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View Full Version : Pfftt..Defiler...WAIT WAT???!!!!

10-18-2013, 08:11 AM
I am not a competitive player, otherwise i wouldnt post this.
So I was reading the rulebook last night.
Walkers gain an extra attack for every extra ccw ,then there's this from the faq...

Q: Does a Defiler with a power scourge gain the effects of the
Flailspecial rule, reducing it’s opponent’s WS in addition to
fighting with its power fists? (p53)
A: Yes.

So you can have a defiler with 3 power fists, and a power scourge..and a dirge caster.
Correct me if i'm wrong but str cannot be modded past 10.

So that's 6 str 10 ap 2 attacks..before the charge..no overwatch opponents ws reduced by d3.


10-18-2013, 08:14 AM
I am not a competitive player, otherwise i wouldnt post this.
So I was reading the rulebook last night.
Walkers gain an extra attack for every extra ccw ,then there's this from the faq...

Q: Does a Defiler with a power scourge gain the effects of the
Flailspecial rule, reducing it’s opponent’s WS in addition to
fighting with its power fists? (p53)
A: Yes.

So you can have a defiler with 3 power fists, and a power scourge..and a dirge caster.
Correct me if i'm wrong but str cannot be modded past 10.

So that's 6 str 10 ap 2 attacks..before the charge..no overwatch opponents ws reduced by d3.


Defilers only have two power fists. One is too few, three is too many, and four is right out!

10-18-2013, 08:22 AM
can replace the auto cannon and heavy flamer for pf and ps , already comes with 2 pf's. that's 3 pf's and 1 ps =D

10-18-2013, 08:25 AM
Ah yes, forgot about those lol. Been so long since I checked the Defiler entry!

You are correct then. However, it still isn't a great choice. The Defiler simply dies far too quickly in 6th Edition with Tau and Eldar running around.

10-18-2013, 08:34 AM
my idea would be to run 2 helbrutes in front of the defiler 2 vindis behind.cover saves a plenty. plus defiler is a daemon with a 5++

10-18-2013, 08:47 AM
a 5++ save has a saying within my hobby community, its a **** tease save. You think you might get it, and feel let down when you don't.

What armies do you usually play against? And actually, I like the defiler. Get it right and stuff dies quick. It's true that a lot of new 6th ed books are so anti army it makes me sad inside, but don't let that stop you from at least trying.

10-18-2013, 08:52 AM
a 5++ save has a saying within my hobby community, its a **** tease save. You think you might get it, and feel let down when you don't.

What armies do you usually play against? And actually, I like the defiler. Get it right and stuff dies quick. It's true that a lot of new 6th ed books are so anti army it makes me sad inside, but don't let that stop you from at least trying.
i play against ultramarines mostly, then whoever shows for a quick game at the local.

10-18-2013, 09:10 AM
Then from a usability stand point, fire away! You won't be going up against stuff you haven't seen before, or a huge ammount of armour smashing fire power over than the usual lascannons and krak missiles. Go forth and mash some ultrasmurfs

10-18-2013, 04:04 PM
I used to love my 3 defiler list in 5th. Then 6th came along. Actually the best utility I have for it is to stick it behind an Aegis on the backline, guarding a troops choice holding an objective. The large bast S8 AP3, in a 12 12 10 box with 4++ cover 5++ invuln, is tasty.

Even better though is allying in a MoN Soulgrinder who will then get some cover save bonus.

10-19-2013, 03:50 PM
They're great as long as they don't get blown up in one shot. Unfortunately that isn't too hard to do with AV12. The Battle Cannon and sheer close combat brutality are both amazing things, and 4 HP, It Will Not Die! and Daemon are great too, it's just that all of that counts for nothing if it's blown up in one shot, and it's quite a few points.

I would definitely take the Power Scourge if I used one though. It means you'll be hitting most things on 3+ rather than 4+, which is great, and they'll have a harder time hitting it as well.

10-19-2013, 08:29 PM
Defiler and the Maulerfiend are two of the best Heavy Support choices in the CSM I believe, except maybe Vindicators - which are always a solid choice.

Lord Krungharr
10-19-2013, 11:08 PM
I do like the Defiler, mainly because of its range. If it could deepstrike then I'd definitely try one again. But a Soul Grinder is just so much better.

Maulerfiend is also very fun, especially when it works (the Grimoire really helps with that). Still prefer my Obliterators though, super versatile.

I recommend Defilers on a Skyshield Landing Pad. Heck, take a Tzeentch Herald up there, Grimoire that, maybe even get Forewarning on it too!