View Full Version : 290 point of anti - tank for IG - Ideas wanted!

10-06-2013, 11:37 AM
I need ideas for 290 point of anti-tank/big monster unit/s. Taking anything with the Russ chassis and plasma vets are not an option due to army fluff, but forge world is an option as long as it is not a super heavy or a Russ variant.

Ideas please, as I am stuck on Medusa or more HWS/SWS.

10-06-2013, 12:02 PM
2 Vendettas is 260 pts leaving 30 pts to spend on upgrades like krak or demolitions on a veteran squad.

10-06-2013, 03:37 PM
2 Vendettas is 260 pts leaving 30 pts to spend on upgrades like krak or demolitions on a veteran squad.

Sounds good.

A friend of mine has pointed out that I could take 2 medusa and with some points fiddling a hydra, and that hydra can target hovering vehicles without snap shooting... I think they are onto something.

10-07-2013, 10:55 AM
I need ideas for 290 point of anti-tank/big monster unit/s. Taking anything with the Russ chassis and plasma vets are not an option due to army fluff, but forge world is an option as long as it is not a super heavy or a Russ variant.

Ideas please, as I am stuck on Medusa or more HWS/SWS.

You've kind of painted yourself into a corner there by refusing to take some of the best units available. I guess you could take upgunned Sentinels. Or an upgunned Chimera-based tank. Against Monsters, why not at least take some Ratling Snipers?

10-07-2013, 12:13 PM
You've kind of painted yourself into a corner there by refusing to take some of the best units available. I guess you could take upgunned Sentinels. Or an upgunned Chimera-based tank. Against Monsters, why not at least take some Ratling Snipers?

Perhaps I should have stated what I all ready have.

I have 9 auto-cannons, 6 lascannons, 7 heavy bolters, 7 heavy stubbers, 5 grenade launchers, 3 snipers, 3 meltas and a plasma pistol.

The only monsters I really worry about are ones with deep-strike, and there is not much of an answer to them other to shoot everything left after they turn up at them.

Flying vets around with demolitions sounds fun, but then I look at what the Imperial Navy have and get envy (and my wallet goes into hiding).

If you want some background, some WIP background can be found here (http://z4.invisionfree.com/Boot_Camp/index.php?showtopic=12890&hl=)

10-07-2013, 01:11 PM
Plasma Stormtroopers as your dedicated Monster Hunters??

10-07-2013, 01:59 PM
Plasma Stormtroopers as your dedicated Monster Hunters??

Thought of that, my 2 - 2.5K list has them in a Valk supervising a Psyker and another group with a Commissar Lord. I am yet to get the 2 Plasma gunners, the second group and the Commissar Lord or Valks.

I guess I could see how it works out at 1.5K.

Kaptain Badrukk
10-08-2013, 03:17 AM
The hellhound variants are all good at this, esp the melta version.
Just to throw a new idea in there.
The issue is with either the melta OR poison tank that you're doing at realistic best 3 wounds to a MC (unit of 3).
The melta tanks utterly destroy tanks tho, so there's that.
And the poison ones make VERY short work of MEQ.