View Full Version : Exorcists or Sons of Medusa?

10-24-2013, 12:13 PM
I have a quandary before me.

http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110328183729/warhammer40k/images/thumb/d/d1/Brother_Mark_VII.jpg/250px-Brother_Mark_VII.jpg http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110226093316/warhammer40k/images/thumb/b/b5/Mark_VII_Brother_Initiate.jpg/250px-Mark_VII_Brother_Initiate.jpg

With the new Forgeworld update, my hopes for a mechanically unique Exorcists chapter have been truly dashed. It's really frustrating, but it looks like Forgeworld just doesn't like the Exorcists as much as I do.

Well, that's that. The question is, where to go from here? The thing is, I don't want a generic marines force. I already play Knights of Blood, assault-happy Blood Angels successors. If I'm going to have a more conventional marines force, I want it to remain distinct, unique, cool.

So, I'm thinking of stripping my marines and starting again with a Sons of Medusa force. I'd use the Iron Hands Chapter Tactics, field Vaylund Cal as often as I can, and use appropriately modeled cyber-devastators for the Toughness 5. Additionally, this kind of list would encourage me to field dreadnoughts, devastators, and other ranged shooty stuff, which is nicely distinct from my up close and bloody Knights.

Additionally, green is my favorite color, and I have depressingly few green armies.

I don't really feel too bad about stripping stuff, even though it's a pain in the butt. I have decided to come to peace with the fact that as an ADHD gamer - as in I actually have ADHD, in addition to my interest flitting from faction to faction and game to game with no real rhyme or reason - I am going to occasionally strip old projects and start again... just 'cause. It beats buying everything from scratch!

But before I start to make any serious decisions, I want to know what you think! You are my external wisdom hard drive. What do you think I should do?

10-24-2013, 12:49 PM
Hands down Sons of Medusa, Iron Hands have always been my favorite chapter but I struggle with the blandness of their armour. Sons of Medusa offer a nice compromise for me personally. I considered them myself despite just starting Blood Ravens. The bright green is a lovely colour and with the white helms and bionics could look sweet. Vaylund is a great character and now you can officially use him with the IH chapter tactics that's really cool. Let me know if you do decide to give them a go, I'm tempted and we could spur each other on with maybe a combined thread on here to keep us both dedicated to the cause :)
Me if I do have a stab at them, I may use Ferrus as the base for Vaylunds model.

10-24-2013, 12:53 PM
Me if I do have a stab at them, I may use Ferrus as the base for Vaylunds model.

I think I'd start with the warpsmith model. Lots of mechanical tentacly bits.

10-24-2013, 01:16 PM

So, I'm thinking of stripping my marines and starting again with a Sons of Medusa force. I'd use the Iron Hands Chapter Tactics, field Vaylund Cal as often as I can, and use appropriately modeled cyber-devastators for the Toughness 5. Additionally, this kind of list would encourage me to field dreadnoughts, devastators, and other ranged shooty stuff, which is nicely distinct from my up close and bloody Knights.

Additionally, green is my favorite color, and I have depressingly few green armies.


Honestly, it sounds like you've made your choice and you just want that push towards it ;) In this game, you have to do what makes you happy, otherwise you burn out. If the lackluster rules for the Exorcists leave you wanting, then you will likely leave them on the shelf when you go to play and we're back to less enjoyment and happy.

Make the Sons of Medusa, you like green, you say you are an ADHD gamer, this will keep you happy and busy and give you an army you enjoy fielding, plus is sounds like you already have the plan on how to field them =)


10-24-2013, 01:52 PM
Well, there's finally some representation for the Iron Hands lineage. You get a special character and if you like Dreadnoughts you can field 6 of them, or 3 squads of tough as nails T5 Devastators. Stick 'em on a Skyshield Pad for T5 4+ Inv save with crazy firepower and a hideously expensive unit. Plus, it's that fun shade of green that'll make your friends go: "What? Are you starting Orks now?" When you buy 6 pots of Warpstone Green and then when they bring a mechanized force to mess with your hordes, BAM! 3 Devastator squads with Lascannons!

10-24-2013, 03:18 PM
I agree. You've made your mind up :)

I really like the notion of the exorcists, and the fact their chapter symbol was the old librarian symbol is cool. However, without the specific and different chapter tactics you wanted, make a change.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-24-2013, 03:43 PM
Personally, I'd go for Exorcists using Red Hunters Chapter Tactics. That'd let them Battle-bro in Grey Knights goodies, which would fit well.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-24-2013, 05:48 PM


10-25-2013, 02:34 AM
Personally, I'd go for Exorcists using Red Hunters Chapter Tactics. That'd let them Battle-bro in Grey Knights goodies, which would fit well.

Yes, this seems a very good plan.

10-25-2013, 03:56 AM
I obviously vote sons lol. they are a cool chapter and they give you some fun options for converting. Personally i think i represented vaylund cal nicely.

10-25-2013, 04:58 AM
I don't think its that FW doesn't like the Exorcists, I think its that GW put them in the main Codex and said they could take any Chapter Tactics, so FW were kind of stuffed

10-25-2013, 01:00 PM
Exorcists could be really cool to do also. I always wanted to see a model of their fw char.

10-25-2013, 01:23 PM
I don't think its that FW doesn't like the Exorcists, I think its that GW put them in the main Codex and said they could take any Chapter Tactics, so FW were kind of stuffed

I suppose they could have retconned it with something like "if you are playing with Forgeworld rules, you have the option to use this Chapter Tactics." But they didn't, so here we are, regardless.

Personally, I'd go for Exorcists using Red Hunters Chapter Tactics. That'd let them Battle-bro in Grey Knights goodies, which would fit well.

I'll... consider that.

Honestly though, part of the appeal is just switching colors. I get to paint a lot of red with my Knights of Blood. Well, red and silver. But the vehicles are mostly red, with silver stuff added.

10-25-2013, 01:43 PM
Flip a coin. Chaos is always fair.

10-25-2013, 03:13 PM
In my opinion forging a new chapter is more fun than following GW or FWs paint rules and all that jazz for said spec chapter. Then you can tailor to your play style. With a cool or tragic story.

10-25-2013, 07:33 PM
Honestly though, part of the appeal is just switching colors. I get to paint a lot of red with my Knights of Blood. Well, red and silver. But the vehicles are mostly red, with silver stuff added.
A new army should be an adventure in painting with different colors. Go with the Sons of Medusa. You can even try some freehand work by painting Medusa heads on the vehicles, all fangs and red eyes and snakey hair. That would look fantastic.*

*If you read that in the 9th Doctor's voice, you rock.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-26-2013, 01:28 PM
Honestly though, part of the appeal is just switching colors. I get to paint a lot of red with my Knights of Blood. Well, red and silver. But the vehicles are mostly red, with silver stuff added.Makes sense, wanted to get my thoughts on Exorcists/Red Hunters out though :P

If you're planning to model Vaylund Cal, check out this conversion on B&C (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281427-iron-hands-chapter-master/?p=3490279). The poster intends it to be an Iron Hands Master on bike, but damn if the concept isn't perfect for Vaylund.

10-26-2013, 02:59 PM
If you're planning to model Vaylund Cal, check out this conversion on B&C (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281427-iron-hands-chapter-master/?p=3490279). The poster intends it to be an Iron Hands Master on bike, but damn if the concept isn't perfect for Vaylund.

I'd probably tone it down a little - a biker has a much larger profile than a 40mm base, so that exact build would be too big -but the basic concept is solid. I've definitely got to get some watch parts for conversions.

10-26-2013, 09:32 PM
My vaylund cal is made out of the body and legs of the forge world pre heresy terminators bc its smaller then a normal termi. Arms from the dark angels termis the halberd. Replaced the halberd head with a gear/hammer bit i made. Shoulders are two ven dread chest pieces. Then used a normal servo harness and made it connect on the back. Head is from the iron hands tac squad. Ill post a pic later. I think i represented him well he is large, but not too big.