View Full Version : Where next in the Heresy?

10-19-2013, 03:31 PM
I haven't really started the Heresy novels in chronological order, based on the stella' reviews I'd heard of the Thousand Sons and Propsero Burn's I jumped into the series at this point, and I've just finished Prospero Burns and thoroughly enjoyed them, they are the first two novels in the Horus Heresy I've read and not only that the very first black Library novels I've read.

Just wondering where you guys would suggest I head next? Doesn;t have to be from the Heresy unless you'd recommend it. quite simply I'm amazed by the quality and expansiveness of the Black Library, surley no other system can boast such a heavily supported fluff section, can't wait to sink my teeth into more.

Apologiese if this is the wrong section for posting about the black Library I wasn't sure where to post!

10-19-2013, 04:26 PM
Honestly? I would highly suggest starting back at the beginning with "Horus Rising," "False Gods," and "Galaxy in Flames." I've read the series completely and in order and I think it makes a difference, but at the very least the opening trilogy is really well done. As far as individual novels go I think "Know No Fear" may by my favorite...

10-19-2013, 04:42 PM
my favourite, besides the two Sons vs. Wolves you've read, would have to be Fear to Tread... or Angel Exterminatus... simply because of the Primarchs... but most of the Heresy books are really good, so I'd second the recommendation of starting at the beginning... besides that, I'd have to ask: What army/armies do you play? Reading a book about your army/chapter/whatever is really fun :)

10-19-2013, 05:08 PM
I like the Ciaphas Cain books, they get repetitive eventually but books 1, 3 and 4 are all pretty good.

Heresy wise books 1-5 are all worth your time, I also like Nemesis (nicely self-contained) and First Heretic (lots of good mythology here)

Outside of 40K, the Malus Darkblade series is one of my favourites.

10-19-2013, 06:02 PM
Read 1-4 next, you can then pick and choose at your leisure.

If you want some fantasy give the nagash trilogy a try!

10-19-2013, 06:59 PM
I was thinking in my first post only in terms of the Heresy series, which is overall quite good. Outside of that I would recommend the "Eisenhorn" and "Ravenor" trilogies (Eisenhorn remains one of my all time favorite series) as well as the "Gaunt's Ghosts" series. The "Enforcer" trilogy by Mathew Farrer are also excellent (particularly the first one).

10-20-2013, 02:59 AM
THere are some that can be read in any order, and others which have a definite order to them. You can read Nemesis at any time, for instance, but if you read Know No Fear without having read The First Heretic you miss a lot of context on the Word Bearers (although this is exactly what I did).

Horus Rising through Eisenstein is a must.

Make sure you've read Legion, a Thousand Sons, Prospero Burns, Fear to Tread, Vulkan Lives, the Dark Angels short stories (not the novels necessarily), Know No Fear and Betrayer at least before Unremembered Empire. UE is the start of a new chapter in the Heresy series, where a lot of plot strands come together and are then sent off in different directions.

10-21-2013, 12:33 PM
Good stuff, Cap'nSmurfs. I'm trying to go through the series in order myself (though I'd previously read Prospero Burns). I'll echo that 1-4 are excellent. I'm on book 9 now, and so far Flight of the Eisenstein and Legion are my favorites. Mechanicum (Book 9) is pretty good so far (about 50% through).

10-23-2013, 01:57 AM
The Night Lord novels are well worth a read too. Very well put together and very dark.

Eisenhorn trilogy and the first 6 or 7 Gaunts ghost novels are the IMO the best BL has to offer.

Space Wolf the first 3 books are good if you enjoy Wolves and a bit of cheese!

I'd avoid the Space Marine battle books as there mostly total tosh. Battle for the Fang is the only exception and if you enjoyed the 30K wolves these are 32K wolves and really very good.

Looking at Warhammer Dark Blade all the books and Gotrek and Felix the ones by William king are all top reads.