View Full Version : new to necrons

10-17-2013, 05:00 AM
So I have 32 Warriors , 2 boxes of Immortals , 1 box of phantoms , 1 ark , 1 lord , 1 annihilation barge and 1 scythe
All in sprues . Except the lord which is build .
So what should i build ?

Especially the immortals are my point of interest .

The scythe will get magnetized .
The phantoms ? to they need any upgrades ?
Ark will be a ghost ark i think .

Mr Mystery
10-17-2013, 05:36 AM
Immortals....given the 32 Warriors, I'd go with the Tesla Carbines, simply because the Warriors are bringing the Gauss!

10-17-2013, 05:57 AM
The Barge and the Scythe should be the first things you build, then if you have the cash go and buy some more :) I run 3 scythes and 3 barges with most of my Necron lists, they are awesome. I would build your Immortals for sure, how you arm them is down to what you prefer guns wise, goes the same for the Barge but to be honest I always run Tesla on the barges just for the obscene amount of shots you can pump out. As for the Immortals I like to use two units of 10, one with Tesla and one with Gauss, I like Gauss but I tend to go up against a lot of vehicles and gauss does tend to help Ark's can be cool but usually in pairs or more I find works best. Warriors are cheap and useful, 10+ in a scythe dropping them off on the turn they come in with 12' of a vehicle and you can rapid fire it too death. Just remember that most Necrons are not Fearless and still run away after losing combat, which a lot of them will, keep your distance as much as you can with warriors and immortals and shoot the enemy to death.

Not sure what Phantoms are??

Your going to want to take advantage of crypteks, I make mine out of Lychguard models and use the deathmark heads. Character wise Zahndrekh is great, so is Anrakyr on a barge. If you want some CC go with Wraiths with whips and a Destroyer Lord, will kill most things quite easily. Doom Scythes are always fun too, I always run one of those as well.

If you want some list ideas just ask :)

10-17-2013, 06:40 AM
Ah sorry , in German the wraiths are called phantoms

And rxcky herewith i ask for same list ideas

Dave Mcturk
10-17-2013, 07:00 AM
wraiths aka phantoms are very nasty to play against... very fast... very durable ... dont like ST 8 weapons though !

10-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Ah sorry , in German the wraiths are called phantoms

And rxcky herewith i ask for same list ideas

Ah, got you, ok so you are half way there to what I would go for as for those guys. My Necron list doesn't change much now as it seems to work quite well, here it is:

Zahndrekh on a Barge = 265
Destroyer Lord with Sempiternal Weave and Mindshackle Scarabs (love these things) = 160
Royal Court:
Cryptek Destruction with Solar Pulse = 55
Cryptek Destruction = 35
Cryptek Storm with Lightning Field = 35
Warriors x 14
Night Scythe = 282
Immortals x10
Nightscythe = 270
Immortals x 10
Nightscythe = 270
Wraiths x6
Whip Coils x5 = 270
Annihilation Barge = 90
Annihilation Barge = 90

Destroyer Lord with the Wraiths, Crypteks go one with each troop, stick the Storm tek with whichever one will be hunting the Tanks, Voltaic staffs are brutal against vehicles, this cryptek alone with lucky rolls will finish off a vehicle on his own. Zahndrekh should mostly stay out of the way of things if he can, his Barge is AV13 until penetrated so he's pretty durable, I usually put him between the Annihilation Barges so he can see the enemy. His abilities are some of the best for messing up your opponent, taking Tank Hunter away from Longstrike is a particular favourite of mine :) Use the solar pulse to keep it night fighting as long as you can to help get your Wraiths closer and give your Barges better cover saves, then when your flyers start popping in use Zahndrekh to give them Tank Hunter and those Gauss rolls to penetrate get re-rolled, 14 rapid fire gauss guns from those warriors with re-rolls on the pen and you will get 4 6's and thats a dead raider. You also have the bonus of taking in your flyers if your opponent brings stuff on from reserve due to Zahndrekh as well, just watch with this one though, it does mean that your opponent misses out on his Interceptor if he has any but your deep striking and can scatter, if your up against an army with a lot of skyfire then also maybe just keep them in reserve. Other than that the list speaks for itself, you pretty much own the skies with this many fliers, just keep those warriors and immortals out of enemy reach. If you position it right you can fly the scythes on and land the troops at either end of the table then next turn turn the flyers 90 degrees and fly over and pick the units up again from the opposite ends, thus keeping them out of enemy reach.

10-19-2013, 05:05 AM
I think your list is sweet . But i will try to play with what i have .

So first i will look like the following :

Lord 205 points
2+/3+ , mindshackle Scarabs, warscythe, reg.orb ,

elite 5 lych guard Hyperphase swords + disp. shields 225

Troops :
10 Warriors 130pts
10 Warriors 130 pts
10 Warriors 130 pts
10 Immortals Gauss 170 pts
Nightscythe 100 pts
Ghost Ark 115 pts
Nightscythe 100 pts
Fast : 5 Wraiths
5 whip coils 225 pts
4 scarabs 60pts
Heavy 2 Annihilation barge 180

most of it is here and the rest should be no problem to aquire

10-19-2013, 06:49 AM
Obviously start with what you've got and go from there, it's the way it should be. Necrons are a trial an error army I found, there's so many combo's you can push out with them, it's what makes them a great army. The thing to remember is that almost all their guns have only a 24 inch range so you have to make sure your close enough to shoot but not too close to get assaulted. watch with the Lychguard, as awesome models as they are a squad of 5 will die quick enough to massed fire, if you can deliver them close enough to do some punching then they can be pretty solid in combat, you just need to keep them alive long enough :)

Let us know how your list does in the first few games, good luck :)

Dave Mcturk
10-21-2013, 08:47 AM
try six units of immortals with 3 wraith units screening them... almost as funny as flying circus on most tables... and only about 80 figures {with a few hq}... a friend of mine 'made' his own wraith and they look good and cost virtually zip...

10-23-2013, 01:46 AM
Dave that would be nice , but money is a limited quantity here ;)
Actually i am still building and trying to paint them .

Dave Mcturk
10-23-2013, 01:59 AM
if you are playing friendlies ... just proxy stuff until you find the balance you like...

i play v necrons... so imo the 10 man immortal squad is the 'best' standard 'troop' unit.. the 20 man warrior blob with lord is also v. useful

10-23-2013, 08:25 AM
the 10 man immortal squad is the 'best' standard 'troop' unit.. the 20 man warrior blob with lord is also v. useful

Somewhat agreed. I've had far more success with the blob than immortals. I do still love me some tesla immortals though.

10-24-2013, 03:06 AM
I find the ghost ark a wonderful model ,so i will use it .
But i am still thinking about what to build: the tesla immortals or the gauss or deathmarks ?

Warriors and scarabs are in.
Nightscythe and annihilation barge are build
Wraiths with whip coils or maybe with an another option

Does anybody use tomb blades , the models look nice but the rules are meh ?

10-24-2013, 11:07 AM
Tomb Blades are a waste of time, they look awesome but they die far too easily. The problem is that you can only have 5 in a unit, they will get shot to ?*&$, and they take up a fast attack slot that is much better spent on Wraiths and Scarabs.

Immortals really depends on what you want them to do, if they are going to kill vehicles then Gauss, if not the Tesla. To be honest your first unit should probably be Tesla, you have the Warriors to deliver the Gauss.

As for Deathmarks, they are really good against one or two things but not so hot against others. A big enough unit with a mark on a Wraith Knight for example will likely do a fair number of wounds, to hit on a 3+ then wound on a 2+, they will get mowed down though, if you can hide them in cover you could keep them alive a bit longer. As is the problem with most Necron weapons though, its only range 24, it is however a Rapid Fire Sniper and not a Heavy as most Sniper weapons usually are. I would consider them for a more specialized force and start with the Immortals.

11-14-2013, 02:16 AM
So now I managed to get some games with and versus my necrons .
What I think , is I need more wraiths , a second Ghost Ark and some little Lords .
A night scythe with lord and warriors is a breaker .
Just close combat is in most instances a lost thing .
with the notable execption of wraiths .
Gauss Immortals are very good if the are pointed at eldar and such 4+ armor save guys
but I will buy some tesla Immortals too.
Tesla is awesome .

11-16-2013, 06:14 PM
I'm with rxcky on the converting Lychgaurd into Crypteks. I've generally been disappointed in how Lychgaurd perform (although not much experience in 6th with them). They make good, relatively cheap Crypteks with the Deathmark heads, and Crypteks are a huge boon to a Necron army, in that they provide an avenue to good anti-tank shooting and fun bits of wargear. Also, Lychgaurd make great generic Lords with Warscythes. Honestly, I just love the models and try to find places to use them.

11-17-2013, 03:29 AM
You have so much Gauss in the Warriors already that I think it would be good for your Immortals to have Tesla.

11-18-2013, 04:40 PM
Well there is room for crypteks , but mine will be the szeras and orikan models .
Lychguard may be cheaper to convert but , i will give them a try either as guard or pretorians .

11-19-2013, 12:09 PM
Stretch your scarabs by only using 3, not 4, per base. Just make sure to have enough other stuff on the base so it doesn't look too plain.

11-19-2013, 12:17 PM
I would like to see lychguard more, but they don't work so hot.

The fast jetbike guys aren't bad. They are well costed, but since you have immortals it is redundant.

I think my favorite modelnin the army is the cryptech. The Cryptech gives the army character and makes playing necrons not so cut and paste.

11-20-2013, 01:49 AM
chadddada : there are and always were 3 scarabs on a base ;)
I never saw 4 on a base , but i used some steel pins to hold them in place