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View Full Version : Is the Punisher worth it without Pask?

Lord Azaghul
11-23-2009, 09:11 AM
Ok so I'll start by saying I haven't actually tested the turret on the table top yet - just a few dice rolls after I completed scratch building the punisher cannon (dirt easy btw - just take some 2.4mm styrene tubing, cut out the middle section of a standard battle cannon and presto!)

For the starting cost of 180 pts. I'm not sure its worth it - especially when compared to any of the tanks that use blast or large blast. I guess it would be best against MC's but ratlings seem to do a better job of that. I think I'll either run it which a lascannon or HF hull mounts ( I still want the anti-tank option(s))

Any thoughts?

Also, what sponsons would you take (don't say HB, i don't think 6 HB shots it worth the 20points, on top of the 180 base cost)

11-23-2009, 10:05 AM
The Punisher isn't worth it WITH Pask. 20 shots --> about 13 hits --> 8.25W --> 2.125 failed saves against MEQs.
Against Orks or Tyranids or something like that it performs better but nothing that a plain old battle tank couldn't do.

As per sponsons, Heavy Bolters are the only option, sorry. Anything else is just silly, you're not going to want to fire a multi-melta or a Plasma Cannon at a unit you're planning on firing a S5 AP- weapon at.

11-23-2009, 10:17 AM
Any thoughts?

It is new, interesting, and probably pretty rare so how is it not worth it? Maybe it won't perform as well as a more conventional tank, but i am sure you won't be going for the throat every game you play. If you think you will like it and your opponents will like playing against it then go for it. However, when in doubt - magnetize.

Lord Azaghul
11-23-2009, 10:25 AM
It is new, interesting, and probably pretty rare so how is it not worth it? Maybe it won't perform as well as a more conventional tank, but i am sure you won't be going for the throat every game you play. If you think you will like it and your opponents will like playing against it then go for it. However, when in doubt - magnetize.

Actually the whole 'fun' reason was why I choose to built it! My other russes are 2 BC and 1 Demolisher - In my opinion both 'tried and true' russ variants are still the best options. I decided I really didn't need a 3rd BC - so I converted it to what looked like fun to play!

I agree with not using the other sponson options (multimelta/plasma) I was debating on just fielding it with a LC hull mount and a the punisher cannon, or the 'standard' punisher load out for 5 more points (3 HB's)...I was just hoping someone had a good set up for the tank!

11-23-2009, 10:43 AM
For the starting cost of 180 pts. I'm not sure its worth it - especially when compared to any of the tanks that use blast or large blast. I guess it would be best against MC's but ratlings seem to do a better job of that. I think I'll either run it which a lascannon or HF hull mounts ( I still want the anti-tank option(s))

First of all, don't take the punisher thinking that it's going to win games for you, because it won't. But I think the punisher can be a great addition for the right army.

In my experience, the biggest problem with the Punisher is the short range. It's tough to get a first turn shot with it and it's easy for your opponent to keep it from shooting (if you aren't careful, it will be shaken/stunned for the whole game).

I recommend building an army where your Punishers can be held in reserve. Since you are playing IG, it's likely that your opponent will be advancing against you. Drive a pair of Punishers on the table on the second turn and pump out 46 S5 shots against whatever is causing you the most stress.

It's fantastic against Orks and it's going to be a killer tank against the new Tyranid codex.

Also, what sponsons would you take (don't say HB, i don't think 6 HB shots it worth the 20points, on top of the 180 base cost)

I'm taking 3 Heavy Bolters for mine. I rolling the dice for 29 shots (23 on the move). It's very satisfying.

Lord Azaghul
11-23-2009, 10:54 AM
I hadn't thought of putting it in reserve... My typcial heavy load out is BC/Demo/Bassie - and I start with all three on the board. I like having armour kill on the table on turn 1, not being an armour killer was part of my problem with the punisher - reserves makes more sense...thanks for the idea...and I assume you don't bother with pask?

11-23-2009, 12:08 PM
when fighting nid's I never have enough shots

each squad has

60 punisher cannon shots
27 Heavy bolter shots (all have HB sonsons and hull)

max out you punishers (9 punishers and 12 HB)
180 punisher cannon shots
81 Heavy bolter shots

Total for 9 punishers with HB sponsons
shots 361

now put that 1800 point against swarm nids/orks/guard

gunnin' the nids


11-23-2009, 12:11 PM
Quite honestly, as far as competitive gaming goes? It's not even worth it with pask according to most IG players both on the net and th ones I've met IRL.

Lord Azaghul
11-23-2009, 12:48 PM
I wasn't conviced the extra 50 for Pask was worth it - half the problem is his special rule only works if you didn't move - I just don' t think the punisher is the russ to be sinking pricey upgrades into.

Fuzzbucket: no way! Mortars are a great cheap way to kill hordes, as are 10man guard squads will flamers - both are alot more expendable then squads of russ punishers.

11-24-2009, 10:35 AM
but gaunts cant hurt punisher line

11-24-2009, 01:28 PM
but fexis can... and the are good at laughing at those pesky s5 shots bouncing off their t7 2+ bodies :)

11-24-2009, 01:37 PM
Hmm a pair of striped down punishers could be really neat. I've used a triple heavy bolter one with Pask a few times but I've been forgoing it for the exterminator more lately.