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10-21-2013, 12:30 AM
Finally finished my first unit! It's only taken me about 6 years!!!!!!

Shields are custom built from balsa wood, each one is unique and painted with the army colours... I kind of like having some unifying colours across the army as a whole, in this case the Green/white is a theme that should appear on every model


10-21-2013, 03:46 AM
Finally finished my first unit! It's only taken me about 6 years!!!!!!

Shields are custom built from balsa wood, each one is unique and painted with the army colours... I kind of like having some unifying colours across the army as a whole, in this case the Green/white is a theme that should appear on every model


Well the result is worth of the six years.;) A really nice looking unit.

10-21-2013, 05:34 AM
Thanks man! :)

Trying to work on some Black Knights next, using some kind of conversion between 6th? ed knights and empire knights for something a bit unique