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10-09-2013, 12:26 AM
via Ajota from the Spanish Eye of Terror forums (http://server4.foros.net/index2.php?mforum=OjodelTerror) 10-8-2013

Ajota specified Wood Elves are in "april/may".

Cosas que se oyen sobre silvanos, aunque debemos recordar que enanos sale antes, a principios de 2014:

Translated as: "Things you hear on Silvan, but we must remember that dwarves out before, in early 2014:"


Army wide ASF ( elves only )
- Hawkeye ( only elves , reroll one to hit, single shots)
- Spirit of the Forest ( unstable magical attacks, hatred , 5 + ward save , harmony with the forest )
- Elven Bow ( f4 , rapid fire , extra row )
- Saearath ( cc weapon , +1 Strength , + 1 SEspecial , spears )
- Explorers / Ambushers ( NDT : not what it is )

Forest Guard : Elvish Bow , Hawkeye
Eternal Guard : f4 , Saearath , L8
Light Knights : same
Driades : forms of combat .
Riders Halcon : Elven Bow , Hawk Eye , launches
Kournous Riders : Spirit of the forest, Saearath , L8 , F4 , A2 ( idk if directly go deer)
Arboreal : Spirit of the forest , as
Banshees : Spirit of the forest, Lamento ( breath attack ) , terror .
Eagle Claws : same
Wardancer : same , except for some changes that do not know .
Forest : Forest Spirit , Bow Elvish .
Men Tree: Like I
Millennial choleric : Hate Eternal , and nose to more


Man Megacaja Tree (Giant) / Durtu / Millennium cashflow
- Great Dragon Box Forest / Lord of the Forest / Sisters of Twilight
- Safety in Deer Forest Kournous
- Safety Kournous Riders (apparently nothing to do with the look of today, more fey and spiritual)
- Safety Wardancer / Forest
- Riders Box Falcon / Eagle Claws
- Safety Eternal Guard / Forest Banshees
- Blister Cantor of Trees
- Blister Lord of Forests
- Blister Skaw the Falconer

via BoLS 11-14-2013

May Release
The final army book of 8th Edition
New Glade Guard
New Way Watchers
New War Dancers
New Dryads
New Treemen
New War Eagles
New units...

via Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/04/wood-elf-release-and-its-details.html#more) 4-9-2014

Wood Elves are out in May. They get only a two week release - armybook, magic cards and three plastic kits. It is not a total overhaul and their finecast kits - even the cavalry plastic-finecast-kits - stay valid. The only exception is the eternal guard. They are dropped completely. The models can be used as war dancers.

One of the new kits is special because it can be used for several different units. You can build either three hawk riders, which are one hawk and two surfers now, or three giant owl-like monsters called stonefeathers and six waywatchers. On top of that you can build a hero on hawk or on foot.

The second kit is a war dancer combokit. The second unit wears varying animal masks and shields made of pelt on wooden frames. They have animal claws as weapons.

The last kit is tree ancient and meadow hag. The former is a giant-sized tree man with a huge beard made of bark. The latter has a crown of leaves and she has a skirt of roots instead of legs. Her hands grow into a web of thorns.

The rest of the range stays as it is, the finecast kits probably mail order only.

The wood elves have very dynamic poses because almost all their units are skirmishers again and the sculptors didn't have to worry about spacing. Skirmishers work seamlessly with other regiments in 9th edition, so there will be no problem with this play style.

via Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/NrfK2#0) and everywhere 4-22-2014


Week 1 Wood Elves Releases
via lataburnadellaurana (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.com/)

Warhammer: Wood Elves : Army Book full color, hardcover, 92 pages €39
Battle Magic: Elves: 16 magic cards, €6
Araloth the Sorcerer: New Character, plastic clampack, Wizard and falcon. €17.50
Ancient Treeman: Reissue of old Man Tree, triple option box, can create: TreeMan, Treeman Ancient, or Durthu a character €50

Missed these from a couple days back:

via The Workshop Yila (http://eltallerdeyila.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/reglas-de-ejercito-elfos-silvanos.html#more) (translated from Spanish)

Army Wide Rules:
Always Strikes First, Hatred (Beastmen), Forest Strider, No penalty to move and shoot with bows, Bows (magical and regular) reroll 1s to hit and add +1 Strength at half range.

Wood Elf Wizards have +1 to cast lore of Athel Loren.

Wood Elves still get a free wood.

Waywatchers Wardancers and bar are unchanged at half range. Waywatchers are S4 and have Killing Blow.

War Hawks Have the old Hit and Run rule.

Eternal Guard weapons are unchanged. The spear is +1 strength.

Mantle of the Asrai grants a 6+ Ward save.

Mantle of Kurunos grants a 6+ plus Armor save.

Wild Riders gain Frenzy.

Forest Spirit rule grants units Immune to Psychology and a 6+ ward save.

via latabernadadelaurana (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.com/) 4-24-2014


via MythicKhan 4-25-2014

Got a nice look at the White Dwarf today. Pretty much everything that can be leaked out has as far as I can see. Definites on the stags, the High/Dark/All 8 Lores access for them (which personally I think is cool, but then I'm a new player as opposed to someone attached to previous iterations). Treeman looks awesome, particularly the one painted in more wood like colours. Ranked dryads were present, the original Glade Guard and Glade Riders on ordinary painted horses (speculation with GW manager was spirit horse option?).

As far as I could see, the 'Eternal Guard' like minis appear to have some sort of great axe, but nothing concrete on other weapon options or what (if anything) they double up with. Manager also mentioned that Sisters of Twilight have gone off the website too! Fingers crossed for forest dragon!

Needless to say, I have a limited edition book on unofficial preorder :P

Pretty sure two axes (ed. ~ miniature seen in the pics doing the rounds) is a unit champion. If you look closely at the right hand end of the axe-elves, I believe you can see a musician wielding an axe that is much the same (and is that a peak of the same axe being held forward just as the picture cuts?)

via Qaz: (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?36070-Wood-Elves-Rumor-Roundup&p=415719&viewfull=1#post415719) 4-27-2014

Week 2 releases:
Wild Riders/Stag Knights
Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers
1-2 Characters

Confirmations on 2nd Wood Elves Week!


via La Taburna (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.c...da-oleada.html) 4-28-2014

* Sisters of the Thorn / Wild Riders: Plastic Box, dual kit, 5 miniatures. 29 euro. The Sisters are the Stag Riders, and the Wild Riders are Orion´s personal Guard, with long spears.

* Eternal Guard / Wildwood Rangers: Plastic box, dual infantry kit, 10 miniatures. 31 Euro. Has a Command Set: Champion, Musician and Standard Bearer

* Guardians of The Deepwood: Army Box, 3 Treemen and 36 Dryads. 190 euro. Treemen can be armed as Ancient and even one Durthu. Only until stocks last.

Week 2 Minis pics (http://imgur.com/EzF5cZ4,z5bNGJW,Txn8jpL,z5cFoeR,7q5YoxJ,AUIrQHT#0) 4-28-2014

via 40K Warzone: (http://40kwarzone.blogspot.com/2014/05/new-wood-elf-rules.html) 5-2-2014

Army wide special rules:

Blessings of the Ancients: Any model with this special rule adds +1 to cast when in a forest

Ambush from the Worldroots: A Wood Elf army can place an additional forest (use a citadel wood) on the battlefield. This is done during deployment and must be placed wholly on your half of the battlefield. This is not mysterious terrain - declare it's type when you place it. If you cannot fit it, love other pieces of terrain by shortest necessary distance until it's possible to place. If a forest cannot be placed or the scenario means the Woof Elf army does not have a table half in which to deploy, this forest is not used.

Forest Spirit: Models with this special rule have the Forest Strider special rule and it's attacks (shooting and combat) are magical. In addition, if the model is not a mount, it has a 6+ ward and Immume to Psychology.

Forest Stalker: Models with this special rule have the Forest Strider special rule. In addition, if at least half it's models are within a forest:

- All models that have the Forest Stalker special rule fire in one more rank than normal (if the unit chooses to Volley Fire, this will mean that all the models in the front three ranks and half the models in forth and subsequent ranks are able to shoot)

- All models that have the Forest Stalker special rule can make supporting attacks with one extra rank than normal. This is cumulative with other special rules that allow models to fight in extra ranks.

- All models that have the Forest Stalker special rule (but not their mounts) re-roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 in combat.

Most Elven units also have, as expected, Always Strikes first.

So basically a mix of High and Dark Elf special rules if you're in a forest.

Magic: Spellsinger use one of the eight battle magic lores. Spellweavers use High Magic or Dark Magic or one of the eight other lores, but High Magic and Dark Magic have their own attributes:

High Magic attribute: Whenever a Wood Elf Wizard successfully casts a spell from this lore, and it is not dispelled, place a protection counter next to him once the spell has been resolved. Whenever the Wizard (or a model in the same unit as him) suffers an unsaved Wound and there are one or more protection counters next to him, remove a protection counter and treat the Wound as if it had been saved. (WOW!)

Dark Magic attribute: Whenever a Wood Elf Wizard successfully casts a spell from this lore, and the spell is not dispelled, place a vengeance counter next to each target once the spell has been resolved (do not place counters next to friendly units). Whenver a unit with vengeance counters suffers hits from a spell from the Lore of Dark Magic, remove those counters and increase the number of hits inflicted by D3 for each vengeance counter removed (roll separately for each counter).

The Armoury of Torgovann:

Asrai Longbow: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Volley Fire

Blackbriar Javelin: 12" Range, Str User, Armour Piercing, Poisoned Attacks

Asrai Spear:

- Foot: Combat, Str User, Amour Piercing, Fight in Extra Ranks

- Mounted: Combat, +1 Str (only on the charge), Armour Piercing
Enchanted Arrows:

Arcane Bodkins: 30" Range, Str 3, Volley Fire. -3 Armour Saving modifier to wounds caused by Arcane Bodkins.

Hagbane Tips: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Poisoned Attacks, Volley Fire

Moonfire Shot: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Flaming Attacks, Volley Fire. Hits from Moonfire Shot have +1 on rolls to Wound against units with a majority model count from Forces of Order.

Starfire Shafts: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Flaming Attacks, Volley Fire. Hits from Moonfire Shot have +1 on rolls to Wound against units with a majority model count from Forces of Destruction.

Swiftshiver Shafts: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Multiple Shots (2), Volley Fire

Trueflight Arrows: 30" Range, Str 3, Armour Piercing, Volley Fire

Shooting attacks made with Trueflight Arrows do not suffer To Hit penalties.

New Units/Models:

Wildwood Rangers: Elven profile with WS5. Always Strikes First, Forest Stalker, Immune to Psychology and

Guardians of the Wildwood: If a model with this rule is in base contact with one model with Fear or Terror, it has +1 Attack.

Armed with Great Weapons & Light Armour.

Sisters of the Thorn: Elven profile with BS5. Always Strikes First, Forest Stalker, Fast Cavalry, Poisoned Attacks (Riders Only), 4+ Ward and:

Deepwood Coven: A unit of sisters is considered a Level 2 Wizard with the spells Shield of Thorns (Lore of Life) and Curse lf Anraheir (Lore of Beasts). This doesn't prevent other wizards knowing the same spells. Recievs +1 to cast for each rank of 5 after the first to a max of +3. Choose one sister for the caster or target for purposes of line of sight, range etc. Miscast results in d3 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed.

Wild Riders: Elven profile with WS5, Str 4. Always Strikes First, Devastating Charge (Riders only), Forest Stalker, Fast Cavalry, Fear, Frenzy and:

Talasmanic Tatoos: 6+ Ward Save

Durthu: M5, WS7, BS7, S6, T6, W6, I2, A6, Ld10

Lvl 1 Wizard that uses Beasts, Blessings of the Ancients, Flammable, Forest Spirit, Frenzy, Hatred, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Stubborn, Terror;

Tree Whack: Make a Tree Whack attack in place of attacking. Must be declared before rolling to hit. Nominate enemy model in base contact. This model must pass an Initiative test or suffer D6 wounds with no armour saves allowed. May be used in a challenge.

A Lamentation of Despairs: 12" Range, Str 2, Killing Blow, Multiple Shots (2d6)

Araloth: M5, WS8, BS7, S4, T3, W3, I8, A5, Ld10

Always Strikes First, Forest Stalker, Stubborn;

Boldest of the Bold: Whilst Araloth is a lone character, he has Unbreakable (replaces Stubborn)

Favour of the Goddess: 4+ Ward Save

Skaryn the Eye Thief: Nominate a single enemy model within 18" of Araloth. This model takes a Str 4 hit. If wound is unsaved and the wound roll was a 6, model suffers -5 penalty to Weapon Skill and Initiative (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the game. A model can only suffer this penalty once.

10-09-2013, 12:49 AM
Seem way to early to be getting these sorts of rumours, no offense to the source. It was unusual enough getting SM lists like this a month before pre-orders let alone eight months in advance.

Mr Mystery
10-09-2013, 01:52 AM
I dunno.

It's safe to say the book is likely done and dusted, as it appears Mat Ward wrote the Elven trinity around the same time.

So it's not outside the realms of possibility. I do remain my usual sceptical self.

10-09-2013, 02:02 AM
Good building blocks looking forward though. If even half of these remain true come the release we'll have a decent understanding of what to expect...But i think ASF is a safe choice, and rerolls to shooting of 1's

10-09-2013, 03:07 AM
Yes the rule rumors seem logical to me if you compare it to recent releases. However some of the rumored miniatures look strange to me. Hope they get some nice looking stag or bear riders. Warhammer needs more bears:p

10-09-2013, 03:17 AM
Bears and Moose....i do like me some moose!

I wonder what on earth a forest banshee is though? I'm intreged

10-09-2013, 04:09 AM
Bears and Moose....i do like me some moose!

I wonder what on earth a forest banshee is though? I'm intreged

Yes its indeed a strange choice, sounds more vampire counts to me.

Kaptain Badrukk
10-09-2013, 04:12 AM
I'm hoping for some kind of moosebear monster now :)
Like the Mooselion!

10-09-2013, 05:12 AM
Moosebearlion....half moose, half bear, half lion

10-09-2013, 05:58 AM
It would be amazing if the new stag riders would look like thranduil on his stag at the beginning of the hobbit (smaug attacks Erebor scene). For some reason I am really excited about a wood elf release (and I dont play them).

10-09-2013, 06:08 AM
Sincerely hope this is as late as May, otherwise I'll not be finished my TK/Lizardmen in time to pick up a third army! Always wanted to give Wood Elves a go outside of BloodBowl. Lots of elven bowmen sounds great to me from an aesthetic standpoint.

10-09-2013, 06:09 AM
I'm looking forward to it as well, I want to see how they handle Ariel in particular. Both the High Elf and Dark Elf books have given much more prominent roles and really fleshed out their respective leading women and in the case of the High Elf book confirmed the existence of female nobles and princesses. There was speculation based on some of the BL novels that the role of Ariel was going to be enhanced with some kind of nascent Elven world godess, Ariel as her avatar and Alarielle as her high priestess. Interesting to see if that goes anywhere.

Mr Mystery
10-09-2013, 06:33 AM
I'm looking forward to it as well, I want to see how they handle Ariel in particular. Both the High Elf and Dark Elf books have given much more prominent roles and really fleshed out their respective leading women and in the case of the High Elf book confirmed the existence of female nobles and princesses. There was speculation based on some of the BL novels that the role of Ariel was going to be enhanced with some kind of nascent Elven world godess, Ariel as her avatar and Alarielle as her high priestess. Interesting to see if that goes anywhere.

Have you read the Dark Elf book yet? Seems the Woodies are somewhat neutral between the Druchii and Asur these days....

10-09-2013, 06:42 AM
That would make more logical sense than anything else. Woodelves do have the feel of neutral good to me. It gives you 3 aspects at that point for the Elves.

10-09-2013, 06:43 AM
I have and it makes sense. The Naggaroth is the evil twin of Ulthuan, Athel Loren is the poor country cousin. Not caught up in the sibling rivalry and too distant to get caught in the crossfire.

10-09-2013, 06:52 AM
Woodelves do have the feel of neutral good to me.

see I view them as true neutral, they are just as likely to kill people as ignore/help them. it is one of the things I like about the wood elves, they just don't care at all about other races.

Mr Mystery
10-09-2013, 06:54 AM
see I view them as true neutral, they are just as likely to kill people as ignore/help them. it is one of the things I like about the wood elves, they just don't care at all about other races.

Unless you go mucking about with their twigs and berries.

Then there's hell to pay!

10-09-2013, 06:59 AM
Unless you go mucking about with their twigs and berries.

hurr hurr hurr

10-09-2013, 07:04 AM
Wood elves are still Elves and thus callous and arrogant, their manipulation of Bretonnia is a good example of this 'Hey these humans could be a valuable buffer and they are SO damned stupid, I, Ariel, shall appear before them as a goddess, grant them some favours and form a religion which will shape and control them to aid our cause as much as possible'.

It works too.

'Sir Dude, the Lady of the Lake totes had pointy ears, do you think she could be a Wood Elf?'
'BLASPHEMY!' *burns squire at stake*

10-09-2013, 07:11 AM
the wood elves desperately need a new stag model, the current lord on stag was clearly done by somebody who had never seen one, and they just sculpted a cow with some antlers.

10-09-2013, 07:12 AM
Wood elves are still Elves and thus callous and arrogant, their manipulation of Bretonnia is a good example of this 'Hey these humans could be a valuable buffer and they are SO damned stupid, I, Ariel, shall appear before them as a goddess, grant them some favours and form a religion which will shape and control them to aid our cause as much as possible'.

It works too.

'Sir Dude, the Lady of the Lake totes had pointy ears, do you think she could be a Wood Elf?'
'BLASPHEMY!' *burns squire at stake*

to be fair, seeing as the lady appears to them, grants them protection and favours, and helps them out, is it really so stupid to pray to her?

10-09-2013, 07:14 AM
Wood elves are still Elves and thus callous and arrogant, their manipulation of Bretonnia is a good example of this 'Hey these humans could be a valuable buffer and they are SO damned stupid, I, Ariel, shall appear before them as a goddess, grant them some favours and form a religion which will shape and control them to aid our cause as much as possible'.

It works too.

'Sir Dude, the Lady of the Lake totes had pointy ears, do you think she could be a Wood Elf?'
'BLASPHEMY!' *burns squire at stake*

Must resist urge to model Sir Dude and Blokey the Squire

10-09-2013, 07:17 AM
to be fair, seeing as the lady appears to them, grants them protection and favours, and helps them out, is it really so stupid to pray to her?
Nope, but that's the point, really clever piece of manipulation and so brazen and arrogant.:) Almost worth collecting Wood Elves for but I hate painting woodsy colours. It's such a beech. #wit:rolleyes:

Must resist urge to model Sir Dude and Blokey the Squire
Resistance is futile.

10-09-2013, 07:20 AM
yeah I had a wood elf army previously but they just don't suit my painting style at all, I couldn't find a colour scheme I liked. might try again though if they get awesome new models and a good book. which they will. damn.

10-09-2013, 08:08 AM
I had perfected my Autumn color scheme for Wood Elves and was very pleased with them, so excited to paint a full army. I played one game with them using High Elves models and it was so annoying from a game-play standpoint that I never used them again. I hope they even out the new book to have more variation in viable composition, because the old book is so out of touch with the current rule set. I have hope after seeing what the High Elf and Dark Elf releases were like.

10-09-2013, 09:50 AM
With thinking about how old the range is (most of it being Metal or Finecast still) what do you think we'll get a 2 month release like Dark Elves? I would think most of the models in the range have to be replaced.

10-09-2013, 09:52 AM
Mentioning FC, I'm glad it's being phased out, or so it seems. I think GW have finally given up the ghost on making it reliable. However I still have to buy FC Bolt Throwers for my Dark Elves unless anyone knows of a good plastic conversion equivalent

10-09-2013, 10:27 AM
I would love to see some plastic eternal guard, although I am a little afraid of what they might cost!

10-09-2013, 10:33 AM
I could well see eternal guard being a combo box with a new unit.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-09-2013, 10:54 AM
However I still have to buy FC Bolt Throwers for my Dark Elves unless anyone knows of a good plastic conversion equivalentThe Bolt-thrower from the high elf eagle chariot's pretty cheap on bits sites; two of them, vertical and side-by-side would be a good start to making a plastic DE bolt-thrower (and cheaper).

Edit: Linky (http://bitzbarn.com/oscommerce/catalog/index.php?cPath=23_47_733&osCsid=j3a7rbeatgj32ucl1ffghjidn3)

10-09-2013, 11:20 AM
I find it sad that the Dwarf and Wood Elves rumor roundups went up at the same time.

This one has 30 replies and the Stunties have one.

Tough crowd :)

10-09-2013, 11:50 AM
What can I say!? Woodelves are gorgeous models...dwarfs are...well, a shorter version of me with more impressive beards

10-09-2013, 11:56 AM
What can I say!? Woodelves are gorgeous models...dwarfs are...well, a shorter version of me with more impressive beards

Yes this pretty much sums it up. Dwarf range is absolute terrible with only a few "decent" minis. While wood elves got a really nice core and overall miniatures. However the wood side of the wood elves (treeman,treekin) are bad.

10-09-2013, 12:00 PM
I think the dwarfs have really nice models personally, look forward to lots of plastic

Mr Mystery
10-09-2013, 12:45 PM
I like the stunty background, but the army has never really interested me. This is largely due to the sort of player who considers simply packing in as much artillery on a hill, and surrounding it with ranged troops, reducing my entire strategy to 'Steg it across the board as fast as I can and hope I have enough troops left to deal with his lone' to be the height of tactical genius, as opposed to yet another exercise in banality.

Which is all the more shameful given the stunty prowess and discipline in combat , which outside of a Hammer bunker and occasional Ironbreakers unit is routinely ignored.

Plus, Stick Pixies need more work due to the changes made to skirmishers in 8th Edition. I'm really interested to see what they've done!

10-09-2013, 11:10 PM
WElves need it more.

10-10-2013, 05:01 AM
WElves need it more.

Well tournament wise I agree. However for the average hobbyist/gamer I would go as far that dwarves are worse then wood elves. The models are more outdated then wood elves. In the end the point of warhammer is to have fun and thats hard with dwarves.

Kaptain Badrukk
10-10-2013, 05:03 AM
Depends on your idea of fun. I have to admit that there is a certain sense of satisfaction in levelling the other half of the board in a withering hail of shot, lobbed rocks and cannonballs.

10-10-2013, 05:09 AM
I think I can identify more with the Dwarfs. I wonder what "big" kit they will get ?

10-10-2013, 05:30 AM
yes the idea of which needs it more is really too subjective. personally I feel the bretonnians need it most. I think the army book is great, but the FAQ kills it. the dwarfs have some solid models and solid rules, a few tweaks like making organ guns roll to hit, changing the way the anvil of doom works, there wont be huge changes. Wood elves have beautiful models but need some more plastics, and need point reductions across the board. I could see big drops for wardancers and waywatchers in particular. the dwarf big kit I am hoping is some sort of death roller like the blood bowl one :D

10-10-2013, 06:52 AM
I think I can identify more with the Dwarfs. I wonder what "big" kit they will get ?

I was a Dirigi-Dwarf, or a Gyro-Blimp

10-10-2013, 10:05 AM
Am I the only person wondering what a 'millennium cash flow' is? Sounds like an GW in house term for their latest super kit to me.

10-10-2013, 10:24 AM
Cliff Richard and Robbie Williams both had one.

10-11-2013, 11:26 AM
That they did. GW releasing tie in albums then?

10-12-2013, 01:17 PM
The two things I'd really like to see return are

Ariel and Durthu,

I had a read of the old 5th ed book, the description for Ariel is pretty awesome, she's like the old school C'tan.
Durthu, well Durthu because Durthu, treeman ancient (though hoping sprits do not go the way of the Lizardman spawnings).

Just hoping there's rules as a minimum for Ariel...model or no model from GW isn't going to be a problem for me. ;)

10-22-2013, 11:32 AM
The two things I'd really like to see return are

Ariel and Durthu,

I had a read of the old 5th ed book, the description for Ariel is pretty awesome, she's like the old school C'tan.
Durthu, well Durthu because Durthu, treeman ancient (though hoping sprits do not go the way of the Lizardman spawnings).

Just hoping there's rules as a minimum for Ariel...model or no model from GW isn't going to be a problem for me. ;)

I think it would be a good thing for the return of these two. The 6th edition wood elf book is much more interesting then 7th. Hope the wood elves get a more savage approach with an ambush style mechanic.

11-14-2013, 01:06 AM
OP updated

May Release
The final army book of 8th Edition
New Glade Guard
New Way Watchers
New War Dancers
New Dryads
New Treemen
New War Eagles
New units...

11-14-2013, 11:04 AM
Could be very interesting if this hits around the time of the rumoured replacement of finecast with all plastics. Will the Woodies be the first army to get all their characters models made in plastic? Will this mean all new plastic models for the existing characters?

11-14-2013, 05:02 PM
See, I can't help but be sceptical of that list. It's not exactly insightful as nearly everything on there is ether finecast or worse still, metal, and therefore obvious candidates for new units. Dryads are one of the nicest plastic units out there, so there is no need to replace them. Glade guard I could see, if they were going down the DE route of combining them with other units. I also note that Eternal Guard are conspicuous by their absence. As the one ranked up combat unit WE have, they surely have to get a plastic kit.

I'm also concerned about being the last book of 8th, meaning we get the 'sort of ready for the new edition but not quite and needing 15 pages of FAQ's to sort out in the new edition (looking at you Skaven)' status that relegates them to the bottom of the pile for 9th. Still, with the state they are in at the moment I don't see how things can get any worse.

11-14-2013, 05:52 PM
I'm also concerned about being the last book of 8th, meaning we get the 'sort of ready for the new edition but not quite and needing 15 pages of FAQ's to sort out in the new edition (looking at you Skaven)' status that relegates them to the bottom of the pile for 9th. Still, with the state they are in at the moment I don't see how things can get any worse.

The FAQ is voluminous, that much is certainly true but... to be fair Skaven are hardly bottom tier. I don't know that that is an apt comparison for your worries.

I do find it odd that dryads are on the list. Also conspicuously missing are treekin. I'm assuming war eagles are Warhawk riders?

11-16-2013, 04:16 PM
I meant bottom of the pile in terms of getting updated, rather than competitively. If the new we book is as good as the current skaven book I'll be a happy man.

11-19-2013, 02:35 PM
OP updated

Thanks for the update, however I must agree with wildeybeast. The wood elf glade guard and dryads are very good sculpts unlike the dark elves so why invest in them? Treekin are considered to be one of the worst kits yet they are not on that list. This list doesn't make much sense to me.

Kensei Dono
11-23-2013, 04:42 AM
I'm also concerned about being the last book of 8th, meaning we get the 'sort of ready for the new edition but not quite and needing 15 pages of FAQ's to sort out in the new edition (looking at you Skaven)' status that relegates them to the bottom of the pile for 9th. Still, with the state they are in at the moment I don't see how things can get any worse.

i have heard from various people that since high elves all the books have been done with 9th ed in mind much like how Dark Eldar and Necrons were done for 6th ed 40k

11-23-2013, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the update, however I must agree with wildeybeast. The wood elf glade guard and dryads are very good sculpts unlike the dark elves so why invest in them? Treekin are considered to be one of the worst kits yet they are not on that list. This list doesn't make much sense to me.

glade guard and dryads could be getting a repackaging, turn them into boxes of ten for example.

11-23-2013, 12:01 PM
i have heard from various people that since high elves all the books have been done with 9th ed in mind much like how Dark Eldar and Necrons were done for 6th ed 40k

Possibly. My complaint is that books which are supposedly designed to work with next edition rules are rarely seamless transitions and often aren't balanced against those books which are actually new edition books. Why not just hold them back a few months, do a WD update with some new models and temporary rules, then release the book a few months later (like VC and WoC).

glade guard and dryads could be getting a repackaging, turn them into boxes of ten for example.

No doubt with a 50% price increase.

02-28-2014, 04:16 PM
I'm looking forward to it as well, I want to see how they handle Ariel in particular. Both the High Elf and Dark Elf books have given much more prominent roles and really fleshed out their respective leading women and in the case of the High Elf book confirmed the existence of female nobles and princesses. There was speculation based on some of the BL novels that the role of Ariel was going to be enhanced with some kind of nascent Elven world godess, Ariel as her avatar and Alarielle as her high priestess. Interesting to see if that goes anywhere.

I'm actually quite proud of the fact that so many of the Wood Elf range is made up of women (especially if you count the all-female Dryads) :D

As to the next book, I'd just like to see everything get cheaper. Glade Guard are a good unit but just too overcosted. I'd also maybe like to see Dryads get some kind of armour save (probably +5). I'd also like Eternal Guard to make way for a generic "Wood Elf Warriors" box with multiple weapon loadouts. Maybe EG could be boosted and moved to Rare? I also reckon there's no good reason for Wood Elves not to have a bolt-thrower as it's a light, mobile platform that suits the MO of the Elves, it's hardly a bit of cumbersome artillery. Finally, Lore of Athel Loren needs to be MUCH better. I never take a Lvl 1-2 Sorcereress because I couldn't take the VASTLY superior Lore of Life and it's not great to have a unit closed off to you because it's basically unplayable.

02-28-2014, 05:04 PM
What I have wanted for wood elves since the change since 7th was a special rule for (wood elf) skirmishers to break steadfast...

03-15-2014, 12:45 PM
How has there been no rumours yet? I am soooo sick of 40k crap....

03-15-2014, 08:05 PM
To be fair, the entire month of February was nothing but Fantasy (Dwarfs).

I haven't heard anything new regarding anything Fantasy that was rumored for later this year (WE, Brets, 9th, etc). I suspect the rumors regarding a realignment of available resources between 40k/WFB will begin shortly with 40K releases more frequent and Fantasy less so. But, that is only speculation at this point.

03-15-2014, 08:59 PM
I just think 40k rumours get leake because they're what the market wants more. Dwarf rumours seemed to be pretty slow coming until closer to release. I have the utmost faith that Wood Elves will be getting a massive overhaul in May. At least, they'd bloody better! Half the staff members at my local GW as well as 3 or 4 customers are WE players and we'd all be pretty pissed if they just sank without a trace.

03-17-2014, 05:10 PM
I just think 40k rumours get leake because they're what the market wants more. Dwarf rumours seemed to be pretty slow coming until closer to release. I have the utmost faith that Wood Elves will be getting a massive overhaul in May. At least, they'd bloody better! Half the staff members at my local GW as well as 3 or 4 customers are WE players and we'd all be pretty pissed if they just sank without a trace.

Prepare to be disappointed. I think the chance wood elves get a big overhaul is small. They are not a very popular army so why invest much in them (also the wood elf range is pretty good plastic wise)? I expect a lizardmen release for wood elves.

03-17-2014, 05:10 PM
Double post

03-18-2014, 01:47 AM
I expect them to get at least a Dwarf sized redo.

03-18-2014, 07:00 AM
It's fairly subjective how popular an army is without sales figures in front of us. In my own experience, Wood Elves are the most popular army at my store and there's a very strong online community built around them. I'd think, given the age of the models and the fact that so many are made of metal, WE will be getting an update along the lines of Dwarves. I hope even bigger but realistically, GW is at least going to do resculpts of the metal models. And of course, give us rules that actually do things.

03-18-2014, 11:47 AM
It's fairly subjective how popular an army is without sales figures in front of us. In my own experience, Wood Elves are the most popular army at my store and there's a very strong online community built around them. I'd think, given the age of the models and the fact that so many are made of metal, WE will be getting an update along the lines of Dwarves. I hope even bigger but realistically, GW is at least going to do resculpts of the metal models. And of course, give us rules that actually do things.

Well based on the fact that GW wood elfs are like 10 years old without an update suggests they are not very popular. GW redoes the popular armies much faster. I think the wood elf range is in much better shape then the dwarf range was, but we will see.

03-18-2014, 12:11 PM
Well based on the fact that GW wood elfs are like 10 years old without an update suggests they are not very popular. GW redoes the popular armies much faster. I think the wood elf range is in much better shape then the dwarf range was, but we will see.

We are talking about the GW Wood Elf range, right? Because it's in a shocking state.

4 Finecast heroes, the rest are metal. No plastic ones.
Eternal Guard, Wild Riders, Wardancers, Warhawk Riders, Waywatchers and Eagles are still metal.
Treemen and Treekin are both finecast and badly in need of a resculpt.
The entire range has just three plastic kits - Dryads, Glade Guard and Glade Riders. And the Glade Riders kit is crap.

That is 8 units which need plasticising, plus heroes, and that's before you even start on brand new units to the army. It needs a mammoth overhaul, bigger than either Dark Elves or Dwarves got. Even Brets have more plastic units (though half their range is no longer available). Model wise, only Sisters of Battle are in a worse state.

This, coupled with that fact they simply don't work under the current rules, is probably why they have been left so long. Personally, I can see a wave of new units, possibly before the new rules, followed by a book and another wave a couple of months after the book. It's too big a job to do in one month. Though given the distinct absence of Bret models, I suspect they may be first.

03-18-2014, 12:22 PM
I am in agreement with Wildeybeast.

The woodelf range needs a lot of plastic work done on it.

Hopefully the update is more then some big plastic kit.

My wild guess is the following things go plastic:

Combo Treeman / Treeman war machine kit (maybe a crazy tree-stand with elf archers)
Combo Plastic Calvary Kit (Glade Rider / Wild rider)
Single Plastic set (War Dancers hopefully)

03-18-2014, 01:39 PM
GW redoes the popular armies much faster.

Bull knackers.

Orks in 40K are insanley popular and their Codex is over 6 years old.

- - - Updated - - -

I am in agreement with Wildeybeast.

The woodelf range needs a lot of plastic work done on it.

Hopefully the update is more then some big plastic kit.

My wild guess is the following things go plastic:

Combo Treeman / Treeman war machine kit (maybe a crazy tree-stand with elf archers)
Combo Plastic Calvary Kit (Glade Rider / Wild rider)
Single Plastic set (War Dancers hopefully)

Also Tree Kin/New tree monsters.

03-18-2014, 01:53 PM
Bull knackers.

Orks in 40K are insanley popular and their Codex is over 6 years old.

- - - Updated - - -

Also Tree Kin/New tree monsters.

One example in another game system doesn´t change my point.;)

- - - Updated - - -

We are talking about the GW Wood Elf range, right? Because it's in a shocking state.

4 Finecast heroes, the rest are metal. No plastic ones.
Eternal Guard, Wild Riders, Wardancers, Warhawk Riders, Waywatchers and Eagles are still metal.
Treemen and Treekin are both finecast and badly in need of a resculpt.
The entire range has just three plastic kits - Dryads, Glade Guard and Glade Riders. And the Glade Riders kit is crap.

That is 8 units which need plasticising, plus heroes, and that's before you even start on brand new units to the army. It needs a mammoth overhaul, bigger than either Dark Elves or Dwarves got. Even Brets have more plastic units (though half their range is no longer available). Model wise, only Sisters of Battle are in a worse state.

This, coupled with that fact they simply don't work under the current rules, is probably why they have been left so long. Personally, I can see a wave of new units, possibly before the new rules, followed by a book and another wave a couple of months after the book. It's too big a job to do in one month. Though given the distinct absence of Bret models, I suspect they may be first.

I think the glade rider kit is fantastic so thats subjective. I don't expect to see all the metal/finecast units to be replaced. Wood elves work fine but their unit cost is just wrong this edition. Overall I just don't have big expectations like you.

03-18-2014, 03:57 PM
I think the glade rider kit is fantastic so thats subjective. I don't expect to see all the metal/finecast units to be replaced. Wood elves work fine but their unit cost is just wrong this edition. Overall I just don't have big expectations like you.

I'll agree to disagree on the GR kit, but I have to argue with everything else.

They don't 'work fine' at all and it has little to do with cost. Treemen and treekin are the best things in the army and they are over costed, that is true. But they are still the best thing in the army, despite their cost. Nearly everything else is rubbish. Units like Wardancers and Warhawk riders are utterly pointless under the current rules. Eternal guard are far too fragile to ever be an effective combat unit. Glade riders are effectively redundant when the superior Wild Riders are only two points more. Dryads are good, until they hit any block of ranked up infantry. Archers simply don't do enough damage before they get torn to pieces in combat or hit by war machines. Magic users are horribly over priced, I'll give you, but they also have a terrible lore.

Put simply, you have an army based around small elite units of shooty skirmishers in rule set designed to favour and promote the use of large units of ranked up infantry. They were on a hiding to nothing the moment the rules came out and everyone knows it. A simple points reduction won't fix them because you would need to double the amount of models you have, making them prohibitively expensive to play with.

As for expectations, it isn't about that. GW wants everything to be plastic, they have made that very clear. They will turn everything in the WE range plastic. They clearly can't do it in month, but they do need to do it in a fairly short time frame. If you release a new book, but leave half the units in metal, you hit your sales hard as people won't buy them and long term you risk killing the investment you have made in half the range. Not to mention potential loss of sales to the Chapterhouses of this world who provide alternative units. A half hearted update can be worse than none at all. GW will know this and will do the WE update properly, it's just a question of when. My only concern is they have the same thoughts about Sisters of Battle, and look where they are.

03-18-2014, 06:04 PM
Yeah, Wood Elves don't especially work at all right now. Very rigid in terms of how you build lists with some units (scouts, arguably Glade Riders) just being flat out unusable (unless you actively enjoy losing). Even our tree-based units are too weak to do much damage before getting cut down. Overall the army is just too overcosted with not enough versatility, an unfavourable meta and a miniscule potential for damage output.

03-18-2014, 06:50 PM
Agreed with Wildey.. even if the statement is a bit dramatic (I'd likely be the same way if my army of choice had lingered and under performed for so long).

Treekin, Treemen, Dryads, and Waywatchers are the best models in the book... and that includes characters. Even then, all of them are horribly overpriced and Treekin/Treemen are actually pretty easy to deal with (seriously, who doesn't play with the Banner of Eternal Flame on a unit). Dryads, while strong, suffer from being skirmishers. Waywatchers are simply overpriced.

The whole "army of skirmishers" really hamstrings Wood Elves. It is characterful but unfortunately it causes more problems than anything else in the book. With the exception of Eternal Guard, EVERY unit in the book is fighting an uphill battle since they have to deal with static combat resolution. Wood Elves don't fight THAT good in order to overcome this deficit usually. Throw in the fact that they can't be steadfast or disrupt ranks (because they are skirmishers) and it's almost impossible for Wood Elves to break large units.

The book is full of cool but nearly useless units like Wardancers (sadly, as they were awesome in previous editions), Warhawk Riders, and Glade Riders (Wild Riders are better cavalry and eagles are better chaff killers, warmachine hunters, and redirectors for half the price).

Don't even get me started on the useless level 1 and 2 wizards. Wow. Stuck with a single Lore and it's the worst Lore in the entire game. Period. Lore of Heavens would be an upgrade and that's saying a lot since it is the weakest of the book lores by far.

While I'm not as optimistic as my WFB compatriot Wildey, I do hope that GW gives them proper coverage when the time comes. I don't think they'll touch anything that is existing plastic but I wouldn't be shocked if they came out with plastic kits to cover most of the range. Here's hoping they don't strip all the fluff out of the army but they make them viable on the tabletop somehow.

03-18-2014, 10:58 PM
One example in another game system doesn´t change my point.;)

And I knida doubt that any proof would then.

Skaven are kinda popular, how often have they been updated?

03-19-2014, 01:14 AM
I think you can keep the skirmishing element to wood elves, but it needs some additional rules. Perhaps they auto disrupt the enemy or gain stubborn, things like that. Make shooting more effective (I'd go with something along the Tk lines of no modifiers) and make the forest spirit save permanent. Even simple changes like that give you a much more effective army. Of course, we don't know what the meta will be come the summer, so speculation on changes beyond the models is largely redundant.

03-19-2014, 03:43 AM
If popularity dictated GW releases Dark Eldar never would have got such a big release. That at least taught GW that if you put in the effort to make a good book with good models you get good sales. Wood Elves will get their turn, whether or not it will come in one or more waves is a different question.

03-19-2014, 12:23 PM
I think the chapterhouse fiasco has killed the possibility of multiple waves over more than a few weeks.

03-27-2014, 04:23 PM
I think the chapterhouse fiasco has killed the possibility of multiple waves over more than a few weeks.

Care to explain this statement? I can't say I followed the legal dispute but I don't see a connection.

03-27-2014, 05:59 PM
According to a rumour on Faeit, a lot of Wood Elf stuff has been pulled from sale, including metal wardancers. Just thought it might be worth posting, might point to the April/May update I've been hoping for.

Edit: Hmm, just checked and Wardancers are still available on GW for me. Hoping this rumour pans out and they get a nice update.

03-27-2014, 06:01 PM
************ I need WE spoilers!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Care to explain this statement? I can't say I followed the legal dispute but I don't see a connection.

If GW releases rules without models other companies can make the models.

03-28-2014, 12:13 PM
According to a rumour on Faeit, a lot of Wood Elf stuff has been pulled from sale, including metal wardancers. Just thought it might be worth posting, might point to the April/May update I've been hoping for.

Edit: Hmm, just checked and Wardancers are still available on GW for me. Hoping this rumour pans out and they get a nice update.

Trouble is, half the bret range got pulled a couple of months ago and there is nary a sniff of a rumour about them getting updated.

03-28-2014, 03:53 PM
Fair point but another post on Faeit has them down for May. Can you tell I'm getting desperate yet? :P

03-29-2014, 04:26 AM
I doubt we'll see anything before the new edition. GW looks to have switched its focus to 40k now. Whether this is a permanent change of balance or just a lull before the new edition, only time will tell.

03-29-2014, 11:52 AM
I doubt we'll see anything before the new edition. GW looks to have switched its focus to 40k now. Whether this is a permanent change of balance or just a lull before the new edition, only time will tell.

What? Since Dwarves GW has released some supplemental material but AM will be the first big release. I don't think there is any indication that they have discontinued Fantasy for the time being.

03-30-2014, 04:55 AM
I should clarify. I don't mean discontinued, but there has been talk about them scaling back the resources they invest in Warhammer, given 40k sells twice as much. It would make sense too see them shift to Warhammer every three months, rather than every other month. If so, we shouldn't expect to see anything between Dwarves and the new edition.

03-30-2014, 05:14 PM
I should clarify. I don't mean discontinued, but there has been talk about them scaling back the resources they invest in Warhammer, given 40k sells twice as much. It would make sense too see them shift to Warhammer every three months, rather than every other month. If so, we shouldn't expect to see anything between Dwarves and the new edition.

But it is reasonable to assume most of the resources are already been invested in the wood elves. So no reason to hold much longer then they already have. I still hope for a May release.

03-31-2014, 11:00 AM
Well, yes you'd assume they are ready to go. It all depends on whether there is in fact a new edition coming soon and whether the rules have been written for it or current edition. Either way, there should be some Warhammer in May.

04-06-2014, 01:14 PM
I should clarify. I don't mean discontinued, but there has been talk about them scaling back the resources they invest in Warhammer, given 40k sells twice as much. It would make sense too see them shift to Warhammer every three months, rather than every other month. If so, we shouldn't expect to see anything between Dwarves and the new edition.

This seems to be already the case,

Mr Mystery
04-06-2014, 02:16 PM
I think it's pre-edition lull.

When 8th Ed came out, 40k barely got a look in. We got a *lot* of books in that short time. From memory, only Bretts, Stick Pixies, Beasties and Skaven to go.

Beasties and Skaven were done just prior to 8th Ed, so arguably just Bretts and Stick Pixies.

Kensei Dono
04-07-2014, 05:21 AM
its not a pre edition lull its more the weekly release system picking up speed.
Wood elves are from iv been told may. new edition is june/july and the entire history of fantasy is moving forwards. sigmars blood was just the tip of the iceberg because that is new events in fantasy.

04-07-2014, 10:25 AM
I believe so. I can't see either of them being done before 9th, even if it lands in June rather than May. Especially if the rumoured big changes actually happen.

04-07-2014, 02:35 PM
I kinda hope there isn't a 9th for a long time, as it will just be worse.

Mr Mystery
04-07-2014, 02:50 PM
I don't buy the big difference thing at all.

It's too big a risk.

Right now, Warhammer is a known quantity, and it's players pretty dashed loyal to the game, mostly on account no other offers what it does.

Change it up en masse, gambling that it will attract new players, and you run the risk of alienating existing players.

Now, add in the the existing new ways to play it, including different sized points value? Yes, that I can see. And it's what Sigmar's Blood offers.

04-07-2014, 09:04 PM
I don't buy the big difference thing at all.

It's too big a risk.

Right now, Warhammer is a known quantity, and it's players pretty dashed loyal to the game, mostly on account no other offers what it does.

Change it up en masse, gambling that it will attract new players, and you run the risk of alienating existing players.

Now, add in the the existing new ways to play it, including different sized points value? Yes, that I can see. And it's what Sigmar's Blood offers.
I agree with this. And see no reason why WE and Bretonnians (Hopefully Game of Thrones themed) would wait until after an update.

Kensei Dono
04-08-2014, 03:40 AM
I believe so. I can't see either of them being done before 9th, even if it lands in June rather than May. Especially if the rumoured big changes actually happen.

what exactly are the big changes people keep mentioning?

Now, add in the the existing new ways to play it, including different sized points value? Yes, that I can see. And it's what Sigmar's Blood offers.
the other reason for this is moving the story forward, GW have discreetly added new events in the time lines of newer books for moving towards the return of Nagash which is this year at some point

04-08-2014, 11:49 AM
I kinda hope there isn't a 9th for a long time, as it will just be worse.

Yeah Allies and Fortifications and properly integrated Binding Scrolls. It will be terrible.

Oh wait no it will be AWESOME!

04-08-2014, 11:54 AM
I agree with this. And see no reason why WE and Bretonnians (Hopefully Game of Thrones themed) would wait until after an update.

It's more me hoping they won't than anything else. Books done just before a new edition are invariably not effectively balanced for it, despite what people say. Anyone who doubts me should pick up the skaven army book and it's accompanying ten page FAQ to see what I mean. It would be just wood elves luck to wait bloody ages for a new book and then get one that is out of date before the ink is even dry on it.

what exactly are the big changes people keep mentioning?

the other reason for this is moving the story forward, GW have discreetly added new events in the time lines of newer books for moving towards the return of Nagash which is this year at some point

Dunno. Nothing too specific. The background moving on for one. Armies being merged into one book. Making all army books obsolete in a Ravening Hordes style. Lots of stuff I don't give much credence to.

04-08-2014, 02:49 PM
Yeah Allies and Fortifications and properly integrated Binding Scrolls. It will be terreble.

Oh wait no it will be AWESOME!

I hope this is sarcasm. That sounds like the worst stuff ever. 40k is ruined, no reason for fantasy to go the same way.

Mr Mystery
04-08-2014, 02:51 PM
Nagash has been coming back this year for every year since I've been cluttering up interwebular messagey interchange sites :p

Kensei Dono
04-08-2014, 04:46 PM
Nagash has been coming back this year for every year since I've been cluttering up interwebular messagey interchange sites :p

Haha true il admit I said the same but with the sneaky changes in army book timelines, sigmars blood and info from reliable sources of mine I'm more convinced this year

04-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Nagash has been coming back this year for every year since I've been cluttering up interwebular messagey interchange sites :p

I appologise for that, I think I started that rumour back on the old Portent Forum making educated guesses.

- - - Updated - - -

I hope this is sarcasm. That sounds like the worst stuff ever. 40k is ruined, no reason for fantasy to go the same way.

That my friend is YOUR OPINION. I like the changes to 40K and so do many other folks. But if you think having fun rather that ultra competitive douchery and being able to play with all your toys and a modular approach to the game that lets you use the parts of the system you and your opponent want to use is the ruination of a system maybe you are right. Me I think that sort of attitude is the stagnating cancer slowly killing the game.

Also I bet you like 'Comp' don't you?

04-08-2014, 07:17 PM
It's more me hoping they won't than anything else. Books done just before a new edition are invariably not effectively balanced for it, despite what people say. Anyone who doubts me should pick up the skaven army book and it's accompanying ten page FAQ to see what I mean. It would be just wood elves luck to wait bloody ages for a new book and then get one that is out of date before the ink is even dry on it.

Yeah BUT the jump from 7th to 8th was a big one almost as big as the 5th to 6th jump, that why so much errata was needed. much like you I'll wager the next edition won't be anywhere near the shock the last jump was contrary the bunk rumours we've been hearing.
the books will be fine no mater when they are written.

Dunno. Nothing too specific. The background moving on for one. Armies being merged into one book. Making all army books obsolete in a Ravening Hordes style. Lots of stuff I don't give much credence to.

All of which sound like nonsense and smell like another steaming pile of steaming BS dumped on us by Stickmonkey or one of the rumour communities other pranksters.

My educated guess based on what we've seen both in 40K and in the digital stuff and supplements is Alies, Fortifications and a closer integration of Binding Scrolls.

04-09-2014, 04:37 PM
via Faeit: (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/04/wood-elf-release-and-its-details.html#more)

Wood Elves are out in May. They get only a two week release - armybook, magic cards and three plastic kits. It is not a total overhaul and their finecast kits - even the cavalry plastic-finecast-kits - stay valid. The only exception is the eternal guard. They are dropped completely. The models can be used as war dancers.

One of the new kits is special because it can be used for several different units. You can build either three hawk riders, which are one hawk and two surfers now, or three giant owl-like monsters called stonefeathers and six waywatchers. On top of that you can build a hero on hawk or on foot.

The second kit is a war dancer combokit. The second unit wears varying animal masks and shields made of pelt on wooden frames. They have animal claws as weapons.

The last kit is tree ancient and meadow hag. The former is a giant-sized tree man with a huge beard made of bark. The latter has a crown of leaves and she has a skirt of roots instead of legs. Her hands grow into a web of thorns.

The rest of the range stays as it is, the finecast kits probably mail order only.

The wood elves have very dynamic poses because almost all their units are skirmishers again and the sculptors didn't have to worry about spacing. Skirmishers work seamlessly with other regiments in 9th edition, so there will be no problem with this play style.

04-09-2014, 04:53 PM
So likely skirmishers will negate steadfast, maybe even get rank bonuses.

Sounds awesome.

04-09-2014, 05:07 PM
They sound very too specific to be made up gumph. They sound pretty awesome, but I'm concerned about the lack of replacement of old crappy stuff. No new freemen or tree kin sculpts or wild riders. Either there is another new wave coming in a few months or they've done a half arsed job.

04-09-2014, 05:17 PM
as a man with a winter wood elf list and 40 eternal guard i hope this is bollocks

04-09-2014, 05:27 PM
So likely skirmishers will negate steadfast, maybe even get rank bonuses.

Sounds awesome.

I don't think you can glean anything about Rules from which model kits are coming out. It's just as possible that the Wood Elves will lose skirmish on most units than it is that skirmishers will negate steadfast or gain rank bonuses.

Overall, unless there are unannounced units I can't help but feel Wood Elves are receiving the shaft. Here's hoping that the models they do get are AWESOME and the actual rules for them are as well. I really want Wood Elves to be a viable army again as I'm tired of trashing my good friend's WE almost every week (I'll give him credit, he at least keeps trying).

04-09-2014, 05:37 PM
I love elves in almost all their forms ( except you dark elves with your strange kinkyness ). I wanted to do a wood elf army but from the sounds of that its been given the meh treatment. Very disappointed if this is true.

04-09-2014, 07:25 PM
Really, really unhappy with those rumours. Eternal Guard are the lynchpin of my army (big blob with the razor standard and a Noble to give them Stubborn works surprisingly well) and the lack of updates for the old metal models is incredibly annoying. If GW continue to give Wood Elves (and Fantasy in general) this sort of half-assed treatment then I'm probably going to stick to 40k. I mean, 3 plastic dual-kits for weird sounding units (owl riders? What?) and a book that'll probably need a Skaven-style FAQ to work in 9th ed? Weak sauce.

I usually give GW a lot of leeway but if these rumours pan out, that's just an awful way to treat your own product-line.

04-10-2014, 12:02 AM
They sound very too specific to be made up gumph.

I've seen some really specific made up tosh in my day so I'll wait and see.

04-10-2014, 03:27 AM
See if they pull this sort of nonsense for Bretonnians...

04-11-2014, 01:29 PM
So GW is only going to release 3 kits for an army? Here I thought they would re-release all new models because it would mean that all of us WE players that have been waiting for this release for years would rush to buy them. I can see there just being 3 combo kits, but this doesn't add up unless it's just what is being released in the first two weeks.

04-12-2014, 03:18 AM
If they are combo kits, then technically it is six units, but I agree with your sentiment. It is a poor release wave, especially considering how many kits wood elves have that need updating. We can only hope there will be another wave of models coming in a few months. After all, Dark elves needed a big influx of new kits and they got two months of releases, so I can see GW doing the same for wood elves. Plus, the weekly release means they can shove a kit or two in a slow month for something else.

Edit: Maybe when the new edition gets released? That's basically one week, two if they have the new boxed game ready. They need something else to fill the rest of that month.

04-15-2014, 06:21 AM
Just out on Faeit:

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Upcoming white dwarf is dedicated to a new hobby kit from GW. The kit will come in at $150 US and has a file, clippers, modeling knife, moulding line knife, hand drill and comes in a special foldout canvas case.

The rest of the dwarf features an extended Hobbit battle report where they cover all of the battle scenarios from an unexpected journey.

What I found most interesting was the tag line for White Dwarf #13:
If you go out to the woods today... ...you'll be in for a big surprise.

04-15-2014, 12:14 PM
Still no news on whether those rumours about Eternal Guard and the tiny release are true... Desperately hope they're false but probs not. Might have to start a Dark Elf army!

04-16-2014, 04:29 AM
Some really nice artwork for the rumored wood elves. It has some nice clues for the direction the wood elves are heading (stag knights:D).


Mr Mystery
04-16-2014, 05:25 AM
Load of cobblers if you ask me.

Models are skirmish so in more dynamic designs - WRONG! Skirmish is now a loose formation, which tightens up once in combat. Base to base. This limits the dynamics in the same way as other stuff.

Hawk to Owl - Really? Really really? Pretty significantly different.

More than happy this is someone using Faeit to spread nonsense once again.

04-16-2014, 08:08 AM
Would it kill them to include some female elves in the artwork, I mean WE even have the advantage of having them in the bloody model range more than most other WFB armies.><

04-16-2014, 08:29 AM
Stag Knights and a new Orion model would be niiiiice. Orion looks awesome in that artwork but the model is janky as hell.

04-17-2014, 05:07 PM
Art and Cookies by Daarken (http://daarken.com/blog/2014/04/02/new-art-fo-yo-face/)


Games Workshop already forced the artist to remove the photo from his website. If this is not an indication of an upcoming wood elf release I would be suprised:rolleyes:.

04-17-2014, 05:52 PM
Stag Knights and a new Orion model would be niiiiice. Orion looks awesome in that artwork but the model is janky as hell.

The Lord on Stag is one of my favorite models in the current line. Having Wood Elf Stag Riders as a Monstrous Cavalry entry would be awesome. Heck, depending on how the book plays Stag Cavalry would be enough to draw me into Wood Elves (always wanted to start, but never liked the rules for the army).

Eh, forget Orion. I want Ariel back!

04-18-2014, 02:53 AM
I really hope they bring Ariel back as wel. They have really upped the importance of the Elf Queens with each release so far and Alarielle got a new model.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-18-2014, 03:18 AM
I hope Ariel's model isn't as awful as her last one. I took one look at it, back when I played WE, and went NOPE.

04-18-2014, 03:19 AM

04-18-2014, 03:30 AM
I hope Ariel's model isn't as awful as her last one. I took one look at it, back when I played WE, and went NOPE.

Indeed, even the high elf everqueen face looks bad so I will be praying for a wonder:p.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-18-2014, 03:44 AM
Butterfly wings was one of the things that put me off, that just doesn't seem fitting or sensible.

04-18-2014, 03:53 AM
off all the nonsensical and impractical things in warhammer, its the giant butterfly wings that get you? oO

Personally I was always a fan of the wings ariel, particularly on the conversions you see around that are based on the spell singers

Mr Mystery
04-18-2014, 03:59 AM
I just want a new book!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-18-2014, 04:12 AM
They were my first Fantasy army, and I would like to go back to them.

04-18-2014, 04:17 AM
I don't like the quality of the sculpt of Ariel, the butterfly wings were fine as far as I'm concerned. It was alright when it was released but it is so dated and mediocre now.

04-18-2014, 04:34 AM
The Lord on Stag is one of my favorite models in the current line. Having Wood Elf Stag Riders as a Monstrous Cavalry entry would be awesome. Heck, depending on how the book plays Stag Cavalry would be enough to draw me into Wood Elves (always wanted to start, but never liked the rules for the army).

Eh, forget Orion. I want Ariel back!

Do you actually have one of those? Cos it's bloody awful. The dude riding it is ok, but the stag is an abomination. It looks a bull that someone has glued antlers to and thrown a fur cloak over it's back.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-18-2014, 04:45 AM
Hahahahah! I agree.

I would have thought Eagle/Bird wings would have been more fitting.

04-18-2014, 07:39 AM
I'd like her to keep the fairy style wings, but make them more suitable to the Warhammer universe. Maybe ragged round the edges, or sigils of power glowing in them. Just not Disney wings like the last on head.

Kensei Dono
04-21-2014, 07:04 AM
we an rest easy pictures will be soon!


04-21-2014, 02:05 PM
Hi all:


04-21-2014, 02:44 PM
The pictures:


Really liking this release so far. The horned treeman and lord look awesome.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2014, 03:43 PM
Ooh saucy!

Treeman is effing fantastic.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2014, 03:54 PM
I want 57, now.

04-21-2014, 04:19 PM
Next weekend cannot come fast enough for me now, I want to see what else the woodies are getting. Also hoping that with the Lord having a spear the rumour that eternal guard are gone is false

04-21-2014, 04:25 PM
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I haven't been this excited about a kit since plastic Wraithguard! Seriously, if y'all could see my face right now... I'm like Benny when he finally gets to build a SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP!

That Treeman is beautiful. I believe that I will be getting two, at least to start with; one to be a regular Treeman and one to be Durthu (who, funnily enough, I was just speculating last week might be an option in a plastic Treeman kit).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2014, 04:35 PM
I'm glad Durthu is back.

I think the spear guy is Araloth maybe?

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, yes he is.

- - - Updated - - -

He has a pet bird called Skaryn, who steals eyes. Me gusta.

04-21-2014, 05:45 PM
Is it me or is 100pts more then the current tree man for +1 WS/BS/A, +2 LD, a random and not very useful shooting attack, and a couple random USR like frenzy/Hatred. (Hopefully Blessings of the Ancients is something worthwhile) Those small changes Offset by an reduction in ward save! (WTF, Hellpits get 4+ regen, and a treeman that cost quite a lot more get a 6+ ward, seriously) Still I2, so already have a nice inbuilt mechanic by which everyone army (almost) can just drop a treeman with pit of shades, or cannon balls which is only gets a 6+ save against the latter. I hope this is not a sign of what is to come in the book. Or else it might just be another book to put on the shelves for 10 years.

04-21-2014, 06:07 PM
OMG! FFlirglurgbhakh! Awesomeness! I need everything, now! Good to see the Forest Spirit Ward Save is permanent, though looks like a drop down to 6+ now. Durthu gets 2D6 killing blow attacks!? Well, that's pretty sweet.

04-21-2014, 07:49 PM
Is it me or is 100pts more then the current tree man for +1 WS/BS/A, +2 LD, a random and not very useful shooting attack, and a couple random USR like frenzy/Hatred. (Hopefully Blessings of the Ancients is something worthwhile) Those small changes Offset by an reduction in ward save! (WTF, Hellpits get 4+ regen, and a treeman that cost quite a lot more get a 6+ ward, seriously) Still I2, so already have a nice inbuilt mechanic by which everyone army (almost) can just drop a treeman with pit of shades, or cannon balls which is only gets a 6+ save against the latter. I hope this is not a sign of what is to come in the book. Or else it might just be another book to put on the shelves for 10 years.

I wouldn't get too worked up about it. We don't have the full picture yet on all of his rules,

It is possible he is a little over-costed, but we can't tell until we see the full ruleset for him as some things aren't covered or are incomplete (we don't know the range of the shooting attack). If he is overcosted, I wouldn't put it more than 25-30 points off though. He offers far more to the Wood Elf army than an HPA offers to a Skaven army and he's consistent about it as well. HPAs are horribly reliant on good dice rolls (like all things Skaven).

Noa, all that aside.... ZOMG!! THE TREEMAN IS AWESOME! I NEED MORE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND CAPITALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2014, 08:08 PM
And more...


sorry for the small sizes.. I found these hanging out on Imgur and that's all they had for size and resolution.

04-21-2014, 09:35 PM
Treeman is nice but doubt i'd buy one

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-22-2014, 12:06 AM
Is it me or is 100pts more then the current tree man for +1 WS/BS/A, +2 LD, a random and not very useful shooting attack, and a couple random USR like frenzy/Hatred. (Hopefully Blessings of the Ancients is something worthwhile) Those small changes Offset by an reduction in ward save! (WTF, Hellpits get 4+ regen, and a treeman that cost quite a lot more get a 6+ ward, seriously) Still I2, so already have a nice inbuilt mechanic by which everyone army (almost) can just drop a treeman with pit of shades, or cannon balls which is only gets a 6+ save against the latter. I hope this is not a sign of what is to come in the book. Or else it might just be another book to put on the shelves for 10 years.

Treemen were undercosted.
Also, shush.

04-22-2014, 12:08 AM
I want to see better pictures and different paintjobs on the treemen because at the moment it looks like someone vomited all over an emaciated giant.

04-22-2014, 12:42 AM
The shadow dancer looks like the old war dancer lord just in plastic. Bit I'm so happy for new wood elves it may encourage me to actually play fantasy if my army is usable.

04-22-2014, 02:13 AM
And more...


sorry for the small sizes.. I found these hanging out on Imgur and that's all they had for size and resolution.

The first photo clearly shows another new kit (shadowdancer photo).

04-22-2014, 02:39 AM
Yay, GW remembered women exist.

04-22-2014, 02:45 AM
That character in the first photo is the wardancer lord.

looks like they've been renamed

04-22-2014, 03:10 AM
Yep, that is one hundred percent the existing war dancer model. Don't forget, WD has a habit of putting existing kits in alongside new ones in a 'hey, you can also get is cool stuff for your army as well' style.

04-22-2014, 03:36 AM
Yep, that is one hundred percent the existing war dancer model. Don't forget, WD has a habit of putting existing kits in alongside new ones in a 'hey, you can also get is cool stuff for your army as well' style.

Luckily the old wood elf stuff looks still good. The colours so far used are a little to bright for my liking.

04-22-2014, 04:46 AM
Judging by that Wood Elf character (the actual Wood Elf, not the Treeman) and their rules, it looks like the Woodies aren't getting a "prowess" of some sort? I read somewhere that their hand weapons are getting the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule, and maybe Armour Piercing, but nothing aside from that. Interesting.

The models look very nice though.

04-22-2014, 04:51 AM
That could be justified lore-wise, the prowess rules for the other elves represent their discipline and militarism, the Wood Elves have a very different culture.

04-22-2014, 05:03 AM
I read somewhere that their hand weapons are getting the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule, and maybe Armour Piercing, but nothing aside from that. Interesting.

Check out Araloth's rules again. The hand weapon is nothing special but the spear - which is just called "Asrai Spear," implying it's not a unique or magic weapon and all the spears employed by the Wood Elves will be the same - is Armour Piercing along with the usual Fight in Extra Ranks rule you'd expect of a spear.

Mr Mystery
04-22-2014, 05:28 AM
Wonder if I could combine Treebloke with Wraithknight to make an Exodite thing.

MY IDEA. Patented. By me. Just then. So nyeh.

04-22-2014, 05:35 AM
damn that treeman looks amazing, seriously resurrecting my idea of Avelorn wood elves to go with my high elves

Mr Mystery
04-22-2014, 05:49 AM
OMG! FFlirglurgbhakh! Awesomeness! I need everything, now! Good to see the Forest Spirit Ward Save is permanent, though looks like a drop down to 6+ now. Durthu gets 2D6 killing blow attacks!? Well, that's pretty sweet.

And Treewhack.

My poor Ogre Tyrant. He's gonna get knacked!

04-22-2014, 05:53 AM
That character in the first photo is the wardancer lord.

looks like they've been renamed

He is referring to the two units on both sides of the obvious wardancer lord.

04-22-2014, 06:45 AM
He is referring to the two units on both sides of the obvious wardancer lord.


Yeah, that's new. Looks… off though.

04-22-2014, 07:09 AM
Luckily the old wood elf stuff looks still good. The colours so far used are a little to bright for my liking.

Wel some of it does. That war dancer character is the same colour scheme as before though. I don't think they have updated the model, I suspect it's still in metal.

04-22-2014, 07:21 AM
Though that model has disappeared form the website now.

In other website news, wild riders are no longer available, so probably a kit coming soon. Interestingly glade riders are listed as out of stock, despite being a plastic kit, so I would expect to see them in a combi kit with wild riders. The sisters on dragon and Drycha are also out of stock, along with one of the male wizards, though those were are all metal models so we not necessarily be getting new kits. Everything else still seems to be in stock, including wardancers and war hawk riders, which were both rumoured to be getting new kits. Make of that what you will.

Mr Mystery
04-22-2014, 07:56 AM

Yeah, that's new. Looks… off though.

That'd be Eternal Guard then. Which of course were dropped. Rumours don't lie!

04-22-2014, 07:57 AM
I'm hoping that the new looking unit in the picture are plastic eternal guard and yes the shadow dancer picture does from what I can tell look exactly like an existing model

04-22-2014, 08:35 AM
EDIT: what I saw was fan-made apparently.

I like the models though.

The new plastic named Lord - sleek and sexy while showing the "feral" side of the Asrai. Continues the trend of WE having the nicest character kits out there.

The Eternal Guard - will need some better pics, but it seems like a step down from the old, helmeted design. Not lamenting though, couse it still looks like a very sleek, sexy elven unit.

The Treeman - the model itself and the quality of the sculpt is absolutely wonderfull, but it's the idea behind the kit that's a bit ill suited for a Treeman in my opinion. If this was supposed to be some "spirit of the woods", green-avatar creature, then it would be a 10/10 (the sneak pictures showing the "ancient treeman" look especially imposing, something that would be worthy of FW Monster Series), but for a Wood Elves Treeman I would personally prefer something less humanoid. It's not a completely bad idea though, and like I said, I think the execution is perfect, so I'll probably be buying this kit.

All in all, excited for the new release.

Brother Sutek
04-22-2014, 08:38 AM
I'm hoping that the new looking unit in the picture are plastic eternal guard and yes the shadow dancer picture does from what I can tell look exactly like an existing model

As I have 70+ Eternal Guard I hope we have them in this book.

04-22-2014, 09:56 AM
Looks like Wood Elves will have access to the 8 basic lores of magic as well as High and Dark but will lose the Lore of Athel Loren


Thanks to user Xlatoc over on asrai.org for the link

04-22-2014, 09:59 AM
Week 1 Wood Elves Releases
via lataburnadellaurana (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.com/)

Warhammer: Wood Elves : Army Book full color, hardcover, 92 pages €39
Battle Magic: Elves: 16 magic cards, €6
Araloth the Sorcerer: New Character, plastic clampack, Wizard and falcon. €17.50
Ancient Treeman: Reissue of old Man Tree, triple option box, can create: TreeMan, Treeman Ancient, or Durthu a character €50

Brother Sutek
04-22-2014, 10:27 AM
-Looks like Wood Elves will have access to the 8 basic lore of magic as well as High and Dark but will lose the Lore of Athel Loren

+++ The amazing thing of being able to field level 1 or 2 magi that use main book lore is something I've/we've waited on for years! Good times are here :) Hopefully there will still be an option to use eagles as mounts for spellcasters. I am wishlisting for character flyers to be able to join units of flyers, warhawks/eagles to warhawks/eagles but we shall see.

04-22-2014, 10:31 AM
Looks like Wood Elves will have access to the 8 basic lores of magic as well as High and Dark but will lose the Lore of Athel Loren

I guess this means no more Tree Singing... :(

Araloth the Sorcerer: New Character, plastic clampack, Wizard and falcon.
The White Dwarf rules for Araloth don't seem to indicate any Wizardry...

Ancient Treeman: Reissue of old Man Tree

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-22-2014, 11:43 AM
I don't see no Wizard level...

04-22-2014, 12:30 PM
I guess this means no more Tree Singing... :(

The White Dwarf rules for Araloth don't seem to indicate any Wizardry...


I'm going to chalk that up to translation issues - and here my favorite video on the subject...


04-22-2014, 01:04 PM
-Looks like Wood Elves will have access to the 8 basic lore of magic as well as High and Dark but will lose the Lore of Athel Loren

+++ The amazing thing of being able to field level 1 or 2 magi that use main book lore is something I've/we've waited on for years! Good times are here :) Hopefully there will still be an option to use eagles as mounts for spellcasters. I am wishlisting for character flyers to be able to join units of flyers, warhawks/eagles to warhawks/eagles but we shall see.

They have their own lore attributes for both Dark and High magic though according to the photos of the white dwarf showing the battle magic card set.

While I think the Lore of Athel Loren could have been rewritten to be useful, it was largely junk. Even the beastman lore was better.

04-22-2014, 01:06 PM
Hey guys!

I came across a link with half the codex pages put up in Italian (I'll try and post the link later). No Army List section so no points values but I can confirm that Dryads have Scaly Skin (+5), Eternal Guard are in and their spear are not armour piercing like the new SC but do make the Guard S4 (included in profile). So should combo well with Razor Standard. Something akin to Spites is in there (two pages worth!) And the first relic is the Bow of Athel Loren. Elves reroll 1s for to hit for shooting and ALL bows (not just glade guard) are S4 at half range. Eternal Guard are +6, ++6 but with ASF (which seems to be universal for Elves), they should hit like a ton of bricks. Mages can take lore of Athel Loren and (I think) all lores from the rules.

That's all I can decipher as I don't have translate available and my Italian is awful.

So far, I like the changes a lot. We seem to hit a LOT harder in combat and the buffs to shooting are INSANE. Waywatchers will be excellent now.

04-22-2014, 02:03 PM
The pages in Italian are fake. They are fan-made.

Mr Mystery
04-22-2014, 02:14 PM
Got a source?

Always need a source :)

04-22-2014, 02:35 PM
Highly doubt they're fake. These look plenty real to me: http://m.imgur.com/a/ztwXx

Especially when you consider we only knew what units were going to be in this release quite recently and this already has them in there in a format so high quality that it would have taken considerable time to knock up.

Edit: Actually Khan, I take that back. Seems pretty unlikely that the rules for the sorceror are on page 3...

On one hand, I'm sad at being taken in by a forgery. On the hand, kudos to whoever made the fakes because they sure fooled myself and literally everyone in my local store!

Mr Mystery
04-22-2014, 02:45 PM
I think they may be duff.

Page numbers are out of whack. Granted they need not be shown in correct numerical order, but that's not my concern here. What is, is that the standard format is for the background first, and then the bestiary.

The numbering here doesn't allow for background first.

Now, there's nothing stopping them from mucking about with a standard layout. But yeah. Seems odd. Especially some of the artwork, which simply isn't wafty enough for GW styles.

04-22-2014, 03:31 PM
Definite fake.

Has anyone heard if there will be a LE book?

04-22-2014, 03:33 PM
+++Possible Wood Elf Hoax Alert+++

Some notes on these Italian pages:
Purported Italian Wood Elves Pages (http://imgur.com/a/ztwXx)

1) The uploader account to imgur is named "salty"
2) The art is very inconsistent with known GW artists and styles. Some is old GW art, while some seems very out of character for GW . At least one has an obvious artist signature on the piece which GW tends to disallow. If its a fan-made set, there are probably lifted pieces of art from places like Deviantart.
3) The pagenumbers are odd. Most WFB armybooks do not get into the unit description pages until the mid 30s. The earlier pages are the introduction and army background.

04-22-2014, 03:39 PM
Highly doubt they're fake. These look plenty real to me: http://m.imgur.com/a/ztwXx

Especially when you consider we only knew what units were going to be in this release quite recently and this already has them in there in a format so high quality that it would have taken considerable time to knock up.

Edit: Actually Khan, I take that back. Seems pretty unlikely that the rules for the sorceror are on page 3...

On one hand, I'm sad at being taken in by a forgery. On the hand, kudos to whoever made the fakes because they sure fooled myself and literally everyone in my local store!

Oh aye, they're a pretty darn impressive fake. I was taken in when someone on Asrai.org linked to them, but people quickly raised eyebrows to the pagination and the artwork. It's very easy to see why these were thought of as real, and rode the tide of excitement (the fact that they are in Italian helps with the 'mystery'.)

Looking forward to some real stuff later on! I.E. Someone with a better camera lol :P

04-22-2014, 04:10 PM
Gave me a chance to dust off my truly awful foreign language skillz at any rate :p

Well, at least we definitely know that we get access to the Light and Dark elven lores but I'm unfamiliar with those books (Wood Elf, Lizardmen and Dwarf-heavy meta) so not sure if that's good or not. Still, can't be worse than the abysmal lore of Athel Loren!

04-22-2014, 05:24 PM
Definite fake. Note that the Forest Spirit rule on those pages give a 5+ Ward when the leaked White Dwarf pictures gave only a 6+.

04-22-2014, 08:13 PM
PurpleSun over on Warseer posted a pic from the book. New character with two axes is in it but not much else besides some pics of already leaked models. Also, Stag Cavalry are confirmed (pics on Warseer) and it seems Eternal Guard are a dual kit with Waywatchers. Would post pics but I dunno if posted pics directly (as opposed to a link) would be frowned on.

Edit: actually, I'm thinking that the double axe guy that folk are calling a new character is the Champion for the Eternal Guard. Similar hood, antler head dress, two hand weapons? Sounds kinda Eternal Guard-y to me.

Mr Mystery
04-23-2014, 02:35 AM
PurpleSun over on Warseer posted a pic from the book. New character with two axes is in it but not much else besides some pics of already leaked models. Also, Stag Cavalry are confirmed (pics on Warseer) and it seems Eternal Guard are a dual kit with Waywatchers. Would post pics but I dunno if posted pics directly (as opposed to a link) would be frowned on.

Edit: actually, I'm thinking that the double axe guy that folk are calling a new character is the Champion for the Eternal Guard. Similar hood, antler head dress, two hand weapons? Sounds kinda Eternal Guard-y to me.

Post and give credit is the norm.


I'm not going to Warseer. They offend my common sense :p

04-23-2014, 06:48 AM
Double axe:




Mr Mystery
04-23-2014, 07:13 AM
Stags look to be some kind of Woodland Fey thing.

I like it!

04-23-2014, 10:56 AM
Tree man ancient looks like he has some magic, two axe guy looks like a new weapon combo gfor glade guard, the deer looks sweet. Like that the treeman look more feral and wicked spirits rather that the branch weird things they were.

Mr Mystery
04-23-2014, 12:40 PM
Can't wait to update this particular book in my collection.

1. Dunno where current one is. Had it when I moved in, now it's disappeared.
2. Current one is a really dull book. Very little colour in it.
3. Confusing lay out.

04-23-2014, 05:56 PM
Yep, it's one of the last of the old school books. I for one shall be glad to be rid of it. As for the stags, it's hard to tell from the pic but they look rather deer like to me.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-23-2014, 06:10 PM
I think that too...

I cannot wait, going to be painting them in Autumn colours.

04-23-2014, 11:42 PM
Missed these from a couple days back:

via The Workshop Yila (http://eltallerdeyila.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/reglas-de-ejercito-elfos-silvanos.html#more) (translated from Spanish)

Army Wide Rules:
Always Strikes First, Hatred (Beastmen), Forest Strider, No penalty to move and shoot with bows, Bows (magical and regular) reroll 1s to hit and add +1 Strength at half range.

Wood Elf Wizards have +1 to cast lore of Athel Loren.

Wood Elves still get a free wood.

Waywatchers Wardancers and bar are unchanged at half range. Waywatchers are S4 and have Killing Blow.

War Hawks Have the old Hit and Run rule.

Eternal Guard weapons are unchanged. The spear is +1 strength.

Mantle of the Asrai grants a 6+ Ward save.

Mantle of Kurunos grants a 6+ plus Armor save.

Wild Riders gain Frenzy.

Forest Spirit rule grants units Immune to Psychology and a 6+ ward save.

Mr Mystery
04-23-2014, 11:46 PM
Lore of Athel Loren?

Hmm. Mixed signals on that one again.

Justus Ackermann
04-24-2014, 01:50 AM
They will for sure get a Lore of Athel Loren and neither Dark nor High Magic, everything else would be outrageously unfluffy. Wood Elvers are definitely inferior mages compared to High Elves (so no High Magic) and they are just not evil enough to use Dark Magic. It makes sense to give them their own Lore and access to the eight standard Lores. Also it is very fitting with Dark and High Elves. They all have ASF, can use the eight lores, have their own lore and get +1 to cast.

Mr Mystery
04-24-2014, 03:21 AM
Except we've seen a WD page shot, apparently confirming they get Dark and High Magic. Which is going to be horrible in Storm of Magic.

Blow up a Loci. Then create a new one. THEN BLOW IT UP. Then create a new one. THEN BLOW IT UP!

Justus Ackermann
04-24-2014, 05:34 AM
True, there is this WD page shot. And if they don't get the +1 to cast for either Dark or High Magic, then DE and HE would be better at their respective lores, positioning WE in-between. But still, it would be a considerable change in fluff. Back in Herohammer however, lvl 4 WE mages could use White Magic (the old high magic) whereas lvl 1-3 only had battle magic (now the 8 lores) at their disposal. Maybe it will be something like that. I would prefer a unique Lore of Athel Loren though.

Mr Mystery
04-24-2014, 05:38 AM
Doesn't look like there's one coming, based on what we currently know.

04-24-2014, 05:42 AM
I get the logic behind giving them the other two elf lores, but it would feel like a massive cop out not giving them a lore of Athel Loren. We already have an existing one and they live in giant magical forest that is more or less sentient - how can it not have its own lore of magic. Here's hoping!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-24-2014, 06:16 AM
I like the army rules. :D

04-24-2014, 06:54 AM
As much as I'm not liking the 6+ for Forest Spirits at least so far it doesn't read "...unless struck by a magical attack...". Does this possibly mean Dryads will get armor saves?

04-24-2014, 06:59 AM
I get the logic behind giving them the other two elf lores, but it would feel like a massive cop out not giving them a lore of Athel Loren. We already have an existing one and they live in giant magical forest that is more or less sentient - how can it not have its own lore of magic. Here's hoping!

Wasn't there a leaked picture of the Athel Loren lore card deck? Here or on Warseer...

Mr Mystery
04-24-2014, 07:02 AM
Possibly not.

Wood Elf units aren't generally noted for their armoured resilience, tending to rely more on rendering the enemy incapable of retaliation. Another way that 8th Ed hit them hard. No more front rank wipes (really good for the game overall. Just not Wood Elves!)

- - - Updated - - -

Wasn't there a leaked picture of the Athel Loren lore card deck? Here or on Warseer...

Dunno. But then I tend to avoid Warseer.

There is an image of a Wood Elf themed Dark and High Magic deck. Its seems odd to give them two, but not three, if you follow me?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-24-2014, 07:12 AM


04-24-2014, 08:40 AM
New WE pics and prices, now with WD nice pics!


04-24-2014, 08:53 AM
Treeman looks better, still want to see it in a more woody paint scheme 'cos I'm not sure the technicolour suits it.

Mr Mystery
04-24-2014, 09:12 AM
Nice to see Warhammer stuff still cheaperer than 40k stuff when it comes to big stuff.

£37 for a Treeman?

Yes please!*

*Though next month. Behaving myself this month.

04-24-2014, 09:14 AM
Nice to see Warhammer stuff still cheaperer than 40k stuff when it comes to big stuff.

£37 for a Treeman?

Yes please!*

*Though next month. Behaving myself this month.

Lol yeah I'm trying to pace myself seeing as I have already committed to a lot of X-wing stuff over the next few months!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-24-2014, 09:20 AM
I'm committed to The Imperium.
But if I get rid of these Tomb Kings I'll be right on it!

Mr Mystery
04-24-2014, 09:22 AM
Just buy second hand Micro Machines


One of the reasons X-Wing hasn't interested me, when it really should!

04-24-2014, 10:18 AM
via latabernadadelaurana (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.com/)


Justus Ackermann
04-24-2014, 10:44 AM
via latabernadadelaurana (http://latabernadelaurana.blogspot.com/)


Well, Wood Elves Battle Magic is listed as a 16 card deck. So they really get both Dark and High Magic. Huge dislike!

04-24-2014, 11:07 AM
No more lore of athel which is a shame, but beasts high and dark magic will be much better.

04-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Well, Wood Elves Battle Magic is listed as a 16 card deck. So they really get both Dark and High Magic. Huge dislike!

I think its a fantastic idea, its shows how the wood elves are neutral and use whatever magic that fits their needs. The prices of the treeman also surprise me (positive).

04-24-2014, 03:45 PM
For those disappointed with Wood Elves losing Lore of Athel Loren... keep in mind the lore attribute(s) will be different according to the leaked White Dwarf pages. So it's possible that tree-singing became a lore attribute instead of a discrete spell.

Personally, I'd like to see a seperate lore attribute for both high and dark magic to emphasize the light/dark duality of the Wood Elves. So maybe tree singing-like effect for high magic and something more sinister for dark magic.

I guess we will find out in a week (or sooner if they actually mention it in White Dwarf)!

04-24-2014, 05:04 PM
Given they are released in one set, I wonder if they are separate lores, or both mixed together in one combi wood elf lore.

04-24-2014, 05:12 PM
Got a nice look at the White Dwarf today. Pretty much everything that can be leaked out has as far as I can see. Definites on the stags, the High/Dark/All 8 Lores access for them (which personally I think is cool, but then I'm a new player as opposed to someone attached to previous iterations). Treeman looks awesome, particularly the one painted in more wood like colours. Ranked dryads were present, the original Glade Guard and Glade Riders on ordinary painted horses (speculation with GW manager was spirit horse option?).

As far as I could see, the 'Eternal Guard' like minis appear to have some sort of great axe, but nothing concrete on other weapon options or what (if anything) they double up with. Manager also mentioned that Sisters of Twilight have gone off the website too! Fingers crossed for forest dragon!

Not much else to report and no tidbits. Manager mentioned that such is the.policy of secrecy regarding new releases that at a strategy meeting for instore events for the region, they all had to pretend they didn't know apocalypse was coming!

Needless to say, I have a limited edition book on unofficial preorder :P

EDIT: Observe https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10172642_626606834090877_8834008611495452834_n.jpg

Pretty sure two axes is a unit champion. If you look closely at the right hand end of the axe-elves, I believe you can see a musician wielding an axe that is much the same (and is that a peak of the same axe being held forward just as the picture cuts?)

04-25-2014, 11:01 AM
Wood Elves with axes? What will Durthu think? Maybe he will think they are stunties and smash them

04-25-2014, 12:14 PM

04-25-2014, 12:24 PM
Well, there the Wardancers are. And still metal.... interesting that they are called The Wardancer Troupe...

Have they become a character unit? :confused:

As for the rest..... eee! Can't wait for my LE army book :P

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-25-2014, 01:02 PM
Yeah, the Wardancers thing seems to be a similar to those 40k "1-click" type things. Since I know nothing of wood elves, i clicked on it thinking it might be a new plastic kit and was surprised to see it was just a collection of finecast/metal figures. Treeman figure looks pretty good, allthough not too keen on it's paint-scheme. I like that they are including named characters in these plastic kits.

Mr Mystery
04-25-2014, 01:34 PM
Shadow dancer........IS A WIZARD!

I r intrigued.

04-25-2014, 06:54 PM
So, not only do we not get new shiny wardancers, we get a repackagining featuring crappy finecast and metal models and to add insult to serious injury, they aren't even available to buy at the moment. GW, that is ****ing weak.

04-25-2014, 07:10 PM
Yes, Games Workshop OWES us plastic Wardancers! This is a disgusting travesty and I shall be writing to my member of parliament! :rolleyes:

04-25-2014, 11:20 PM
Wood Elves with axes? What will Durthu think? Maybe he will think they are stunties and smash them

I'm pretty sure in the ravening hordes list I used to play WE's out of, Durthu had hatred to Orcs because they brought axes into the woods lol. Seeing as he too now carries a sword (I still think it looks bad ***, although maybe a crude waystone mace/hammer would have been a more fluffy alternative), I think maybe his priorities have changed.

Ps. the wardancer package appears to be more expensive than buying the models individually. If they are still as good as they use to be, I might have to check out ebay to bolster their ranks.

04-26-2014, 02:41 AM
I have to say this is a pretty weak release in terms of models. One large kit, one plastic character, one finecast character and a repackaging. Ihope there is a lot more to come and the rules are good because if I were a WE player after waiting so long I'd be pretty pissed off.

04-26-2014, 03:12 AM
I have to say this is a pretty weak release in terms of models. One large kit, one plastic character, one finecast character and a repackaging. Ihope there is a lot more to come and the rules are good because if I were a WE player after waiting so long I'd be pretty pissed off.

I think its a perfectly fine release for week 1. Two new duel kits next week (stag riders/... and eternal guard/wildwood rangers). I can understand if fantasy sells are so low in comparison to 40k they don't go all out for the wood elves. I think most wood elf players are happy with a new book. The chance of a release of the dark elf size was unlikely.

04-26-2014, 04:43 AM
Getting the first non-hobbit Finecast release for the last ten months feels like a slap in the face, I can tell you that.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 04:54 AM
Me, I'm wrestling with whether or not to procure the book this month or next?

I can stretch to it, but I'm meant to be behaving myself financially. Mind you, all bills are paid.

As for Finecast stuff - We're not talking new sculpts in Finecast. We're talking perfectly serviceable existing models now produced in a different material.

And it's units pretty much every Wood Elf player already has in abundance.

04-26-2014, 05:01 AM
With the Shadow Dancer, it looks like all the noise about GW abandoning Finecast hasn't played out then. As a first week release, it doesn't have a lot of a wow factor. It isn't awful, as we have the book and magic cards, a character and the treeman. It's a good amount of releases, but it lacks anything truly inspirational. The treeman is very nice, but that's about it. Here's hoping next week has a super stunning Ariel model, but I doubt we'll see her at all.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 05:06 AM
Who knows what's in the pipeline?

Do we know that Aerial Automatic is in the book?

- - - Updated - - -

Sod it. I'm ordering the book.

But do I stretch to £60 to get that Ltd Captain?

No, I don't think I will.

04-26-2014, 05:08 AM
I've not heard anything either way. The old book was lacking special characters in contrast to the current ones, so I would expect to see more added (like this Arloth chappie), but I'm just not feeling hopeful about Ariel.

- - - Updated - - -

Chuck in a treeman and you'll get it. I'd forgotten about him. It was nice to see he was automatically added to my cart when I hit £60.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 05:11 AM
One hopeful bit is that High Elves got the Everqueen, so traditionally 'non-combatant' units are coming back, so we can't rule out Persil being in there.

I've decided to hold off and just pick it up in store next Saturday. Gives me an excuse to pile out of bed!

- - - Updated - - -

Ooh! OOH!

One hope what I have - Acorn of Ages is back, except that you can lob it into an enemy unit, dumping them in a Forest. All nice and disrupted!

04-26-2014, 05:42 AM
High Elves have Alarielle and Dark Elves have Morathi so Wood Elves not getting Ariel would be rather annoying.

04-26-2014, 06:06 AM
Given the pretty much universal fan demand, they would be daft not to. The only reason I can think of why they wouldn't is that they have come up with a model to do her justice.

04-26-2014, 10:04 AM
At this point I'd rather have her in the book with the crappy old model making a comeback than not have her at all.

04-26-2014, 12:39 PM
I'd take that. It would be great to see both her and Orion get new models together, but I'm not sure they will. The GW trend for special characters seems to be putting them in plastic box sets, they don't seem to want to do stand alone SCs.

04-26-2014, 02:01 PM
Dwarves got two stand-alone plastic special characters and Dark Elves got one. Wood Elves are already known to have one (Araloth); why shouldn't they get a second one like Dwarves did?

04-26-2014, 02:05 PM
Here is some more artwork, and a preview at our tree-kin stats page.


04-26-2014, 02:10 PM
Dwarves got two stand-alone plastic special characters and Dark Elves got one. Wood Elves are already known to have one (Araloth); why shouldn't they get a second one like Dwarves did?

Durthu and Araloth... that's 2 even with my dyslexic math. Add in the fact that the sisters are conveniently "Out of stock", we are likely looking at a potential 3rd. That being said our character models are still some of the most beautiful around.

04-26-2014, 02:17 PM
Because both Orion and Ariel would be monstrous infantry or straight-out monsters. Clamshell packs are one thing. I can't remember the last time they came out with a plastic kit for a special character that wasn't combined with something else (Durthu being a prime example of special character combined with plastic kit). Since Ariel and Orion are unique in their appearances I doubt we will ever see them in plastic since they really don't share an aesthetic with anything else in the WE army.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 03:36 PM
Erm. That new Wood Elf?

04-26-2014, 03:36 PM
Treekin stats are up on iTunes. They drop in points substantially but they lose a point of strength. They might have other rules available to them but it's blocked out by the rule blurb. Interesting that they now have a BS skill. That happened to Ushabti and they gained the ability to take great bows (not that anyone does).


Overall they have the initial appearance of being less resilient and less killy but far cheaper. We'll see if they are given anything additional a week from today I suppose.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 03:38 PM
Looks like they bagged Scaly Skin of some kind.

Can anyone confirm if that's new or not?

04-26-2014, 03:39 PM
They had scaly skin of 4+ previously. Looks to be the same.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2014, 03:40 PM
Fair enough!

04-26-2014, 04:06 PM
Because both Orion and Ariel would be monstrous infantry or straight-out monsters. Clamshell packs are one thing. I can't remember the last time they came out with a plastic kit for a special character that wasn't combined with something else (Durthu being a prime example of special character combined with plastic kit). Since Ariel and Orion are unique in their appearances I doubt we will ever see them in plastic since they really don't share an aesthetic with anything else in the WE army.

Forget Orion; Orion has a model that's on sale right now. It's Ariel that we'll all be disappointed if she's left out of the new armybook when Alarielle managed to return to the High Elf one.

And I have no idea why you'd think Ariel would be monstrous infantry.

04-26-2014, 04:28 PM
Because her previous model was on a 50mm base.

Daniel Jonathan Roy
04-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Did anyone else notice the "green horses" on the 6th image of the White Dwarf magazine???

Are the WE horses possibly ethereal???, It's on the page with the Shadowdancer model.

04-26-2014, 09:30 PM
Rumors are that those are the Stag Cavalry we will be seeing released in a couple weeks (and up for preorders next weekend).