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View Full Version : Corax, Vulkan, Khan, and Russ

11-23-2009, 02:18 PM
I'm looking for some background info on if Corax, Vulkan, Khan, and Russ had any opinions about each other. I've read the Horus Heresy books up to Battle for the Abyss and best I can remember, at one point Vulkan and Corax were in the same room with each other (right before having a really really bad day), but that's about it (although Khan and Russ haven't even appeared yet!).

Anyone have any other info?

11-23-2009, 04:14 PM
There's been nothing more. I expect maybe a little more about Corax's opinions on the others in the upcoming Raven's Flight audio.

11-23-2009, 05:07 PM
The SM codex did mention a rivalry between the White Scars and the Raven Guard. That doesn't mean a rivalry between their primarchs, but it wouldn't be the first time primarchs led to rivalry between chapters. Look at Petuarbo/Dorn, Russ/El' Jonson, etc.

11-23-2009, 09:42 PM
@gwensdad: Thanks—didn't know about that. Glad to see Raven Guard getting some sorely needed background. Although seems weird that it's an audiobook instead of a proper novel...

@Sitnam: I'd heard something about the White Scar/Raven Guard rivalry. I'd figured it was just because they had similar fighting styles (like Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists), but I wanted to know if there was something deeper there.

11-24-2009, 08:31 PM
go check out www.lexicanium.com thats where i go for all my 40k questions and you cna find the anserws you are looking for its a wikipedia kinda site but for warhammer and warhammer 40k
also thats how i found this website too

Ragnar Blackmane
11-28-2009, 08:03 PM
If you need this for anything constructive, and can't get an answer, wait until the Black Library Forum is back online. It host the very pinnacle of obssessed GW fans, and i am sure someone their can help you if their is anything at all that has been published.

Otherwise, try


Some of the BL junkies have banded together for protection against imagined aliens.

You may be able to get answers here.

12-15-2009, 11:10 AM
Apologies if this is a bit late to be of use but I remember reading in Visions of Heresy that Russ and Khan were friends. During the heresy Dorn ordered Russ to bring his legion to Terra to aid in the defense and Russ hesitated because the White Scars were being mauled at the time and he wanted to help his friend. In the end he loitered nearby until he had confirmation to head to Terra.

Hopefully that's useful, and correct lol