View Full Version : First game Flawless Victory!

10-21-2013, 12:26 PM
Care or Care not but you kind hearted people of the bols community! come share in my joy of having won my very first game of 40k! It was tense affair as I cast my die for the first time :)

But my 750pts of Grey Knights captained by the incredibly badass Sir Markus Red Blade, were able to successfully wrestle control of the ancient alien relic of the Necrons and hopefully kick off what will be a long and illustrious 40k career with a victory!

Before this point I'd only played the trial game in my local GW, which was fun but nothing in comparison to the entertainment of leading my own troops into the fray!

Man this game is fun!

Nostalgia moment who remembers there first game? Or are you all to venerable to hark back to such days?

10-21-2013, 12:30 PM
well done, I hope you continue to enjoy all games as much.
first game would be 5th edition warhammer starter box set, bretonnians vs lizardmen, some fifteen years ago. first 40k game would be the 3rd edition boxed set space marines vs dark eldar a year or two later.

10-21-2013, 12:31 PM
Huzzah! Congratulations.

All I remember of my first game is that we spent more time setting up and trying to understand the rules than I did actually playing...

10-21-2013, 01:01 PM
My first game was The Battle at the Farm out of Rogue Trader against an old girlfriend.
My Space Marines won the day.

10-21-2013, 01:03 PM
Of course now the thing is to consider what worked well, what didn;t what you want to improve for next time and what new plastics to buy :D

10-21-2013, 01:38 PM
My first game was back in the early 90s... 91?...

Rogue Trader.. playing with a friend's marines.. then I went out and started buying Eldar =)

10-21-2013, 01:49 PM
Well done matey :) good for you.

My 1st victory came with my tau army back in 4th against my mates Necrons. Wiped the floor with him so badly he considered dropping the army lol. I bought him beer and all was well again.

10-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Bully for you! I had to wait about a month before my first victory.

10-21-2013, 03:20 PM
Care or Care not but you kind hearted people of the bols community! come share in my joy of having won my very first game of 40k! It was tense affair as I cast my die for the first time :)

Congratulations! Here's to many more!

My first game was The Battle at the Farm out of Rogue Trader against an old girlfriend.
My Space Marines won the day.

Ha! My first experience was similar, with my Orks being utterly crushed.
A huge wave of nostalgia made me google Battle at the Farm, and I came across this http://www.wpggamegeeks.blogspot.ca/2012/04/battle-at-farm-40k-rt-battle-report.html


10-21-2013, 07:04 PM
My only flawless victory was with mono tzeentch

3 flamers
3 flamers
3 flamers
5 horrors bolt
5 horrors bolt
5 horrors bolt
5 horrors bolt
Tzeentch Chariot Bolt and Gaze
Tzeentch Prince Bolt and Gaze
Tzeentch Prince Bolt and Gaze
Soul Grinder

Basically I fought Chaos Marines and Thanks to the Masque I was able to wile out 80 percent of the army via shooting. I lost one horror thanks to re rollabe plus four invulnerable saves. Next turn I wiped him off the board.

Lesson learn not to bunch up against flamers in 5th. Also the Masque was OP, especially with a 3 plus re rollable invulnerable save thanks to Fate Weaver.

10-22-2013, 01:04 AM

My first game since getting back in the hobby was.....my Thousand Sons warband versus a Dark Eldar Kabal. I predictably lost, but my opponent really helped me to learn the rules of the game. Before that it would have been my Orks versus my elder brothers' Necrons.