View Full Version : 1850 SM tourny list.

Billy Harrington
10-12-2013, 03:29 AM
I need some input and help here.

I'm using Dark Angels but I'm not using the terminators so using them as counts as Ultramarines.

That being said heres my current list.

Chief librarian Tigurius. 165

Scout squad, 8 men and Telion, sniper rifles and camo cloaks. 173
5 man tactical squad, lascannon and rhino 125
5 man tactical squad, lascannon rhino 125
5 man tactical squad, plasma cannon rhino 120
5 man tactical squad, multimelta rhino 115
5 man tactical squad, multimelta rhino 115

TL autocannon dread 120
TL autocannon dread 120

Centurian dev squad, chest missiles, 3 x grav cannons with grav amps, omniscope, LRC 540
Vindicator 125 points

1843 points.

So, this is my current run list, tiggy in LRC with Centurians with divination for 4++ and overwatch etc...

Snipers and cents for MC, dreads and cents with prescience for anti air, 6 troop choices 5 in armour.


Dave Mcturk
10-12-2013, 04:59 AM
rhinos. yum yum...

Billy Harrington
10-12-2013, 05:03 AM
Av 11, 3 hp and some prot for the tacts lol

10-12-2013, 08:49 AM
Just remember, Centurions can't Overwatch...so...yeah...gotta burst that bubble.

Seems pretty cool - but if you face a really smart opponent, they will focus on destroying your small tactical squads in the hopes of dismantling your ability to cap objectives. So be careful how risky you get with your tactical squads.

Billy Harrington
10-12-2013, 02:49 PM
Just remember, Centurions can't Overwatch...so...yeah...gotta burst that bubble.

They can't?

10-12-2013, 03:29 PM
Centurions have Slow and Purposeful, which denies the ability to Run, fire Overwatch, or make Sweeping Advances.

Billy Harrington
10-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Centurions have Slow and Purposeful, which denies the ability to Run, fire Overwatch, or make Sweeping Advances.

Well um, whats the point of them then? No inv, no overwatch, one shot glass cannons.

Sternguard in drop instead?

Billy Harrington
10-12-2013, 06:48 PM
Ok revamped, the cents were my anti mc/tank unit but without overwatch they have zero use in a tourny list.

So.. here goes take 2, have taken allies this time.

HQ - Tigurius (not decided where he will start)
HQ - Belial (Ally) Lightning claws

Elites - Dread - TL Autocannon
Elites - Dread - TL Autocannon
Elites - LoD Squad, 10 members, flamer (to deploy behind troop or heavy weapons squads)

troop - scout squad, 5 strong 4 snipers and telion, camo cloaks
troop, 5 man tact, multimelta, meltabomb, rhino
troop, 5 man tact, multimelta, meltabomb, rhino
troop, 5 man tact, lascannon, meltabomb, rhino
troop, 5 man tact, lascannon, meltabomb, rhino
troop, 8 man DA term squad, 1 assault cannon 4 lightning claws (Ally)

this is 1850 points and a in your face plan, however i have only the dreads as anti air and only have a few units, if i place the Lod near tig i can use his powers on them but he is now without a squad, what should i change here?

For the record this was the starting force 1650

DA Librarian

6 tactical squads, 6 rhinos, 2 plasma cannon, 2 lascannon, 2 multimelta
vets squad, meltagun, 2 combi melta, razorback with tl lascannon

2 tl auto cannon dreads
2 vindicators

1 dev squad, 3 heavy bolters and a lascannon (hq attached to this squad with div tree) this lacked any anti MC which is why i lost the 2 games last tourny,

10-12-2013, 08:14 PM
Your new list seems pretty solid. I'm not a fan of Legion of the Damned (I think Sternguard are better), but you can try them out and see how they work. It's nice that they get a 3+ invul save and their ranged shots have the Ignores Cover USR. Dropping them and Belial along with his 8-man termie squad into someone's backyard will be a great tool of distraction and destruction.