View Full Version : Did I make the right decision!?

10-17-2013, 12:27 PM
Okay I don't even know if is this is best place to get an unbiased decision? but here goes I;m starting to get cold feet and like the pathetic little sole that I am i need some positive reinforcement! please oblige me 40k forum!

I recently started Tabletop wargaming due to looking for something to replace Videogames from my life and 40k fitted that gap perfectly! Yet when I walked into my local gaming store before I purchased a single model a plethora of different games we're available to me, I could have just have easily started a Warmachine and Horde Force, Infinity, Flames of War..... literally anything!

But no I chose 40k and the Grey Knights I can't deny the lore and how fun the game looked at epic scale attracted me above all else, yet since that day and after purchasing a near £300 of Grey Knight;s I've heard nothing but bad press about GW but I think the're products are fantastic! But should I have chose WM, or Infinity? please tell me that 40k is simply the best hobby around! and I know I can always play more than one platform...but 40k is simply so massive I can only ever see myself extending to Fantasy possibly.

I wann'a hear from you guy's who are 40k exclusives! and love it!

10-17-2013, 01:16 PM
okay i think your missing some of the context as a whole. 40k and the universe it represent is one of the most dynamic and interesting game. The problem for veteran player's is as the company has shifted from a group of gamers to corporate suits they have continually alienated their own buyers. constant price increases fail cast clunky rules that they refuse to update or to fix until 6 months later or an entire edition later.

Now this is coming from some one who has enough of an investment that i have titans... so i am heavily invested in this game but every year i get more and more disappointed with GW as whole. So with that said i do love 40k yet i will be one of it's biggest critic's there are things they do that i enjoy and things that they do that make people nerd rage.

What i can say is if you enjoy the back ground enjoy the hobby and enjoy the game then you can't really go wrong. yes it does suck that this game has become so damn expensive but until GW has a change of heart that will be something we have to deal with. What i suggest is it is best to buy products at a discount and to buy them off of independent retailers as well as ebay that helps to stave off the hurt of buying 50$ boxes.

10-17-2013, 02:13 PM
The only questions should be:

Did you buy the models you liked?
Do you like your army's fluff?

If you have answered "yes" to both questions, you made the right decision.

There will always be people who tell you you're wrong, that your army's broken, or overpowered, or the same as everyone else, or whatever the current complaint of the moment is.

These scumbags are intellectual peasants whose nonsense is to be ignored. Any army in the current meta can be built into a fair, balanced build - maybe not competitively (looki at you, Sororitas), but certainly in such as way as to not be unpleasant to play against. Just playing GK's doesn't mean you're playing a broken army - such builds are very possible, true, but not inherent to the system.

Ignore what other people say, and do what you want to. At worst, you'll be able to resell what you've bought at only slightly less than what you paid. Even if you've made a hash of painting them, an afternoon in Dettol will fix almost any problem.

Don't let other people's negativity bum you out. For whatever reason, wargamers can sometimes seem an overly negative bunch, and especially so online, where almost every army is "broken" for some reason.

You know, except some.

Looking at you again, Soroitas.

(Just wait, someone's going to make a comment about how Saint Celestine is broken...)

10-17-2013, 02:27 PM
(Just wait, someone's going to make a comment about how Saint Celestine is broken...)

Lol, not broken, but having her and Justicar Thawn would be hilarious.

40k is a great game, the rules could use a little editing to make them more clear but they run pretty smoothly for the most part. (Having the FAQs on hand can help speed up the rules conflicts if you don't want to just roll off) 40k also has a pretty big community, easily the largest of any miniatures game in my area. Grey Knights was my first army and are a lot of fun, they might be a bit older than most codices but can make a nice variety of good lists that are a lot of fun to use.

I haven't played any of the non-GW games but I've seen them played and while the rules might be a bit clearer they don't seem like as much fun and only WM/Hordes has much of a community around my FLGS.

10-17-2013, 02:47 PM
Okay I don't even know if is this is best place to get an unbiased decision? but here goes I;m starting to get cold feet and like the pathetic little sole that I am i need some positive reinforcement! please oblige me 40k forum!

I recently started Tabletop wargaming due to looking for something to replace Videogames from my life and 40k fitted that gap perfectly! Yet when I walked into my local gaming store before I purchased a single model a plethora of different games we're available to me, I could have just have easily started a Warmachine and Horde Force, Infinity, Flames of War..... literally anything!

But no I chose 40k and the Grey Knights I can't deny the lore and how fun the game looked at epic scale attracted me above all else, yet since that day and after purchasing a near £300 of Grey Knight;s I've heard nothing but bad press about GW but I think the're products are fantastic! But should I have chose WM, or Infinity? please tell me that 40k is simply the best hobby around! and I know I can always play more than one platform...but 40k is simply so massive I can only ever see myself extending to Fantasy possibly.

I wann'a hear from you guy's who are 40k exclusives! and love it!

40K and WHFB are awesome, but GW has pissed a lot of people off myself included. I still am a fan of the game and product but disagree with their exceptional price increases in the past 2-3 years. I buy much less and work with my old models - I haven't had any friends decide to start new armies or join the hobby lately because the cost to get into it - warmahordes costs less to get into and is on par for me in terms of fun and quality models (I do like 40k/WHFB setting and story much more myself though). Aside from all this it is an awesome game and the models are great.

10-17-2013, 04:00 PM
The more popular games get the most griping.

Part of the reason people get so upset about GW is because they love their products so much.

10-17-2013, 05:32 PM
The more popular games get the most griping.

Part of the reason people get so upset about GW is because they love their products so much.


Also, it is worth considering that between modeling and painting most of your hobby time at outset will be individual so other's opinions shouldn't matter as much as long as you are enjoying your part of the hobby. You have plenty of time to find a gaming group whose company you enjoy while you work on your army.

On a final note, yes our hobby is expensive. Yes people complain about the expense. However, a hobby is by definition a luxury expense and ours is actually cheaper than many (golf comes to mind...).

10-17-2013, 06:02 PM
There is a definitely love-hate thing with GW for many older players, but that shouldn't matter as long as you have people to play against.

Out of all the things did you see, did you like 40k and Grey Knights the best? If so, great. If not, that's a problem.

If you are adding anything else, avoid Fantasy like the plague until 9th Edition is well established a few years from now.

10-17-2013, 10:22 PM
The thing I've always loved about this hobby is that even when I didn't have cash for minis I could immerse myself in the stories. When I wasn't able to get out and game much I could still paint and work on my miniatures. Then when forces aligned and I had my army together and got out regularly to play I met a fantastic group of people who were a joy to meet and play with every week. I couldn't tell you what the best rules set is. That means different things to different players and the rules for 40k have changed significantly over the last 20+ years. All I can say is that many years later, 40k is still a thoroughly engrossing hobby both from a creative and a tactical standpoint. That is no small thing.

10-18-2013, 02:03 AM
GW and the hobby the fans love to hate.

I think that there uis a lot of feelings of ownership and so when GW behaves in a way that people do not understand or do things that they do not expect people get angry and start slamming them.

Like the recent spate of C&D requests and the CHS court case, these are compulisions that GW are obliged to do under English & Welsh law or run the risk of losing control of their IP.

GW being the "big dog" is often shot down and being criticised. The thing of it is, is that a lot of these other companies might nto exist if it weren't for GW pushing the envelope and marketing to a player base in a way that has not been done before. Their plastic kits are the best in the world, IMO, and are pushing the envelope for their competitors.

There is of course another good reason to play GW games and that is everyone does :)

Kaptain Badrukk
10-18-2013, 03:04 AM
Basically there are three kinds of GW fans.
1) The apologist - He will defend GW to the hilt, sometimes aggressively, because he's loved this hobby for years.
He is often blind to their flaws and faults. Their hobby normally revolves around a GW or GW dominated FLGS or club.
He's the kind of guy who worked there and drank the kool-aid. The guy who visits his local at least twice a week.
He's the kind of guy that'll point out that the "above inflation" price rise is a myth because of price staggering.
He's the guy who'll point out that in 1990 a Mars bar cost 26p and Tactical Marines cost £10, and now a Mars is 60p
and that Tacticals cost £25. And that while a mars bar has gotten 8grams lighter and hasn't changed the tactical box keeps getting more stuff
and the models keep improving.
Basically he's me.

2) The whinger - They will complain about everything GW does, they "remember the good old days".
Their hobby was better before it was "corporate".
They miss Squats.
They're often blind to GWs good side, and will attribute almost any decision that they personally don't like to a money-grab.
They're the guy who'll point out GW's aggressive stance on IP.
They'll point out their draconian attacks on harmless fansites, and their habit of Cease and Desisting stuff that they really shouldn't.
They're the guy who will gleefully point out how boned GW got over "spots the space marine".
They're Warseer, they're the overweight middle aged guy in you GW who never buys anything but feels entitled to come in and moan.

3) The Hobbyist - She cares only for her aspect of the hobby.
The next release is all about how it effects the tournament meta, or the range she collects, or what she can convert from it.
She'll pay the price uncomplainingly if it suits her.
Her models grace blogs and Cool mini or not, or maybe she's to be found at the top table of every tournament in the local area.
She is focused, and driven, her opinion is absolute.
She keeps on trucking regardless of complaints that her army is nerfed, or her codex is broken.
She is the person first in the queue at a release.
She's that douche who bought ALL of the allocation of new thing Y at the latest release.
She is the person in your store who organised that car load of people to take a pilgrimage to Nottingham for forgeworld/campaign weekender X/throne of skulls etc.

These are broad strokes, and each one of them will tell you what the hobby is.
Ignore all of us.
Do you own thing.
If it makes you happy keep doing it.
If it doesn't, stop.

10-18-2013, 03:46 AM
Much appreciated jhust the sort of Hobby afferming comment I was after Kudos my friend!

10-22-2013, 08:03 PM
Basically there are three kinds of GW fans.
2) The whinger - They will complain about everything GW does, they "remember the good old days".
Their hobby was better before it was "corporate".
They miss Squats.
They're often blind to GWs good side, and will attribute almost any decision that they personally don't like to a money-grab.
They're the guy who'll point out GW's aggressive stance on IP.
They'll point out their draconian attacks on harmless fansites, and their habit of Cease and Desisting stuff that they really shouldn't.
They're the guy who will gleefully point out how boned GW got over "spots the space marine".
They're Warseer, they're the overweight middle aged guy in you GW who never buys anything but feels entitled to come in and moan.

Yes this would be me other than being overweight.

But you missed something:

They hate how GW has Nerfed things that did not need nerfing.

But yes GW did go bonkers over "Spots the Space Marine" but ended dropping it since Amazon would have cleaned their clocks.

They took a great gaming magazine "White Dwarf" and trashed it.

They can't put out a set of rules or Codexes that is balance.

They tend to provide certain armies with Overpowering units (Chaos Hell Chickens) and due to keeping the FoC certain armies (Orkz) suck big time.

So yes I will continue to hate them.

10-22-2013, 10:19 PM
Sain if u hate so much why r u here?

Ok I'm a 25 year vet of 40k and even a former Outrider. I have owned every army ever produced including Slann, zoats, and yes squats. Currently I'm rocking Marines, Wolves, Guard, Orks, necrons, small tau and inquisitorial allies.

All that said I may have had enough. The pricing has gone too far. Dire avengers doubled in price overnight when the new codex came out. The new tau suppliment codex is the same price as the regular (hardcopy). Everytime something gets released the price goes up.

The rules are getting worse. Flying in all forms in sixth edition is the worst rules ever. It has ruined the game. Challenges have no place in 40k they belong in fantasy.

Despite all that I love this game.

Dave Mcturk
10-23-2013, 01:49 AM
somebody coming in new... wont have the hang ups about what green wombles should have could have done with a '6th' set of rules....

the games system is cool, the minis are great - you can always buy cheaper proxies or just use blocks of lego !

the flaws in the rules are most noticeable to experienced wargamers ... who will sort them out ...[just use a red pen in the brb...} and to players from previous editions who notice the changes...

for example ... the rule i hated the most was follow on close combat [3rd ? / 4th ?] ...
now maybe flyers are dodge... perhaps a 24" minimum movement was required ? ... and no 'changing modes' on table...

but we all know how much play testing goes on ! [;)]

10-23-2013, 12:39 PM

Feelings about GW Wax and Wane. I have been playing since 1990. Some years you only hear good stuff, other years you hear a lot of negative stuff, especially when they release poor rule sets for 40K or Fantasy. None the less, the Hobby is great. Wonderful minis, great fluff, and generally great rule sets. If you are not happy with a 'current' rule set, just hang in there, like the rest of us. Every 4-5 years a new rule set comes out, and we're off wargaming again. Its a great Hobby, welcome to a great new world.......you'll love it...... give it time, and give it a chance......