View Full Version : Two Items: Master-Crafted and "Power Weapons"

10-13-2013, 10:10 PM
Hello again my fellow BoLS denizens, a good day to you all. Now, onto the meat of my latest puzzle. I have two questions regarding two different rules and they may cause some controversy or condemnation -- but hear me out.

1) Master Crafted. I'll start this one out with the easy part. As you know, thanks to the Salamander's Chapter Tactics, each character in your army (not just special characters) may count one weapon as "master crafted" at no additional cost, even weapons that are upgrades (Master-crafted Teeth of Terra sounds nice to me). That got me to thinking: storm shields are located under the list headed "Terminator Weapons." Is it then, by conjecture, possible to master-craft a stormshield and thereby get a re-roll on your invulnerable save? It's pretty laughable, but I figured it was enough of a line of reasoning (based on the fact that its classified as a Terminator Weapon) that you could, if you wanted, make a master-crafted storm shield thanks to the Salamander's Chapter Tactics. Would it give you a re-roll on your 3++ save? Or would you just simply have a nicer, shinier shield than the rest of the Terminators standing around you, envious of your glory?

2) Power Weapons. In the past a model could be holding a giant headed axe as a "power weapon" or a spear if you like for a "power weapon." In the rulebook it states the following: "If a model's wargear says it has a power weapon which has no further special rules, look at the model to tell which type of power weapon it has: if it's a sword or dagger, it's a power sword; if it's an axe or a halberd, it's a power axe; if it's a blunt weapon like a mace or a staff, it's a power maul; if it's a spear or a lance, it's a power lance." (p.61 Power Weapons).

I bring this up because in a recent discussion with a local gamer friend, he was disputing my choices on power weapons for my Grey Knights Crusader squads. Due to the fact that I find power axes to be quite useful at times, I've decided to add a few into my squads. He says "no, you can't do that" because my models don't match the set-up that GW's models are given. So my counter-argument to his was basically quoting the rule above from page 61. I can, for technically no point cost, give a Crusader a power axe by giving the model such a weapon - due to the fact that their weargear says "power weapon" and not "power sword".

So, let the commenting, heckling, and arguing begin!

[Side note: be nice as possible to people, but hey, I've got thick skin so don't be afraid to lay it on.]

10-13-2013, 11:35 PM
1. The Re-rolling save on the SS, is a no go (imo). You can never use the shield to attack (to my knowledge), so therefore you could not Re-roll one of your "To Hit" rolls made by the shield. Unless it's stated in the rules, that a re-roll to hit with shields grants a re-roll on saving rolls, then it would not affect your saving rolls. the Master-crafted-ness of the shield would only affect "To Hit" rolls made with attacks from the shield.

2. The Power weapon rules, state to look at the model, if your model has the wargear listed as power "weapon" then your free to customize to your hearts content. If the wargear of the model states it's a sword/axe/staff/etc... Then your limited in what can be modeled (imo, a bad thing). Check the GK Errata/FAQ to see if any change has happened, if not, then I don't see any problem with you having power axes mixed in with the crusader squads.

10-13-2013, 11:43 PM
1) Master-crafted weapons allow a re-roll to hit. If you have a chainsword and master-crafted bolt pistol, you can choose whether your re-roll happens in the Shooting or Assault phases, but that's about the limit of the cheese possible here. Even if a storm shield is considered a weapon, it doesn't roll to hit, and the rule confers no other bonus.

2) Sure you can! Also fun are Death-cult Assassins with two different power weapons, who can choose each turn which one is giving all of their attacks a profile and which one is giving that profile a bonus attack.

10-13-2013, 11:48 PM
Yeah, I figured (1) would be like that. But still, the idea kind of struck me silly for a few moments. I mean, could you imagine the looks of despair on other player's faces as they ask "wait, you get to re-roll a 3++ because of a MC'ed storm shield?" Oh, it brings a tear to my eye from so much lulz.

10-14-2013, 12:00 AM
It wouldn't do you a great deal of good anyway, it'd be like master-crafting a vulcan mega-bolter. One re-roll when you're making one roll is pretty good; one re-roll in fifteen rolls is "eh, meh."

10-14-2013, 12:29 AM
True enough...but there have been enough times when I've played a game where one invul save made or lost the game.

10-14-2013, 08:57 AM
Are you kidding? Rerolling one 3++ a turn is friking amazing. On a Bike Master with IWND and 6+ FNP? Or 5+ if you stick him in a command squad?

Archon Charybdis
10-14-2013, 03:00 PM
To just add on to the consensus

1.) A saving throw is not an attack roll, so no go there.

2.) You're exactly right, if the model's profile doesn't specifically limit you to "power sword" and says generically "power weapon" you can model that power weapon however you damn well please. There's no requirement in the rules that you only play with GW official models and only how they're originally sold.

10-14-2013, 08:40 PM
Are you kidding? Rerolling one 3++ a turn is friking amazing. On a Bike Master with IWND and 6+ FNP? Or 5+ if you stick him in a command squad?

That was my thought. But probably because of how useful or broken it could be, that is why they either never thought of it or do not allow it.

Mr Mystery
10-15-2013, 06:07 AM
Hmm. Not sure people are advising you correctly on the Power Weapons.

Whilst yes, any historical or current list with a simple 'Power Weapon' upgrade can be either Sword, Mace, Axe or Spear depending on what the model is carrying, I believe this does not extend to Grey Knights, who already have unique weapons. Essentially, a Force Weapon can be any form of Force Weapon. But a Nemesis Force Sword remains at all times, a Nemesis Force Sword.

Sorry if I've mis-read, but I'm pretty sure I'm correct on this one....

Had a re-read, and yes I derp'd! Your opponet is correct where Nemesis weapons are concerned, as they're already unique. But the Crusaders (blokes, big shields, now I remember!) then yeah, they just have a generic power weapon in their entry. As such, the player is free to convert and model them to any of the 4 basic power weapon types....

10-15-2013, 07:00 AM



I never mentioned Nemesis Force Weapon or Force Weapon anywhere...so the first three paragraphs of your post Mr Mystery...are a mystery to me.