are not out yet but they have just done a kickstarter and they have a faction perfect for SOB.

10-25-2013, 06:17 AM
House of esher models are cheaper and you can green stuff armour.

I seen dark eldar sister or was it esher conversions on the net.

10-25-2013, 06:31 AM
House of esher models are cheaper

Escher models are now out of production; you'll be paying collector's prices on eBay - expect about £5 to £7 a model.

Dark Eldar conversions are a possibility, but that's a huge amount of difficult conversion work, so go into it with your eyes open.

10-25-2013, 07:43 AM
Last I looked you could get the Escher models on the necromunda site for products. However that was months ago.

10-25-2013, 08:08 AM
I'm going to make a large Sororitas army, cheap, by making them traitor heretics and using the old rogue trader plastic beakies with head swaps. The old RT beakies are physically smaller than the current Space Marine line so it fits a S3/T3 statline, and they can be made pretty dynamic if you cut off one leg and repose it with green stuff. They will fit with a traitor guard army quite well, and I can get beakies on eBay for less than $2 apiece (if I didn't already have enough for the army). I figure that "holy warriors of the church" will work just as well for heretical chaos worshippers, and there is no reason why they couldn't be men. And that opens up a lot of other cheaper miniatures (I will be converting Flagellants into both Battle Conclaves and into Repentia, but you could easily use Chaos Cultist conversions for them).

It won't be a "true" SoB army, but it will be very obviously WYSIWYG and with units clearly matched to their roles and weapons.

10-25-2013, 08:19 AM
Last I looked you could get the Escher models on the necromunda site for products. However that was months ago.

Yeah, they discontinued all Specialist Games about three months ago (maybe more). Last time I checked the site was before I posted; you can't get Eschers any more, except second hand.

and I can get beakies on eBay for less than $2 apiece

You've been lucky; I've not seen them for anything like so good a price.

10-25-2013, 08:29 AM
Buy a buch of banshees and replace the heads with human female heads. May need to bit order boltguns and lose the swords.

10-25-2013, 08:32 AM
Dark Eldar, like http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/234118-sisters-of-silence-custodes-mechanicum/

10-25-2013, 02:10 PM
Check out toughest girls in the galaxy, their models are not out yet but they have just done a kickstarter and they have a faction perfect for SOB.
Second that one. Lots of character in the models, Iron Empire girls would probably be a good fit.

10-25-2013, 03:15 PM
"and I can get beakies on eBay for less than $2 apiece
You've been lucky; I've not seen them for anything like so good a price. "

I'm talking about the really old plastic ones that look like they're squatting and are smaller than normal Marines. The metal ones that are of the same scale are a lot more expensive, but you can find people unloading some really old armies cheaply. I got mine with an army that actually had the old deodorant-stick as-a-Predator, and everything was from the same time period.

10-25-2013, 03:42 PM
I'm talking about the really old plastic ones that look like they're squatting and are smaller than normal Marines.

So am I.

You've been very lucky.

10-25-2013, 11:45 PM
If you're looking for 5 models, eBay / BarterTown should work

10-26-2013, 03:21 AM
Toughest Girls in the Galaxy "Iron Empire" figures will make great Sisters' figures when they are available.

Throw in the Kurganovas' Soul Weavers for some Holy Weirdness. They even do Iron Empire Jet Girls for your fast attack choices.

The basic figures have ball joints to make them poseable too and the figures will come with a whole bunch of special and heavy weapons .

They do a great looking "Penitent Engine" too and Nuns on bikes :) for Allied Space Marine Scout Bikers.

Nertha will make an excellent, creepy Sister Celestine and is even available in an epic 54mm version.

Having said all of the above, the RRP for a full squad of 10 figures (one box of Troopers and another box of Command) would be $43 for Regular Troopers and $50 for Heavy Troopers.