View Full Version : Crimson Fists 1850

10-09-2013, 01:43 AM
Hola amigos! I finally got started on my first true Loyalist Space Marine army, the Crimson Fists. So far I've got myself one Tactical Squad box and one Sternguard Veteran box.

I've settled on the Crimson Fists over the Salamanders as I really want to represent a specific army variant of the Fists; those who survived the destruction of their Fortress Monastery and made the perilous trek to New Rynn City on foot. I also liked how most of the Chapter is composed of Veterans, as it plays very much into the kind of army I would want to do visually. Now, to represent the force and do my first truly themed army list, I went with a few limitations and design changes.

1) No vehicles of any kind! No flyers, no transports, no tanks, nothing! For Space Marines, such a force is likely to be considered limited and very vulnerable to Tau/Eldar/Imperial Guard artillery, but I want to embrace a challenging force and do them justice.
2) Devastators to represent my "Initiates". The Crimson Fists have a heavy concentration of Veterans and Scouts, so to represent this with the 'column', I am using Devastators as my low ranking Marines. This is as much an aesthetic choice as it is a gameplay choice; after all, my army list would have virtually no anti-tank otherwise.
3) In some games, I may drop some units to ally in the Eldar army I am working on; after all, the two forces did sort of work together in the books so that the Fists could get to New Rynn City.

You'll notice a distinct lack of combi-weapons on my Sternguard. For a foot-slogging list, you need as many bodies as possible and given that I am not using transports, the more short ranged nature of combi-weapons would be wasted anyway. The Tactical Squads have heavy bolters for fluff reasons with Bolter Drill, and the flamers are there because of spare points really - and their effectiveness against Orks. The Devastators have lascannons to maximise on Tank Hunters.

So without further ado....do you like the list? It is a themed army list, but I am happy to hear suggestions and critiques if you can think of ways to improve or change it. Cheers!
As a little aside....for laughs, instead of using standard objective markers or those dead Space Marines to represent them, I'm going to make up some Space Marines sleeping against rocks or on chairs with sculpted sombrero hats pulled down over their faces :D

Crimson Fists 1850

Pedro Kantor - Warlord

Tactical Squad (10) w/ heavy bolter, flamer
Tactical Squad (10) w/ heavy bolter, flamer

Sternguard Veterans (10) w/ meltabombs
Sternguard Veterans (10)
Sternguard Veterans (10)

Heavy Support
Devastators (10) w/ four lascannons
Devastators (10) w/ four lascannons
Devastators (10) w/ four lascannons

By the by, I really like having 81 Space Marines. Why? It is a multiple of nine....in fact, it is nine by nine....

Cpt Codpiece
10-09-2013, 05:29 AM
combi flamers are kinda cool especially if you are holding a objective (stern are scoring :)) and overwatch auto hits :) 10xD3 flamer hits is nasty.

you HAVE to post those dead dudes up in P&M :) when you get em done

10-09-2013, 10:47 AM
Yeah they would be a good idea, just being able to get close enough to use them might be an issue with all the Tau and Eldar players in my store! Either way, I'm boned in a foot-slogging list lol.

Haha will do! Cheers!

10-10-2013, 03:59 AM
Got those first fifteen models built, based and sprayed. I'll probably order Pedro in and buy another Sternguard box in two weeks. My friends had a great idea to save me a bit of money on the Devastators; instead of buying six Devastator kits for $55 each, buy three Tactical Squad boxes and three lascannon sets from Forge World. $255 as opposed to $330, and the models will look so much better.

Cpt Codpiece
10-10-2013, 02:05 PM
the lascannon arms..... dont come with the kit.

i was planning on similar myself. it may be easier to bitz order from ebay

10-10-2013, 03:42 PM
The 3 Hellturkey lists are going to make you cry especially with absolutely no anti-air.

But I do support your desire for horde Marines. I too am working on horde Dark Angels.

10-10-2013, 04:58 PM
the lascannon arms..... dont come with the kit.

i was planning on similar myself. it may be easier to bitz order from ebay

What we figured out is that you could do Devastators with lascannons using bolter arms, they will need a bit of work but it will look good in the end.

The 3 Hellturkey lists are going to make you cry especially with absolutely no anti-air.

But I do support your desire for horde Marines. I too am working on horde Dark Angels.

Yeah pretty much, I'm well aware I've got several hard counters, but the good thing is that I can deal pretty well with most of the rest of what a Chaos list throws at me. Thankfully for me, none of our regulars really run Heldrakes or even play Chaos - those that do gravitate away from them because they are sick of being called power gamers!

Cpt Codpiece
10-10-2013, 05:13 PM
yeah i suppose its just an elbow cut and rotation, with a tiny bit of GS if its got a severe 'chest' gouge

i wish i could do a similar list TBH, but i love my fancy stuff too much...... i already have a raven and talon..... 5 tact terms and 10 assault terms, chaplain, librarian, custom Mk VI kantor and sniper scouts :) yeah im a little obsessive at times.