View Full Version : 1500 Blood Angels Codex Cities of Death

10-16-2013, 01:05 AM
Here's my latest "I just lost" attempt at a Cities of Death list. The campaign starts next week, and I need to submit my list by Saturday... we're down to the wire, here!

This is my first time going pretty much full infantry... so wish me luck.

• Reclusiarch w/Jump Pack

• 5 Sternguard Veterans, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Combi-Flamers, Sergeant w/Boltgun & Power Weapon
° Drop Pod
• Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer Upgrade
° Drop Pod
• Sanguinary Priest w/Jump Pack

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump), 2 Flamers, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer & Power Weapon
• 10 Tactical Marines, 1 Flamer, 1 Heavy Bolter, Sergeant w/Combi-Plasma
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
• 5 Death Company (Jump), 1 Power Fist

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator w/Flamestorm Cannon

Stratagems: Infiltrate, Preliminary Bombardment... and one more.

What do you think?

10-16-2013, 01:51 AM
I quite like this list, how dense is your cities of death terrain? I was just thinking of the potential difficulties associated with getting drop pods onto safe ground.

10-16-2013, 07:15 AM
I quite like this list, how dense is your cities of death terrain? I was just thinking of the potential difficulties associated with getting drop pods onto safe ground.

Very dense.

The thing is, with a drop pod, it doesn't matter. As long as I don't scatter off the board, the drop pod will de-Mishap itself. Worst case scenario, the pod takes a hit from dangerous terrain. And if it does... so what? It's not like I've had a drop pod's storm bolter ever contribute meaningfully. It can't hold or contest objectives. I don't much care if it dies.

10-16-2013, 07:22 AM
I was thinking that by scattering the minium distance to avoid terrain it could end up being a way from the target, especially if you are droping your heavy flamers out of it.

10-16-2013, 07:24 AM
A question: how do you feel about the power weapon on the sternguard sergeant?

I kind of feel bad about losing the pistol, just in case they charge into combat. However, they are unlikely to charge and more likely - based on how I'm going to use them - to be charged. I don't want to spring for a power fist that I'm not likely to use - I'm more likely to use a power fist on, say, a tactical sergeant, who might find himself out of options and needing to charge, rather than a sternguard sergeant with so much powerful shooting.

But that power weapon, without a pistol to bring his base attacks to three... it bugs me.

And yet, I certainly don't want to lose that extra special issue ammunition boltgun!

Also, I assume you recommend power sword? Something that hits hard, but won't drop him in initiative?

I was thinking that by scattering the minium distance to avoid terrain it could end up being a way from the target, especially if you are droping your heavy flamers out of it.

It's possible. It's a risk I'm willing to take, I suppose.

The sternguard have, to their advantage, that they are not the only element that is starting by placing aggressively. My scouts will be there to cover a short advance if need be.

10-16-2013, 07:40 AM
I dislike powerfist sarges in most cases for that very reason, you end up and I1 and cannot reasonably expect to survive. Better for tank hunting is melta bombs I feel, which is why people generally take powerfists.
As you say the whole point of Sternguard is shooting, not assaulting so if you start trying to make them do both you end up with a unit that can't do either well.

10-16-2013, 07:51 AM
As you say the whole point of Sternguard is shooting, not assaulting so if you start trying to make them do both you end up with a unit that can't do either well.

So, then, do you think the power weapon is worth it, either?

That said, this is getting less stressful. I can use the "pimpin' hand on the hilt of the power sword" pose, and whenever I field him without a power sword, I can say "it's a ceremonial sword from some honor or another - no power field" and still be more or less WYSIWYG.

10-16-2013, 08:03 AM
If you have the spare points then yes, but if I needed to free some points it would be the first victim.

As far as WYSIWYG a power sword and another a close combat weapon would be the same until the power field is turned on. Yes this is my combat knife, no I don't care that it is 5' long...

10-16-2013, 12:07 PM
Ok, after some consideration, I've tweaked the list somewhat. Here is where we are now:

• Chaplain (Jump)

• 5 Sternguard, 2 Heavy Flamers, Sergeant w/Meltabombs, Power Sword; Drop Pod
• Furioso Dreadnought (Blood Talons) w/Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
• Sanguinary Priest (Jump)

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump), 2 Flamers, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer, Meltabombs, Power Lance
• 10 Tactical Marines, Flamer and Heavy Bolter, Sergeant w/Combi-Plasma
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
• 5 Death Company, 1 Power Fist

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator (Flame)

And, for this event, I need a 750 version of my list... here it is:

• Reclusiarch (Jump)

• Sanguinary Priest (Jump)

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump), 2 Flamers, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer, Meltabombs, Power Lance
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator (Flame)

10-16-2013, 11:36 PM
I guess you mean Reclusiarch for your HQ slot. I dont think you can take a chaplin as HQ!

Are your Death Company on foot?

Is the Chaplin/Reclusiarch going with them or Assault Marines?

Are you planing on leaving your scouts as a blob of 10 or splitting in too two combat squads? Or are you just going to wait and see the terrain before you decide?

Nice list though I really like the Sternguard wargear you went with in the end.

10-17-2013, 12:46 AM
I guess you mean Reclusiarch for your HQ slot. I dont think you can take a chaplin as HQ!

Yes, that's right - Reclusiarch.

Are your Death Company on foot?

Jump packs.

Is the Chaplin/Reclusiarch going with them or Assault Marines?

Death company all the way! A reclusiarch with death company is basically a miniature death star. That's 35 attacks on the charge - 6 Strength 4 AP - at I10, 20 Strength 5 AP - at I 4, 5 Strength 6 AP 4 Concussive attacks at I4, and then 4 more Strength 9 AP 1 attacks at I1. And they're WS 5. And they reroll all misses and failures to wound. There aren't a lot of things in the game they can't punch to death.

Are you planing on leaving your scouts as a blob of 10 or splitting in too two combat squads? Or are you just going to wait and see the terrain before you decide?

The latter. The terrain and scoring structure will determine my choices re: combat squadding.

Nice list though I really like the Sternguard wargear you went with in the end.

Thanks! I think it's a good call.

Also, the new sternguard kit is a ****ing dream to put together. I've done a little kit-bashing - swapping in some of my more attractive spare torsos and some Blood Angels shoulder pads - but the models don't need any help. They are solid gorgeous, and very adaptable.

10-17-2013, 02:38 AM
Ok, after some consideration, I've tweaked the list somewhat. Here is where we are now:

• Chaplain (Jump)

• 5 Sternguard, 2 Heavy Flamers, Sergeant w/Meltabombs, Power Sword; Drop Pod
• Furioso Dreadnought (Blood Talons) w/Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
• Sanguinary Priest (Jump)

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump), 2 Flamers, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer, Meltabombs, Power Lance
• 10 Tactical Marines, Flamer and Heavy Bolter, Sergeant w/Combi-Plasma
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
• 5 Death Company, 1 Power Fist

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator (Flame)

And, for this event, I need a 750 version of my list... here it is:

• Reclusiarch (Jump)

• Sanguinary Priest (Jump)

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump), 2 Flamers, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer, Meltabombs, Power Lance
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator (Flame)

If the terrain is going to be pretty dense, then lose the Drop Pods. And, while I must say that Sternguard you have here are nicely equipped -- I'd switch them out for more Death Company. In a tight atmosphere and rules like Cities of Death, close combat will be a place where you want to be often and dominating at.

10-18-2013, 12:44 AM
Now, another thought that just occurred to me...

If I drop the jump-pack wearing, assault-kitted priest and put a boltgun-wielding priest with the sternguard, I achieve two things:
1) the sternguard get Feel No Pain, which makes it more likely that more of them will survive to contribute in the turns after they drop.
2) I get back an extra 25 points, which I could use in a variety of ways (for example: an extra sternguard body, put a power fist back on my tactical sergeant, put a magna-grapple on my dreadnought, etc).

I don't think that the assault squads lose very much, because the fact is that the sternguard are going to be dropped where the fighting is thickest. If I'm reasonably clever, I can probably manage to drop the sternguard in such a way that by the time the assault marines end up in a fight, they are within the priest's 6'' bubble.

What do you think?