View Full Version : For 1750p Eldar Bel-Annath Heavy choices?

Lost Vyper
10-05-2013, 07:34 AM

Again iīm trying to figure out the best units for that Bel-Annath 4 Heavies usefulness. Iīm going for 2 x 3 Jetbikes + DAīs in a WS for troops. And Swooping Hawks and Spiders for Fast. Something like this :

Bel-Annath 195p

3 x Jetbikes (1 x SC) 61p
3 x Jetbikes (1 x SC) 61p
Dire Avengers x 9 + Exarch (PS+SS,Disarming Strike) + WS (Holo,tlBL) 305p

Warp Spiders x 5 + Exarch (Fast Shot, SR) 149p
Swooping Hawks x 5 + Exarch (HT) 116p

here we are at 889p...and now the good stuff :D

3 x War Walkers (Scatter Laser/Bright Lance) 210p
3 x War Walkers (Scatter Laser/Bright Lance) 210p
Wraithknight 240p

here is 1549p and iīm still thinking about the Sun Cannon+Scatter Laser on Wraithknight...but...shall i get third set of Walkers, or should i get Wraithlord to secure the flank and give him BL to shoot from long distance if needed, like so

Wraithlord (GC+Scatter Laser+Bright Lance+2xFlamers) 165p

now we are at 1714p...if i drop one Shuriken Cannon from the bikes, i get the better set on the WK...or another set of Walkers 210p...i absolutely love the Walkers, but my WL hasnīt seen a game since his big bro hit the town...

What would YOU do?

Lost Vyper
10-06-2013, 02:04 AM
The conclusion...

Okay, this is it, 1753p, if the opponent isnīt cool with that, iīll drop the GC from the WL, 1748p...

Bel-Annath 195p

3 x Jetbikes (1 x SC) 61p
3 x Jetbikes (1 x SC) 61p
3 x Jetbikes (1 x SC) 61p
Dire Avengers x 9 + Exarch (PS+SS,Disarming Strike) + WS (Holo,tlBL) 305p

Warp Spiders x 5 + Exarch (Fast Shot, SR) 149p
Swooping Hawks x 5 + Exarch (HT) 116p

3 x War Walkers (Scatter Laser/Bright Lance) 210p
3 x War Walkers (Scatter Laser/Bright Lance) 210p
Wraithknight 240p
Wraithlord (GC+Scatter Laser+Bright Lance+2xFlamers) 165p

Lost Vyper
10-11-2013, 09:48 AM
Had the match today, against Mephiston and his Blood Angels...Lost the game after the 7th round (would have won on 5th or 6th...)

What we learned :

- Best game ever with Bel-Annath, he had Guide,Prescience and Fortune. Kept him on the backburner objective (Emperorīs Will) guiding/presciencing Sisu (Wraithlord) and one set of Walkers. He died in the beginning of the 7th in CC with a Dred, failed ONE invl.save WITH Fortune. Didnīt go to CC (until it was mandatory) and kept hiding, i like him.

- I had a good start, getting the first blood from the first Drednaught (one with the Force weapon and flying powers, Blood Lance jadajadajada) who came in a drop pod.

- Wave Serpent worked like a charm, was still around in the end with 2hpīs and Brightlance gone, killed one Dred with Shield and a Lance in the game.

- AGAIN Voitto (Wraithknight) got killed by Mephiston, BUT...i had him cut down to a single wound and he was closing my objective. Scatter + Suncannon didnīt deliver, so...Suncannon did some damage against the Tacticals, but when i had two Dreds in the mid-field, i so wished i had the Wraithcannons...

- War Walkers did ok, were involved in the Mephiston shooting and the Warp Spiders too. Spiders went down QUICK, when TWO Dreds got in to CC...AV13 in the front people! S6 ainīt JACK...

- Swooping hawks killed few Veterans with the blast and were in CC in the end of the 6th (LB too) but canīt hack against T4 + Powerarmor. They have decent amount of shots, but my friend was rolling HOT with his 3+...

- Bikes would have gotten me LB (even if the Hawks couldnīt) and held my objective in the rounds 5&6, but it wasnīt meant to be...

And Mephiston died with perils in the 6th round...my day was made :)

All and all, iīm happy with the list, iīll try it against the Space Wolves sometime soon and tell you all about that too!

- Lost Vyper

ps. Check out the other post (coming soon!) about the 2500p game (and the armylist) against the GK, it was AWESOME!!