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View Full Version : Upcoming Tournament

10-05-2013, 03:34 AM
I've got an upcoming tournament through my local club, 4 games with 2 at 1,000pts and 2 at 2,400pts.

The kicker is that everything that is in my 1,000pts list has to be in my 2,400pts list no changes, upgrades in most cases are OK but not changes.

I'll be playing Lizards and this means that my usual plan of a Slann BSB is not possible to I am having to change up my usual style. I have come up with a couple of 1,000pts lists which I am trying to decide between. From there I will add units to get to the 2,400pts list.

1st List

Saurus Old Blood - Armour of Destiny, Shield

Saurus Scar Vet - BSB, Biting Blade, Enchanted Shield, Light Armour

Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Lvl 2 Upgrade

Saurus Warriors - 20 Warriors, Spears, Full Command

Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Blowpipes.

Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Blowpipes

Bastiladon - Solar Engine

Total Points 986.

2nd List

Saurus Old Blood - Armour of Destiny, Cold One, Halberd

Saurus Scar Vet - BSB, Biting Blade, Cold One, Enchanted Shield, Light Armour

Skink Priest - Lvl 2 Upgrade


Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Blowpipes.

Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Blowpipes

Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Javelin & Shields

Skink Skirmishers - 10 Skinks, Javelin & Shields

old One Cavalry - 7 Riders, Full Command

Total Points 994

I've been thinking beasts for the priest.

I'm more comfortable with the 1st list as I have always played a saurus heavy list at higher points limits however I had a practice game with it the other week. It was the Dawn attack mission I think (random deployment) and got some bad rolls which meant that I was spent most of the game slogging across the field. The second list gives me a bit more speed with my main combat unit to recover from bad deployments.

Any thoughts and criticism welcome, I have to nail down the list in the next week or so for submission for the tournament.

10-05-2013, 05:30 PM
I run WoC mono-Khorne usually and I fight against two guys who play Lizardmen regularly. I must say the first list is a lot scarier for me. The combo of a ton of saurus+characters with a bastiladon backing them up at 1000 is intimidating. The second list might be more maneuverable for sure, but if you lose combat with your cold ones then its almost game over for you. Being an infantry fan, I'd throw my hat at the first list. How do you plan on upping it to 2.4k?

10-06-2013, 04:40 AM
Yeah the first list is my preference due to familiarity, it also reduces the number of models I need to paint before the tournament. However I keep hearing how powerful a cold one list is and I fancy giving it a go but it is a lot of points for a small unit.

To bulk out the list I'll add a Slann with temple guard, another unit of saurus and an engine of the gods. I'll post the list a bit later today.

10-06-2013, 08:23 AM
If you are scaling up to 2000 points then the 1st list is fine. I'd never take the 3rd list as it would get wiped off the table pretty easily since it has no ranked infantry. If you aren't scaling up beyond 1000 then I'd say you could likely exchange a unit of skinks and some equipment for some terradons or ripperdactyls to hunt any warmachines.

Is the league going to play standard book missions? If so then I'd say both lists will give you problems. Blood and Glory will be a pain in the rear for you as if you lose the Saurus Warriors... it's game over. They could ignore the rest of your army entirely.

As effective as cold one riders are they can't break a giant block of chaff infantry like slaves quickly enough to avoid the repercussions and the Skinks, while mobile, aren't going to do enough damage even if they do manage to avoid being charged.

10-06-2013, 11:12 AM
For the 3rd and 4th games we'll be going up to 2,400pts. We'll be using book missions at random but blood and glory and the watchtower are excluded

11-01-2013, 04:19 PM
I agree that second list is not nearly as scary as the first one. Let me know how it goes!