View Full Version : 1500 pts Black Templar, advice on how to make it 1850

10-06-2013, 12:23 AM
So this is what im working with, would appreciate any advice on the 1500 army as it stands and any thoughts on how to make it 1850

Emperor’s Champion

2 Crusader Squads
9 initiates with Multi-melta, meltagun, Sword Brother w/ combi melta in a rhino

3 Crusader Squads
9 initiates Power weapon (axe), meltagun, Sword Brother w/ power weapon (sword), meltabombs, all in a rhino
(1 squad has 1 less initiate for the EC)

Heavy Support
2 Vindicators
1 Stalker

The idea being with 5 rhinos can hide the vindicators side armor, plus there are two of them anyway. As they're not assault vehicles the squads will just hide behind them and charge out next turn. The two bolter armed squads can claim objectives on my side with the stalker in support. All comes in at 1501. But no ideas on how to make it 1850 size...

10-06-2013, 08:00 AM
First is this list for competitive use or just friendly games?

If for competitive use I would instantly swap the Emperor's Champion with a Chapter Master. With the new relics there really isn't a reason to field any of the Black Templars Special Characters except maybe Helbrect. And even then you'll want a punchy character for challenges.

You are really good on scoring bodies, although if you are bumping up points it wouldn't hurt swapping some of those rhinos (especially for the fighty squads) for LRC since that is a big bonus for Black Templars (getting them as dedicated transports). Also I'd probably swap one/two squads with meltaguns with flamers since so many people are playing xenos these days (your mileage may vary).

Other than that you have a lot of anti-tank tied up in stuff that is very short range (vindicators/melta weapons). Perhaps some sternguard in a drop pod with combi-meltas?

10-08-2013, 01:10 PM
Definitely a Land Raider crusader. Something big and eye catching that'll draw a mess of fire away from your vindicators. And a chaplain, put him with one of your squads and tool him out with digi-weps (comes in handy all the time) makes for a round 350 point add-on.

I think you're going to have a lot of difficulty maintaining formation. The vagaries of terrain are going to break up your wall of Rhino chasis and make it more difficult to squeeze all these models through. I think you're going to find that the Rhinos will get in the way more than they will help. After all you're halfway to a Da Black Tide list, which I find waaaaay more fun to play.

Dump the transports all together. This gets you more than enough neophytes to take the first round of enemy fire. WAAAAGH DA SPACE MARINES!