View Full Version : FW Large scale marine

bloodangel 83
10-22-2013, 07:52 AM
Has any body bought and put together the large FW SM model and any tips on assembly? I thinking about building one for BA as Sgt Rafen from the BA books. Charlie

10-22-2013, 10:00 AM
Ya I got one and chopped him into pieces and reposed him as a veteran Sgt White Scar. Odd that.
Scratch built a head, and painting one part at a time, in a larger version of my Tabletop guys.
Sorry if the pics are too big, Im a wee bit special when it comes to uploading.
The scars are a mix of injuries and ritual scars, but the odd thing is, he looks like my dad.
Apart from the power armour and missing eye......

10-22-2013, 10:11 AM
I know Meph did one and as a Blood Angel too. Came out really stunning.

bloodangel 83
10-22-2013, 10:13 AM
McNutter, your marine looks like hre got into a fight with a gene stealer and live. Nice work. and welcome to the site

10-22-2013, 10:36 AM
Cheers mate, been on BoLS for a while, but first time I actually posted on this forum.
I am painting him a bit at a time, but im leaving the army and that is taking priority right now.
Thanks for the compliments, but i'm not sure about the head......I am considering re-doing it.

Also, the stealer is not a bad idea......a trophy of some sort. Perhaps a necklace of claws.