View Full Version : When's it all gonna end Frank? Your predictions of the year 50k

10-17-2013, 04:02 PM
Hello all,
So what are your predictions for the year 50k?
Will the Imperium survive,dominate or go extinct?
Will the Eldar race die out?
Will the tau take over?These are examples.
Be funny, serious or whatever.
Also bonus internets for who first can tell me what film my original line is from!! "whens it all gonna end frank?" I can smell cheaters so NO googling!

10-17-2013, 04:54 PM
Will the Imperium survive,dominate or go extinct?

The Imperium will finally cease to exist as a coherent entity. With the Emperor's death (finally) the Imperium dissolves into fiefs, some ruled by Astartes, others by Inquisitors, Ecclesiarchs, or other Imperial commanders. The Imperial Cult insists that the Emperor isn't really dead, just ascended completely from the mortal plain, but who believes that?

Will the Eldar race die out? Will the Tau take over?

Oddly, the "death" of the Imperium is a shot in the arm for both races. The scattered Imperial survivors soon learn that they must cooperate - at least some of the time - with the rare civilized aliens they meet.

Abaddon's 14th Black Crusade is a success, in that he takes Terra.

The final days open upon a bleak vista of a broken Imperium. But is this the dark before the dawn, or the time for a last stand? Is the Emperor now a god in truth, and can he guide his followers to retake Terra and defeat Chaos once and for all, or is all truly lost?

knas ser
10-17-2013, 05:22 PM
In the grim darkness of the 51st millennium, there is only orks.

(I was going to correct my grammar to be only "are" orks, but then I thought, it's an orkish victory - why bother ;)

10-17-2013, 06:00 PM
You're probably going to get eaten by Tyranids

10-17-2013, 06:57 PM
The Imperium will finally cease to exist as a coherent entity. With the Emperor's death (finally) the Imperium dissolves into fiefs, some ruled by Astartes, others by Inquisitors, Ecclesiarchs, or other Imperial commanders. The Imperial Cult insists that the Emperor isn't really dead, just ascended completely from the mortal plain, but who believes that?

Oddly, the "death" of the Imperium is a shot in the arm for both races. The scattered Imperial survivors soon learn that they must cooperate - at least some of the time - with the rare civilized aliens they meet.

Abaddon's 14th Black Crusade is a success, in that he takes Terra.

The final days open upon a bleak vista of a broken Imperium. But is this the dark before the dawn, or the time for a last stand? Is the Emperor now a god in truth, and can he guide his followers to retake Terra and defeat Chaos once and for all, or is all truly lost?

Awesome stuff,makes me wonder, what will the imperium do without the astronomicon tied to the emperor? Also i wonder if abbadon will be able to kill him, or does the emp get a mercy killing from his own people?

10-17-2013, 07:00 PM
Awesome stuff,makes me wonder, what will the imperium do without the astronomicon tied to the emperor? Also i wonder if abbadon will be able to kill him, or does the emp get a mercy killing from his own people?

Personally, I was picturing that the Golden Throne just up and fails one day. After that, it's just downhill all across the board. By the time Abaddon arrives on Terra, he's basically just mopping up what remains of a civil war.

It occurs to me that also, if I were writing this, I'd try to create a moral quandary for loyal "Imperials." You see, Abaddon is a dick... but he wants to rule mankind, not watch it die. As a result, he'd be willing to do anything to rebuild what's left of the Imperium and hold of the 'Nids, Eldar, Tau, and even the more destructive elements of his own faction. Maybe he'd even be willing to ally with any Astartes Chapters who are willing to ally with him... :eek: And for those, Astrates, there's the challenge: do you accept that Abaddon - Chaos-tainted, but still sane and comprehensible Abaddon - is now the Emperor and embrace what looks like mankind's last best hope for some kind of existence? Or do you fight on, aware that you are fighting the only man with the power, skill, and soldiery to rebuild the Imperium?

10-17-2013, 08:18 PM
On the subject, I asked Dan Abnett about advancing past the 41st Millenium into the 42nd Millenium. The answer I got is that right now, the focus is on the Horus Heresy, but in the future they think they would end up slow-walking the background from the aftermath of the 13th Black Crusade. Obviously the idea of completely ending the war would be foolish because then you mess with the finely tuned background they have going. But we've still got years of Heresy to go.

10-18-2013, 04:49 AM
The Orks finally realise their greatest weapon is themselves, and unleash huge clouds of Ork spores over every inhabited planet.
Their victory is short lived as they annihilate themselves in a huge inter clan waaagh, out of sheer boredom.
The Tyranids move in.

10-18-2013, 05:59 AM
You're probably going to get eaten by Tyranids

I see what you did there ;)

10-18-2013, 06:20 AM
I wish I could like your post splodge....

Mr Mystery
10-18-2013, 06:27 AM
Awesome stuff,makes me wonder, what will the imperium do without the astronomicon tied to the emperor? Also i wonder if abbadon will be able to kill him, or does the emp get a mercy killing from his own people?

Not sure Abaddon would get that far. We know at least one Primarch is hale and healthy, and that's The Lion. Says as much in the Dark Angels Codex. He's just having a bit of a kip until the End Times.

And hard as Abaddon might like to think he is, I dread to think just how honked off The Lion is with Chaos in general, and just how hard a pasting old Ab's is in for....

10-18-2013, 07:26 AM
Not sure Abaddon would get that far. We know at least one Primarch is hale and healthy, and that's The Lion. Says as much in the Dark Angels Codex. He's just having a bit of a kip until the End Times.

And hard as Abaddon might like to think he is, I dread to think just how honked off The Lion is with Chaos in general, and just how hard a pasting old Ab's is in for....

I'm not so sure about that, Abaddon is supposed to be the Bringer of the End Times, as prophesied by pretty much everyone. With all the blessings and gear he has, it makes me wonder just how powerful he truly is now. It's never actually been detailed - just how powerful is Abaddon now? If he is pre-ordained to kill the Emperor, then surely he has to be incredibly strong. Think about it, the prophesied End Times have all the Phoenix Lords and the surviving Loyalist Primarchs all fighting against evil. If Abaddon is leading the Daemon Primarchs into combat - most recent fluff - then is he the one intended to challenge the Emperor?

10-18-2013, 07:47 AM
Well, Jaghatai Khan, Vulkan, Corax, Leman Russ all disappeared. Vulkan and Russ's story states that they will return at the End Times. Corax wandered off mumbling quotes from the M2 Author Adgarallan Poe. Jaghatai got sucked into the webway. Guilliman got shanked, but, potentially he is healing. So there are potentially, 6 of the remaining remaining Primarchs could return for the end times. Not to mention that the Grey Knights have personally said: "F*** you." to two different Primarchs and the Space Wolves dealt with one incursion by Magnus. So its not outside the realm of possibility that the war would be a great deal more matched than we can imagine.

10-18-2013, 07:56 AM
Well, Jaghatai Khan, Vulkan, Corax, Leman Russ all disappeared. Vulkan and Russ's story states that they will return at the End Times. Corax wandered off mumbling quotes from the M2 Author Adgarallan Poe. Jaghatai got sucked into the webway. Guilliman got shanked, but, potentially he is healing. So there are potentially, 6 of the remaining remaining Primarchs could return for the end times. Not to mention that the Grey Knights have personally said: "F*** you." to two different Primarchs and the Space Wolves dealt with one incursion by Magnus. So its not outside the realm of possibility that the war would be a great deal more matched than we can imagine.

I wasn't implying evil was going to win, I know all about the living Loyalist Primarchs. Unless I misread your post, sorry lol :) What I was getting at is Abaddon surely has to be incredibly powerful if the Daemon Primarchs are, effectively, serving under him. Horus Reborn may not just be a title after all, perhaps?

Mr Mystery
10-18-2013, 10:16 AM
Plus. You know. Emperor.

Is he really as messed up as we're told, or does he have more aces up his sleeve? Who knows what goes on on Terra. Clone body...reincarnation...all set up for when the brown stuff hits the rapidly rotating blade air cooling implement. Winks out the Astronomicon for a smidge whilst Mr Emperor slaps Abaddon around like a redheaded stepchild. Job jobbed (remember, Emperor was hamstrung against Horus because of silly feelings and that. Not sure Abaddon will get that grace...)

10-18-2013, 12:02 PM
And he is...

*Spoiler Alert, do not read if you haven't read Vulkan Lives* (Highlight text to reveal)
-... a perpetual. So it's possible that if he dies, he'll end up reanimating like John Grammaticus or Vulkan, who ends up getting his head chopped off and the like and gets constantly reanimated. So if they would just let the Emperor die he might reanimate and the Astronomicon going out for a week or so won't be a terrible problem (In the long run, in the short term it would be disaster.) And let's not get into the whole Illuminati, Sensei Knight thing. (Is that even still canon?)

10-18-2013, 05:59 PM
Speaking of john gramaticus , there is the cabal. My guess is they actually have their designs set for 60k or beyond, so they would still be an unknown.

In true Dune fashion the Adeptus Sororitas become a Psychic Bene Gesserit and try to create a new Emperor through selective breeding.
I'm expanding on Eels' Awesome concept here, After the true death of the emperor,He Ascends to godhood and outright kills nurgle and khorne,eliminating disease and bloodlust in the physical realm. The ensuing second war in heaven results in the warp shrinking and eliminating the possibility of travel through the warp.
Mankind, now with the threat of sickness and violent thought gone (for now, the warp feeds on emotion, so the gods are eternal) enter a new age of prosperity, and put aside their fear of new technology in search of a propulsion device capable of traveling the stars.

I'll think about the other races and get back to you. =D

benn grimm
10-19-2013, 06:11 AM
Ok, so, the year is 50k, here we go;
The Emperor finally dies and his soul is transferred to an Eldar soulstone; he is interred within an Eldar titan and kicks Abbaddons *** once and for all,
Gulliman wakes up, gets on with improving macragges pedestrian zones(ie adding more statues of himself, widening boulevards, that sort of thing), Russ and the Lion return from wherever they've been; they are now a couple and the first same-sex Primarch marriage takes place on Terra,
The Imperial Guard is replaced by drones after the Imperium makes peace with the...
Tau Empire, now known as the Heavenly Kingdom of the Unified Nations of Tau, whose Ethereals transcend to a higher plane of existence, and become beings of light and sound, leaving the rest free to become free thinking, video game playing, fashion conscious, product consuming individualists,
The Dark Eldar kill all the Exodites for fun, then all get incinerated by one of their many captured suns,
The Craftworld Eldar finally all die; as the last feeble toothless Eldar crone is crushed under the tracks of progress, a new God is born; Ynnead, god of the Eldar dead, who kicks Khorne's *** in a fight, cures Nurgle of disease(who then marries Isha in some weird Stockholm syndrome-related type thing), Tzeentch is petrified and it is best not to dwell on what Ynnead does to Slaanesh, suffice to say it is incredibly vile and best not mentioned on a family orientated forum;)
The Orks finally find the Brain-boys, who it turns out were hiding out with the Squats, Zoats, Slaan in the next galaxy, the Brain-boys unify the Orks and then make them go about tidying up all the mess they've made for the last 40,000 years,
The Necrons work out how to use the Tyranids as fleshy vessels for their souls, having transferred over, they realise how awesome it is to have flesh and bones again and become pacifists,
The Sisters of Battle find Rock n roll, give up religion, the Grey Knights entire chapter and gene seed is lost in the warp, with no daemons to fight anymore with the death of chaos(see above), they wander aimlessly through the nether realms for all eternity, every now and then giving nightmares to small children,
The Inquisition is relegated to a late night comedy outfit, they do alrite for a few seasons then ratings hit them hard and they are cancelled.

knas ser
10-19-2013, 01:08 PM
You're probably going to get eaten by Tyranids

Worst. Magic 8-Ball. Ever.