View Full Version : FNP discussion

11-24-2009, 02:31 AM
I found something odd with the FNP rules in combat resolution.

FNP ruling states that wounds saved by FNP count for the combat resolution.
In combat resolution, a model cannot "count" more wounds than the ones it has in its profile.

I mean, you do 7 unsaved wound to a W3 character, you only count 3 wound for combat resolution. But if this model has FNP, and saves all 7 wounds, 7 wounds count for combat resolution.

That seems a bit odd to me...

11-24-2009, 04:10 AM
I'm sorry but where did you get that idea?
There is nothing in the USR section on Feel on Pain that tells us that.
The rules in Determine Assault Results on pg. 39 of the BRB state...
"Note that wounds that have been negated by saving throws or other special rules that have simular effects do not count, nor do wounds in excess of a model's Wound characteristic......"
In the example you have given ( 7 wounds and all negated by FNP) none of the wounds would count.

11-24-2009, 08:23 AM
That idea comes from being cheated all 5th ed long!!!
Probably my friends misunderstood the ruling...

11-24-2009, 08:59 AM
Oh Damn, they probably read the bit about using the number of unsaved wounds to determine the victor and didn't read the rest.
Well at least you can show them that they were wrong now.