View Full Version : Hail brothers and sisters!

Pauly Addams
10-03-2013, 09:40 PM
Hi BoLSers,

I'm looking for a new community to share my projects and goals with, there is nothing like some encouragement and feedback from people as keen as you are to keep your hobby motivation strong.

I'm an admitted plastic crack addict. I maintain about 4-5 armies and am constantly picking up random things I want to paint or convert. Primarily I'm a painter and modeller, I love heavily themed armies and skirmish forces, I've been painting on and off since I was about 14 and I'm not far off my 2nd service stud...

I enjoy campaigns and skirmish style games. I've also been fleshing out a Space Hulk expansion over almost a decade now, that all of my 40k friends are addicted too and make special squads just to use in my game.

Looking forward to getting to know you all,


10-04-2013, 01:39 AM
You're going on for 214 :eek: impressive...
come to the oubliette we have new tangents ;)
Start here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?22184-The-Off-Topic-Thread-(the-BEST-thread-ever!))


10-04-2013, 01:40 AM
Hello and welcome aboard.

So what are the armies you are currently maintaining?

Kaptain Badrukk
10-04-2013, 03:00 AM
Welcome Pauly :)
If your spcaehulk expansion is typed it'd be very welcome in the Homebrew Section!
We have neither tangents nor ponies, but welcome you none the less.

10-04-2013, 03:02 AM
We have neither tangents nor ponies, but welcome you none the less.

Lies. We have many of both!

10-04-2013, 10:18 AM
Welcome aboard Pauly!

We do try to run a nice plastic crack place.

Come on into the threads and share your stuff, from hobby to tactics. The water's fine and we don't bite.


Pauly Addams
10-05-2013, 09:45 AM
You're going on for 214 :eek: impressive...

I was under the impression that each service stud was a decade :S I'm 31 since June

Hello and welcome aboard.

So what are the armies you are currently maintaining?

I: A huge 'I accidentally blood for the blood god' army of World Eaters. Long before I considered starting Chaos, Khorne held the least interest for me, I'm still not sure how it spilled over 2k points. But this was the army that bit me with the conversion bug.

II: A growing army of Nurgle themed stuff for the 'Genestealer Player' to use in my Space Hulk mod, that I'm now expanding to run as a 40k Army. Lots of Zombies, Daemons and Cultists with some classic (2nd ed?) Plague Marines.

III: I'm doing up a small force of Chaos stuff in Sons of Horus colours, I've loved that scheme since the Index Astartes article on Black Legion in WD.

IV: An Imperial Guard tank company, because I love building and painting tanks.. and gunships. I have 3 Russ', 2 Chimeras, 3 Armoured Sents, a Valkyrie and a Shadowsword so far. Looking forward to new tanks and some Stormtroopers to finish off the army on the next release.

V: Tau, because I grew up on Robotech/Macross and still love Mecha. I based the paint scheme on classic Deceptacon colours in further tribute to kickass 80's cartoons.

VI: Tyranids, because Aliens was my world as a child, they were also my first love when I got into 40k. I'm painting them up using the old school Genestealer colours as a basis. Also looking to expand this army when the new releases hit.

VII: Oh and I have a Dark Angels army that I dust off and add a little to on occasion. But Marines struggle to hold my interest these days with GW saturating its shelves with Power Armour and flying bricks.

After that there as a few side projects I fiddle with when I want to paint something different, or introduce a new 'Game master force' for Space Hulk. I already have some Orks for this and I'm looking at some Necrons next for Hulk Fodder. Also I'm ready to destroy my wallet if Sisters of Battle ever get a real release.

I also realise that that's a little more than 5 +_+

Welcome Pauly :)
If your spcaehulk expansion is typed it'd be very welcome in the Homebrew Section!
We have neither tangents nor ponies, but welcome you none the less.

It's a labour of love and one that needs lots of updates every time 40k/codexes get updated. That being said, I'm honestly a little nervous about subjecting my 'baby' to the public arena. Maybe once I've gotten to know the BoLS crowd. I'd love to do a battle report filled with sexy pictures once the 3D Space Hulk project takes off though. :)

Thanks for the warm welcome all, look forward to spamming up the place with pretty pictures and crazed enthusiasm :D


10-07-2013, 02:43 AM
I was under the impression that each service stud was a decade :S I'm 31 since June


I think it varies.
Also colours matter too.