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View Full Version : Your Favorite Recipes with GW Paints

10-04-2013, 12:32 PM
GW's paint line provides us with a lot of great tools. What I'd love to do in this thread is create a list of reliable "recipes." For example, here is the recipe I use to create a verdigrised copper effect:

Prime black.
Basecoat Warplock Bronze
Drybrush heavily with Auric Armor Gold
Drybrush sparingly with Ironbreaker
Wash with Coellia Greenshade
Drybrush lightly with Auric Armor Gold
Drybrush very lightly with Ironbreaker

And here's a photo of how it turns out:


Anyone could use that and - with some work - get a pretty good result.

If you have a great recipe, post it here with photographic proof. We can discuss the recipes and refine them. I'll make a second post in this thread where we can compile the finished recipes. Maybe this will even get stickied?

10-04-2013, 12:33 PM











In Progress - Try it out and report back to us!

10-04-2013, 01:28 PM
For blue, I get great results with basing ice blue, a heavy blue wash, then drybrushing back up with ice blue then skull white.

10-04-2013, 01:40 PM
For blue, I get great results with basing ice blue, a heavy blue wash, then drybrushing back up with ice blue then skull white.

Can we get a picture so we know what it looks like?

10-04-2013, 02:13 PM
Yeah, once I get off work. I have a ton of it on my grey knights, since I do glowing runes instead of gold like everyone else.

I've got any easy gold nmm that i use, too, mixing bleached bone with iirc vomit brown, wash with devlan mud, then build back up to pure bleached bone.

10-04-2013, 02:19 PM
Yeah, once I get off work. I have a ton of it on my grey knights, since I do glowing runes instead of gold like everyone else.

That sounds really cool. If I ever start Grey Knights, that's how I'll do it.

10-04-2013, 03:19 PM
For BA Red (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150831360714046&l=069f034630) I go :

Prime Grey/White zenthil
2 thin coats of mephiston red
Wash green
1 layer coat (thin, avoid obvious recesses, like a heavy but wet drybrush I guess) of 50/50 blood red and mephiston
wash with earth shade
1 layer coat of blood red
wash red
highlight with blood red + tiny bit of yellow

For Dark Eldar (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150831253544046&l=fc024f6bbc):

Prime Black
Then essentially 3 highlights of turquoise/black, turquoise, turqoise/white. Then hit it with AT LEAST 2 washes of thrakka green.
Cloth - flesh, gold - gold+lighter gold highlight. Wash with devlin mud.
Eyes - snot green+black, snot green, snot green+yellow. Wash with green.
Highlight gun with dark grey.
Tidy with black and pick out details.
Base - dark grey, codex grey, astronomican grey drybrush.

10-05-2013, 01:08 AM
So here's some pics:


Bone armor is just bleached bone washed with devlan mud, cleaned up, then highlighted with skull white. This is a test model, so I'll probably make a mix of bleached bone and skull white as an intermediary highlight for a little bit more blended look.

Gold basecoat is Tau Ochre mixed with Bleached Bone to taste, wash with devlan mud, clean up, highlight with a lighter Tau/Bone mix, then highlighted even more with pure bleached bone.

The green isn't anything fancy, either, just PP's goblin green (iirc) washed with devlan mud, touched up, and highlighted with warp green (or whatever it's called, I think it used to be snot green). It works great on small details, like laurels and trim, but on flat surfaces it doesn't blend well enough.

Blue is just ice blue, washed with asurman blue, drybrushed with ice blue, then drybrushed with skull white. Use it on all of my power weapons.



Same gold as above, same blue as above. Brown and grey are just a medium base, wash, and a drybrushed highlight.


Same gold, same blue. The tan rock is just tau ocher, devlan mud, and drybrushed tau/bleached bone. The grey is my custom little mix, just lots of black with grey to get a dark grey.

10-05-2013, 01:18 AM

Back view of my psycannon Inquisitor, so you can see the power weapon effect and gold shoulder pads. The cloak is too mundane, one day I'll pick up some more red paints to get a better result.


This is the blue effect across a whole model. This is one of my Ghost Knights, though the base isn't completed. If I ever get around to it, his feet will be covered in swirly warp-stuff like the little bit on Coteaz's base.


Dreadknight. The blue works alright at this scale, but I'm sure there's better ways of doing it. It works better on detailed surfaces, this sword is a bit too large and flat.


My Draigo, since Brother Captain Stern kinda sucks but is such an awesome model. Again, the red isn't very impressive, but you can see the glowing runes on the armor.

12-04-2013, 11:26 PM

For my Khorne Warriors I did this for the red:

Prime black
Basecoat 2:1 ratio of Khorne Red and Caliban Green
Washed Nuln Oil
Drybrush with Wazdakka Red

The brass was painted with this
Base Balthasar Gold
Washed Coelia Greenshade
Drybrush Sycorax Bronze

12-04-2013, 11:33 PM
Here is my Warshrine with BSB. It has a better view of the bronze


12-05-2013, 12:49 AM
It's worth noting that color scheme is more important than the quality of your painting. As long as you can keep between the lines and don't slobber paint on so thick you lose all detail on your model, then even a mediocre painter can make a pretty impressive looking army just by picking a good color scheme.