View Full Version : Should I take Infiltrators?

10-08-2013, 08:30 AM
Before 6th this was a question I always asked myself. Should I field infiltrators are not. In 4th and lower with shooting armies it wasn't a big thing. First you took turns deploying models one at a time in slot order and second you avoided being near combat like the plague. If you did infiltrate you wanted models that can handle combat since they had a really good chance of being in combat. With 5th edition we seen combat toned down and deployment changing a lot. The game wasn't who went first, but more who took the most advantage of the table.

With combat being turned down and deployment options being better it encouraged infiltrators to be used.

Now with 6th edition rolling aground the biggest ability being thrown out there that is a game changer is scouting. Thanks to sixth some units can scout 12" and be in the middle of the field.

When daemon armies started using hounds people wondered how to counter this. I used infiltrators myself. However not everyone used daemons and not all daemon players used hounds.

Before daemons we had the ravenwing which could easily dakka banner you in the face and easily plasma you in the first turn. Annoying as it was it wasn't as bad as hounds, and can be dealt with.

Now we have the new marine dex. With 2 chapters that can scout in your face. I will mention the white scars since they seem to be favored the most. The issue now is that you have bikes instead of being near 30 points a pop they are near 20 points a pop, which means dealing with more bikes. The next problem is that you can have an Hq choice with a plus two save and a storm shield in front, since you can ally with yourself you can take two such hqs with khan.

The new marines poses a threat since you have to do significant damage to the bikes jn your face. If they go first you will be rapid fired, and melted in the face and they will have plus four jink saves. On the other hand if you go first they can assault you first turn and use hit and run to shoot and assault you all game long.

With 3 armies off the top of my head that can possibly assault on the first turn I think taking a squad of infiltrators or two is now worth it. Infiltrate happens before scout which allows you to push back the scouters since they have to be 12" away from you. The best part is the you can infiltrate after deployment which means you can easily block their path.

Although if I was playing a white scar list I would field scout bikers that can infiltrate and scout to prevent you from using your scouts. Reason to take those scout bikers now or just regular scouts. Anyway besides necrons and orcs I know most armies have viable infiltrators to use. Heck greyknights can use skulls to keep them bikes away. Oh I forgot I think sisters cannot infiltrate, but they can scout though.

A good infiltrator defense can help save your army and win you the day.

10-08-2013, 10:56 AM
I agree completely. Scout/Infiltrate defenses are starting to become useful, and the most generally-useful defense is your own Infiltrating units.

Dave Mcturk
10-09-2013, 07:24 AM
mmm. eldar infiltrators cost between 100 and 150 pts per unit, have no armour or close combat abilities and run away like little children....

but loving my orkz .... kommandoes .....

10-09-2013, 08:16 AM
mmm. eldar infiltrators cost between 100 and 150 pts per unit, have no armour or close combat abilities and run away like little children....

but loving my orkz .... kommandoes .....

I thought scorpions can infiltrate and they have rather good armour.

10-09-2013, 08:25 AM
-you cant assault first turn unlesss u go second in which case your opponent Jean idiot to let u get that close after they went.

Kaptain Badrukk
10-09-2013, 08:28 AM
Or you make it a very hard choice for them.
Forcing artillery to move to avoid assault for example, can render them useless for a turn.
In fairness though infiltrate is hard to use well and easily countered most of the time :(

10-09-2013, 08:57 AM
That's why I said you could assault turn one.

In the case of white scars you have two options turn one.
1. They scout in and behind terrain if you are going first. You try to kill as many of them as possible and on the following turn they rapid fire, assault, and than hammer of wrath.

2. They move up and rapid fire you and in your face with plus four jink saves, or plus 2 due to invisibility. You can assault them even though they have twin linked over watch and can use hit and run to break off and rapid fire you again and assault.

However after playing a few tournaments I noticed people are using the scout pre move and winning due to being assaulted turn one or two. White Scars and Daemon Hound armies have pulled this off rather well. Also dark angels can do the same thing.

I been told orks can scout like the other armies as well, haven't looked to see if they can or not.

However a lot of armies have infiltrators they can use. Not all of them are good, but they do provide a defense against what is looking like a 6th edition trend to help out assaulting armies. I wouldn't be surprised if nids will be able to do the same as well when they get updated.

Heck I forgot grey knights can do that crap as well with dreadknights, and greyknights in rhinos or razor backs, so grey knightscan assault ppossibly on turn one as well.

The point is taking infiltrators can stop or subtract scouting by 6 inches off a 12" scout move. Also it can force the scouting unit to waste movement to move around the infiltrators. Long story short it buys your army a turn or two extra when dealing with the scout in your face armies.

Keep in mind that these units from deployment to end of movement is covering 24" which puts them in your deployment zone rather easy and with 2d6 assault range they can touch you a possible 36" away when they first deploy. If they run or turbo boost they can easily assault what they want in turn two. Infiltrators deny them that opportunity and force them to engage or ignore the infiltrators.

Dave Mcturk
10-10-2013, 06:45 AM
scorpions are not all they are cracked up to be ! and since infiltrators cannot charge in the 'first turn' they are asking for trouble... they were better in 5th ... and the last codex...

10-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Infiltrators are also good for creating pressure. If you deploy infiltrators in a defensible position - say, camo cloak scouts in cover - threatening an objective that your opponent has decided to start the game holding, you create a situation where your opponent is on his back foot before the game has even begun. If you can bring other elements in to support those infiltrators, you might be able to even take that objective. If you can't, you might lose them, but your opponent will waste valuable firepower on the infiltrators while the rest of your army rolls into position.

10-10-2013, 02:50 PM
okay before i go to crazy what army do you play? this is at the OP This will drastically change what advice you are given.

10-12-2013, 08:14 PM
Why I am playing hound daemons and can easily run white scar bikes and Tau with nids. However the question of the day is what armies I do not play.

I do not play or have played
Dark Eldar and Orcs

I can say I have played everything else. Now if you ask what I played with 6th.

Grey Knights
White Scars
Dark Angels

However the main 3 armies right now arr
Tau, Daemons and Nids

Oh I forgot I did use vanilla marines before the update to sixth.

It is still sound to take Infiltrators in 6th to prevent scout rush, some armies like nids could care less if you decide to get closer to them however.