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View Full Version : Long Range Ground Scanner

11-24-2009, 12:20 AM
Has anyone tried out the Forgeworld Long Ranged Ground Scanner since the Guard update? I got one because the Guard had no secondary HQ options in the last codex, and it seemed like a fun little option to have that fit with my high tech guard. However, I was thinking about it the other day, and it occurred to me that Short-Ranged Lock and "First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire!" could be quite nasty, if it worked right it would go a long way to making that massed lasgun fire a real threat, rather than just pray and spray.

Thoughts? Experiences? Rants?

11-24-2009, 02:16 AM
Any chance of a link?

11-24-2009, 02:47 AM
Any chance of a link?

model can be found here: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/acatalog/CADIAN_SHOCK_TROOPS.html

They used to have experimental rules, but now the only rules are in IA4. The short version is I can either F-up infiltrators, or make my shooting better:

"Short-Range Lock: The scanner locks onto an enemy unit and targeting information is passed to a nearby Imperial Guard unit. Nominate an Imperial Guard unit within 12”of the scanner. Roll a dice. On a 4+ this unit can re-roll any To Hit dice that miss in the shooting phase. A unit with a Vox-Caster does not have to be within 12”, but can be anywhere on the table. The Imperial Guard unit chosen to receive the targeting data can be changed each turn. The targeting data does not affect ordnance or barrage weapons."

12-27-2010, 01:34 PM
Is it just me, or is the fact that the scanner with a one guardsmen crew counting as a HQ choice really fukn dumb?
At least require it to be attached, or at the end of the day have a larger protection party for the asset, or just have it as optional wargear, possibly like adding a chimera to a unit.

naturally one would put it with a rear echelon command unit, and thats all the HQ choices gone for your army.
limiting, to say the least for a large force, and stupid considering only a very well equipped commander would have access to this sort of toy, so hes gota have a reasonably well sized force....

12-28-2010, 01:44 PM
I'm building an Elysian Drop Troopers force and it appears in their options in IA8 as well.

First off, it's an HQ choice, but *DOES NOT* take up a Force Organization Slot (At least this is true for my IA8 Elysians, don't know about the IA4 Cadian version, but I'm assuming it's the same, sans Deep Strike.) Also, you can add up to 4 more guardsmen and equip them with krak grenades as an option. Yes, they're still very easy to kill, but you can hide them somewhere and keep them generally protected.

Second, like what was mentioned above, the ability to fire 3 volleys instead of 2 at rapid fire AND have a 50% chance to count them as twin-linked can be very nasty. That's a lot of potential plasma and/or las.

Last, even the Long Range Scan option can be fun, as it forces a 50% chance of failure (each unit wanting to infiltrate must roll a 4+) for each unit wishing to Infiltrate against you. Knowing Guard and their squishy gun-lines... the further away the enemy must deploy, the better.

Cadian flavour:

Elysian flavour: