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View Full Version : My Very First WFB List - Wood Elves

10-21-2013, 02:14 PM
So I'm just starting out with WFB and I've picked Wood Elves as my army. I like their aesthetic, I like their underdog, but still elves feel and I love fast finesse armies. For some context, I play 40k and I love me some Dark Eldar with Jetbike Eldar allies.

Anyway, on to the list. I bought a bunch of models and am currently assembling them and here's my first thoughts on a 1500 point army.


Spellweaver - Level 4 upgrade, Power Stone, Obsidian Lodestone - 325
(deploying with the scouts)

BSB Noble - Battle Standard Bearer, Hail of Doom Arrow, Dragonhelm, Asyendi's Bane - 152
(Deploying Solo)


Glade Guard(10) - Musician, Banner of Eternal Flames - 153

Scouts (5) - 85

Dryads (11) - 132


Wardancers (6) - Bladesinger - 122

Treekin (3) - 195


Treeman - 285

Great Eagle - 50

I have about 25 more Glade Guard, 8 Glade Riders and could easily "counts as" some scouts as Waywatchers or the Eagle as a noble ON an eagle.

I'd love any comments and criticism, or just play advice. Thanks!