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View Full Version : Dark Elf Heraldry

10-08-2013, 09:36 AM
Hey guys,

I'm starting my Dark Elf army, and with it, I want to do a painting thread. Never done one before and figured this would be a good opportunity to do so. However I have a bit of a problem. I'm stuck for colour choices.

I'm asking to call on your infinite knowledge to help me out. I should mention I'm looking to do a fluff colour scheme for the army and work the list to the colours. However I am particually fond of Bolt Throwers, Crossbowmen and beasties.

What are the fluff based colour schemes of the Dark Elves? Is it limited to what's in the Army book? Is there anything outside of that?

Any and all input is appriciated!

- KaiZie

10-14-2013, 01:37 AM
Hey guys,

I'm starting my Dark Elf army, and with it, I want to do a painting thread. Never done one before and figured this would be a good opportunity to do so. However I have a bit of a problem. I'm stuck for colour choices.

I'm asking to call on your infinite knowledge to help me out. I should mention I'm looking to do a fluff colour scheme for the army and work the list to the colours. However I am particually fond of Bolt Throwers, Crossbowmen and beasties.

What are the fluff based colour schemes of the Dark Elves? Is it limited to what's in the Army book? Is there anything outside of that?

Any and all input is appriciated!

- KaiZie

Well the dark elves have many options. You got the 6 major cities however unlike the high elves they don't really have a colour scheme. However there are some colours that are more used then others in some cities. Also you could go a corsair theme, khainite or more an invasion themed army. The army book doesn't really follow colour schemes for units. You see for example corsairs in red or see blue.

-Naggarond: the Tower of Cold, Dark Elf capital and seat of the Witch King>Home of the black guard, an elite bodyguard force could be a theme with a dominant purple colour scheme.
-Ghrond: the North Tower where the sorceresses study the Realm of Chaos>Could go all kind of colours.
-Karond Kar: the Tower of Despair, largest slave port of the Dark Elves>A dark and gritty scheme showing the cruelness of the dark elves.
-Hag Graef: the Dark Crag which is never touched by the sun's rays>For some reason I think a black/white colour scheme could show the darkness of this place.
-Har Ganeth: the City of Executioners and religious capital of Cult of Khaine>Red scheme with primary khainite units.
-Clar Karond: the Tower of Doom and largest Dark Elf shipyard>Could go all kind of colours.

I know this isn't much but dark elves have not really a restricted colour scheme (purple is the most common colour I think). Maybe some experienced dark elves can tell you more about this.

10-14-2013, 01:41 AM
Thanks for the info, it's a really good start to where I want to end up. Cheers Angrybear!