View Full Version : 2501p of Eldar Goodness and how it did against the Grey Knights...

Lost Vyper
10-11-2013, 10:15 AM
Okay, had an AWESOME match today against the GK and this was the list (double FOC) :


Maugan Ra (Warlord)
Farseer (SS)
Farseer (SS)


Dire Avengers x 9 + Exarch (PW+SS) + WS (Holo+tlBL)
Dire Avengers x 9 + Exarch (PW+SS) + WS (Holo+tlBL)
Guardian Defenders x 10 + WS (Holo+tlBL)
Rangers x 5
Windrider Jetbikes x 3 (1 x SC)


Warp Spiders x 5 + Exarch (FS+SR)
Swooping Hawks x 5 + Exarch (NW+HT)


War Walkers x 3 (SL+BL)
War Walkers x 3 (SL+BL)
War Walkers x 3 (Starc.+Starc)
Dark Reapers x 4 + Exarch (FS+NW)


Aegis Defence Lines + Icarus

He played our own custom mission, "The Gravehill", you can find it in my older posts. Only one 3p burial mount, no extra VPīs...

He let me begin, it was nightfighting. After round one, i had killed one Dreadknight and the Vindicare assassin (Nightvision,YEAH!), and i was happy! As the game progressed, the Hawksīs Grenade pack did damage on his Acolytes even with carapacearmor (AP4!), Walkers with Starcannons were cutting down Paladins (Doom helped!) and the Maugan Ra and his boys killed fare amount of his Termies too, with load of oneīs thrown in saving throws. Defenders and DAīs and Walkers disposed another Dread with ease (Guardians, surprisingly good!) His two Stormravens were causing havoc and killed two sets of Walkers (or was it all three?) and i got rid of them only in the round 6. Everything went according to plan and i tabled him in the 6th round and held the 3p objective with three troop units (just in case :D ).

+ Starcannons on Walkers, gotsdammit! If you are going against Terminators, HELLO! :)
+ Maugan Ra, delivered and kept the squad alive, took only one wound in the whole game
+ Icarus + dude with Fast Shot and Nightvision....ok, i can go first, is that your Dreadknight there out in the open? :cool:

- Rangers, one round --> WHOOSH! Torrent flamer shish kebab
- Warp Spiders, okay, this was more of a PLAYER error (placed them too closely to his board edge --> reserves came in and bye bye), but 3+ doesnīt work against 15-20 wounds...

Always nice to start a day with a win (and end it with a lost :(), especially a tabling...and then there came the whining about the

a) Bladestorm
b) Serpent Shield
c) Turboboosting

but hey, I WON!

- Lost Vyper