View Full Version : GW highlight of the past 25 years.

10-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Okay So I'm fairly new top this hobby, but you can't deny that with a codex being released entirely on a digital format, we can't deny that this hobby is entering a new era.

So I was just wondering if you guy's especially the more old and wizened players amongst us had any highlights and lowlights from GW of the past 25 years?

And anything you'd like to see in the next 25 years?!

10-14-2013, 04:31 PM
I've been collecting since 40K first came out.
My highlights have to be the original release of Apocalypse and the original release of the Eldar Aspect Warriors complete with the accompanying White Dwarf.

10-14-2013, 06:29 PM
Been playing since late 4th edition, so not very long. I agree with Pssyche, Apocalypse has been the best part of the game in my time. I often have to go weeks or longer without playing a normal game, but just the hope of throwing down 20,000 points of Imperial awesomeness in a game once a year keeps me active in the hobby.

10-14-2013, 09:53 PM
I think Forgeworld is my favorite. Everything they put out is high quality. The models, the books (the printing), the rules... You pay for it, but it's top notch.

I can't think of a model I don't like.

Lowlights? They've cut their own bit ordering system - only then try to stop other sellers from selling bits. Then they've cut their own Specialist games. I hope in the future they bring both of those back.

Arkhan Land
10-14-2013, 10:31 PM
the early supplements were amazing i really miss third edition art it was the first edition i felt like the books were like little tomes of secret magic lots of fake stone and gothic architecture in their imagery/borders/etc

low point for me was the closing of the gw stores, i love my local game stores and have probably bought most of my stuff in them but it was nice to see EVERYTHING on the walls, all the specialist games and the massive displays.... sigh

10-15-2013, 12:35 AM
Personally I think we're having a high point right now, within a year we have had Chaos Marines, Dark Angels, Chaos Daemons, Tau, Eldar, Space Marines and now Sisters. Let's not forget 2 supplements with a 3rd and 4th rumoured to be right around the corner. Then there's the HH from FW. How long have we wanted to see the primarchs in model form ? The high point in 40k for me is right now and it's very exciting.

10-15-2013, 01:03 AM
Personally I think we're having a high point right now, within a year we have had Chaos Marines, Dark Angels, Chaos Daemons, Tau, Eldar, Space Marines and now Sisters. Let's not forget 2 supplements with a 3rd and 4th rumoured to be right around the corner. Then there's the HH from FW. How long have we wanted to see the primarchs in model form ? The high point in 40k for me is right now and it's very exciting.

Considering what I've heard of GW in the past and previous rules sets I couldn't agree with you more! Now really is a fnatastic time to be in the hobby :)

10-15-2013, 06:47 AM
Good thread idea :)

As soon as I read a few things jumped into my head.

1994 Blood Bowl. I'd just missed out on the first Blood Bowl and Dungeon Bowl, so when this rolled around I was all over it like a rash! I played at home, in store and represented the Sutton store at Gamesday. I loved it and am still playing now. My Warpstone Wanderers Skaven team just won my clubs league :)

The first Terminator box set. Such a great bunch of models. I remember buying it with my Birthday money in Croydon GW. That box set was/is awesome!

The introduction of the Tau. I remember being a little cool towards 40k at that time. The battlesuits and especially the stealth team models essentially got me back into 40k.

The Horus Heresy Forgeworld explosion that is taking over my hobby life.

10-15-2013, 07:05 AM
Highlight the transition from 1st to 2nd. I think that was huge. Yes I enjoyed the mechanics of 1st but it was a little bogged down, not that 2nd was much better but it did provide a direction and a seperation of what each unit did that has been progressed and a refinement of the rules.
After all there is no point in having jetbikes if everyone has jetbikes.

10-15-2013, 07:08 AM
6th edition 40k, really. Between a solid ruleset, well balanced codices, warzones and supplements I don't think 40k has ever been healthier.

The Dark Eldar revamp, it needs no explanation.

10-15-2013, 07:16 AM
The time when GW had a warehouse unit with about forty tables in on an industrial estate near meadowhall. Got plenty of gaming in then...

Also the recent limited spacemarine models that have been based on 1st/2nd edition art...

10-15-2013, 07:57 AM
The best/worst...The return of the Land Raider fits both bills IMO, hehehe. I believe the original Land Raider and Land Raider Spartan were only available (in a double kit no less to begin with) during RT, and then *poof* until 4th edition? They were included in all the SM codices for two or three editions with no model, heh heh. Many oooo's and aaahhhh's when they used to hit the table. Now the original Land Raider is a plastic version of the Forge World Proteus, which rocks. The 'new' Land Raiders are awesome models (bigger than the original Spartan), but it was also sad to see them fall out of favor for an entire edition during 5th. Kewl they're making a comeback in 6th edition because of the vehicle changes.

It was a 40k unicorn/white whale for awhile, heh heh. Now if the ultra mega unicorn from hell of doom that is the plastic Thunderhawk ever appears at a cost of say $300...other than a truly EPIC feature film, all my 40k dreams will have come true :D

The high point in 40k for me is right now and it's very exciting.

Lots of this and it's still going up, up, up!!! All the Black Library stuff is amazing, Forge World, and the most amazing hard cover/full color codices this edition. 6th edition dropped last summer and we've already got six updated codices not even including supplements.

10-15-2013, 08:02 AM
The best/worst...The return of the Land Raider fits both bills IMO, hehehe. I believe the original Land Raider and Land Raider Spartan were only available (in a double kit no less to begin with) during RT, and then *poof* until 4th edition? They were included in all the SM codices for two or three editions with no model, heh heh. Many oooo's and aaahhhh's when they used to hit the table. Now the original Land Raider is a plastic version of the Forge World Proteus, which rocks. The 'new' Land Raiders are awesome models (bigger than the original Spartan), but it was also sad to see them fall out of favor for an entire edition during 5th. Kewl they're making a comeback in 6th edition because of the vehicle changes.

It was a 40k unicorn/white whale for awhile, heh heh. Now if the ultra mega unicorn from hell of doom that is the plastic Thunderhawk ever appears at a cost of say $300...other than a truly EPIC feature film, all my 40k dreams will have come true :D

Land raiders! I love them. They are the #1 iconic Space Marine model which drew me to power armor armies.

It's a shame I can't afford to buy them full price :(. Luckily, I've got my ancient beat-up Mk1 that I bought for $20 on eBay and my hybrid plastic/metal crusader that I got for $10 at a swap meet. I think there's one more - probably a second crusader, maybe a godhammer, maybe one which I magnetize so it can also be the other - in my future, if I can find a way to buy one cheap.

10-15-2013, 08:10 AM

Fantasy 8th! My Favourite ruleset to date
Our current boon in Codecies!
Imperial Guard reboot!
3rd Edition 40k! - My first Core box!
6th Edition 40k!

The Jabberslythe - I'd rather be fondled by the Bearded Lady Ogre
Finecast - Good idea, poor exocution
The constant changing state of WD - One month is all hobby, the next it's all Adverts
The removal of Specialist Games over time :(

10-15-2013, 08:11 AM
Been playing since Rogue Trader.

My highpoint? High quality multi-part plastics for every army (except Sisters...), and just when you think they've raised the bar quality-wise, they out-do themselves again.

My lowpoint? Other than bitz and specialist games, I'm not sure we've actually hit the low point yet. I suspect that will happen when the hardcover codex books starting getting re-done, because if they keep going at this rate, that isn't far off.

10-15-2013, 08:43 AM
Land raiders! I love them. They are the #1 iconic Space Marine model which drew me to power armor armies.

It's a shame I can't afford to buy them full price :(. Luckily, I've got my ancient beat-up Mk1 that I bought for $20 on eBay and my hybrid plastic/metal crusader that I got for $10 at a swap meet. I think there's one more - probably a second crusader, maybe a godhammer, maybe one which I magnetize so it can also be the other - in my future, if I can find a way to buy one cheap.

Yup gotta second this, I love Land Raiders. Just finished my first one (Crusader/Redeemer with magnetised sponsons) and went into my FLGS yesterday and they had in the bargain box a Land Raider hull for just £8. It has everything apart from the sponsons and the front turret, so gonna grab me a Crusader/Redeemer sprue off GW mail order for £12.50 and I'll have a 2nd one for less than half the price of the first. So very happy!

And yeah I would say that we are now in the most exciting time to be a 40k fan (or a 30k fan for that matter) as both the quantity and quality of 40k that's come out over the past 18 months is just amazing and shows no sign of slowing down.

Colonel Kreitz
10-15-2013, 01:37 PM
The first time I opened the 3rd Edition rulebook. I still think it's the best introduction to the 40K Universe. I also loved the Armageddon Codex. Both of these, however, are partially fueled by nostalgia.

I'd say the DE re-release is up there as well. I'd also agree that the Apocalypse release (the original one) was awesome thanks to the excitement around it.

Oh, and playing in the first "BIG GAME" at the LA Battle Bunker. That experience was a long, slow grind, but seeing all those miniatures arrayed was well worth it.

10-22-2013, 08:07 PM
Okay So I'm fairly new top this hobby, but you can't deny that with a codex being released entirely on a digital format, we can't deny that this hobby is entering a new era.

So I was just wondering if you guy's especially the more old and wizened players amongst us had any highlights and lowlights from GW of the past 25 years?

And anything you'd like to see in the next 25 years?!

Yes but it would be GW going away of being brought by someone else.

10-22-2013, 08:22 PM
Okay So I'm fairly new top this hobby, but you can't deny that with a codex being released entirely on a digital format, we can't deny that this hobby is entering a new era.

So I was just wondering if you guy's especially the more old and wizened players amongst us had any highlights and lowlights from GW of the past 25 years?

And anything you'd like to see in the next 25 years?!

Lowlights yes there have been plenty.

Squats going away

Nerfing of the Eldar

Epic getting trashed & dropped

Man-O-War gone plus many other stand alone games gone

Now you can buy virtual Codexes which means nothing to put your hands on at least with the current overpriced new Codexes you have a solid object.

With the digital format you got nothing. Just hope that you back it up or your computer doesn't crash.

But what you will see in 25 years are Codexes that will cost maybe over $200 and a rulebook that will cost far more.

Certain models that could cost $500-$750 and single plastic figures that cost well over $60 or more, oh they are half way there now so this is very easy to achieve in another 25 years.

10-23-2013, 03:52 AM
I've been playing and collecting since 3rd edition.

My two all-time highlights are the 3.5 Chaos Codex - the book that cemented my love of the Chaos Space Marines and has kept me dedicated to the army through thick and thin, and the Horus Heresy books done by Forge World - letting me do my dream army (due to my fanboydom of Horus stemming from 3.5), the Sons of Horus. My end goal would be to do a Sons of Horus army and a Black Legion army tied together, but we'll see where the FW series takes me.

As for the lows, ignoring the many (many many many many many) price rises, the 4th edition Chaos Space Marine book was a terrible blow to my love of 40k, and resulted in me pretty much quitting the 'collecting' part of the hobby (just painting occasional CSM models and playing with what I had).

Other lows:
- Games Day Australia being removed (notice the trend of love being thrown at Australia)
- Finecast
- Paint name changes (childish but without boltgun metal I feel cold and hollow inside)
- Limited edition EVERYTHING