View Full Version : Blood crusher rules?

10-19-2013, 08:10 PM
What are khorne blood crusher rules? I have a beastmen army i kinda wanna convert to deamons and i have plenty of minotaurs....

Archon Charybdis
10-20-2013, 10:01 AM
Can't share the unit rules on the internet, you need to have a copy of the codex for reference. Can say they normally come on a MC base and are cavalry, they're really not that great in the new book though. If you want a fast Khorne unit that'll really mess people up, Fleshhounds and the Bloodthirster are where it's at.

10-20-2013, 11:00 AM
I can say they use to be very similar to Thunder Calf, but lost the extra tougness ans three plus save. They are good with KaranK which gives the unit scout. However I seen people take a herald per crusher to make the squad t5 instead of 4. Oh they all have power weapons instead of rending. Well power swords I meant to say since power weapons would be good and I would start taking them.

With that said hounds are better since for the same amount of points you get an extra wound and an extra attack, no power weapons, and Karanak isn't needed. Attaching a Khorne Herald to the Hounds have worked for me very well.

The 3 herald with 3 crushers work nice due to wound allocation sillyness. Endurance is rather welcomed and +2 invulnerable saves as well.

If you like them I say run with them, but if you are being competitive I wouldn't bother. I'm pissed since I took a long time getting them ready.

10-20-2013, 01:08 PM
Hmmm maybe ill pass lol. Just thought it would be cool to use my minotaurs as something. Im getting away from fantasy its just so damn plain to me and not tatical.

10-20-2013, 01:28 PM
Not saying it's a bad unit. With Karnak it can be very threaing in conjunction with hounds. The crushers can kill units that the hounds may have trouble tying up or killing. However I would probably target and kill the crushers over the hounds if karanak gives them scout.