View Full Version : 1000 Guard for Team Tournament

10-22-2013, 05:35 PM
Hey all just looking for some C & C on my guard list for an upcoming team tourney this weekend. Its 1000 points per player and I'll be paired up with my buddy's Crimson Fists. Still waiting for his email to see exactly what he's bringing, but it will be something along the lines of Pedro w/ Sternguard in a drop pod, a couple tac squads, and a couple dev squads (one with lascannons, the other with ????). Anyway, on to my list...

Company Command Squad 75 pts
-4x Sniper Rifles

Veteran Squad 155 pts
-3x Meltaguns
-Chimera w/hull Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad 155 pts
-3x Meltaguns
-Chimera w/hull Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad 170 pts
-3x Plasma Guns
-Chimera w/hull Heavy Flamer

1x Vendetta 130 pts
1x Vendetta 130 pts

Leman Russ Demolisher 185 pts
-Heavy Bolter Sponsons

TOTAL-1000 pts

I know the sniper command squad is a little odd but I've had an incredible amount of success with it lately. Basic strategy for most games will be for the marines to stay at home with the objectives and send the vets out to have some fun with pedro when he drops in. The devvies will focus on anti tank and the demolisher will target the juicy things like termies and help with anti tank when needed, the vendettas will focus on antil air since they're the only thing in the list that can, and then just do what vendettas like to do (You know, kill...well, everything. :p). So i guess that's about it. Any thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated!

10-22-2013, 05:53 PM
Not too shabby. Other than the sniper rifles, I'd play it. If they're working for you, though, enjoy them!

10-22-2013, 06:19 PM
Yeah i figured people would be put off by the snipers. I'm only playing my Vostroyan guard models though, and I'll only play ones that are painted. So my only options other than sniper rifles would be flamers, grenade launchers, or a lascannon heavy weapons team.

Dave Mcturk
10-23-2013, 11:46 AM
never even really studied the guard codex ... no-one uses them round me !
are guard snipers better than eldar rangers ?? or is it just that being in a large squad keeps them alive and on table a bit longer ? ??

10-23-2013, 12:04 PM
For your command squad, if you're going to be dropping in snipers, why would you give them Melta Bombs too? You're not going to be getting close, so find somewhere else to drop those 5 points.

Can you actually put the Lascannon team in the command squad? Because if you can, I would totally do that.

10-23-2013, 05:18 PM
The melta bombs are there because there isn't really another good way for me to spend 5 points. The lascannon in a command squad is the same price as the 4 snipers. So, drop the snipers and meltabombs, add the lascannon team. Leaves me with 5 points to spend. Any suggestions?

10-23-2013, 05:43 PM
The melta bombs are there because there isn't really another good way for me to spend 5 points. The lascannon in a command squad is the same price as the 4 snipers. So, drop the snipers and meltabombs, add the lascannon team. Leaves me with 5 points to spend. Any suggestions?

Lascannon team and a sniper rifle.

10-24-2013, 10:19 AM
Give Meltabombs to the Plasma Vet Sergeant (I forget if vet Sergeants can)? Then that squad can help with heavy armor in a pinch.