View Full Version : 12,500pt Apocalypse battle Nids versus Crimson Fists and Imperial Guard

10-02-2013, 03:16 PM
My mates, Ben, Liam, Otty and I had a 12 hour Apocalypse battle. The report is being written on the blog, but given the scale of what I was trying to do was sketchy at best. However, it's more about the spectacle with this, so if you like your hobby porn and enjoy nothing more than 4 totally bada$$ completely painted armies featuring many scratchbuilt and unique items then enjoy. Oh, there was a scratchbuilt Warlord Titan too,





Prelude to war is here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/apocalypse-wow-12500pts-of-armageddon.html

First turn will be on the blog tomorrow.

10-03-2013, 06:09 AM
My first turn was quite effective with guaranteed reserves arriving from Deep Strike with a Flyrant, 3 Spore Pods with 10 Devgaunts each in two pods and the Doom in the 3rd, Trygon Prime, 4 Sky Slashers with Spinefists and 10 Gargoyles all closing on the objective and removing both Manticores.


Meanwhile the green tide advanced.


Eventually Crimson Fist reserves arrive in the from of this 'X-Wing Pattern' Storm Raven


'Nancy' strikes back


More details and pics here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/apocalypse-wow-12500pts-of-armageddon_3.html

knas ser
10-03-2013, 06:27 AM
Good grief!

I think the point it started to overwhelm me was when you started adding snow flocking to some of the boards in order to make a cleaner transition between the snow boards and the non-snow boards. Hate to say it, but I'm glad they wouldn't let you use that single unpainted mini. Why spoil perfection?

It's awesome. Looking forward to a turn-by-turn.

10-03-2013, 11:50 AM
Good grief!

I think the point it started to overwhelm me was when you started adding snow flocking to some of the boards in order to make a cleaner transition between the snow boards and the non-snow boards. Hate to say it, but I'm glad they wouldn't let you use that single unpainted mini. Why spoil perfection?

It's awesome. Looking forward to a turn-by-turn.

Ha, ha, Liam flatly refused to let his board be the transition one for snow, he said he was still trying to get rid of the talc they used last time. It was a nightmare getting it off all the bits of terrain afterwards, check out the pillar tops on the ruins on my flank, they dusted that too! I'm pretty sure the the first few turns make sense then turns 3 onwards seem a bit difficult to isolate which picture represents which turn. Things were hampered even further by the fact Ben and I ended up playing quicker than Otty and Liam, they did have two thirds of the armies afterall. Of course by the end there were considerably less figures on the board hence why it played quicker and quicker.

10-03-2013, 12:48 PM
Congratulations on four wonderfully painted Apocalypse Armies!

Last Easter I fielded 18K of Eldar fully painted in a 60,000 points plus Apocalypse Battle, so I know the hard work that goes into preparing for, let alone playing in such a big game whilst gritting your teeth and saying to yourself "fully painted or nothing".

Well done!!!

10-08-2013, 05:25 AM
Cheers Pssyche

Here's a preview of turn 2:

NOT Lysander and his retinue face a carpet of Stealers


How you mount a kitbashed Storm Talon


Crimson Fists 'fight in the shade'!


'Relic' Whirlwinds were even called to battle to stem the Xenos tide.


More details and hobby p0rn here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CcO6aBA50BA/UkggC60BS3I/AAAAAAAAL2o/C2e0XXEDLow/s1600/C360_2013-09-28-14-13-38-355.jpg

The Sovereign
10-08-2013, 06:41 AM
Wow, one of the best batreps I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing!

10-08-2013, 04:27 PM
The Whirlwinds in the last picture, are they Rhino conversions?
The Rhino chassis is clearly a very old one, but the Whirlwind from back then looked like it had a handful of crayons on two sticks for its missile rack.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that the missile racks include a Lego Building Brick.


And I've just noticed.
I'm not the only person in the World who snaps the exhaust pipes off!
Ha ha ha ha ha...

10-09-2013, 06:04 AM
The Whirlwinds in the last picture, are they Rhino conversions?
The Rhino chassis is clearly a very old one, but the Whirlwind from back then looked like it had a handful of crayons on two sticks for its missile rack.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that the missile racks include a Lego Building Brick.


And I've just noticed.
I'm not the only person in the World who snaps the exhaust pipes off!
Ha ha ha ha ha...

I think the first official Whirlwind models were the metal 'crayon' ones, I like them as they look like the 'Plasma DJ' from the Dark Angels Land Speeder and would go well with my army. However, these pre-date that model and were detailed in a White Dwarf. Essentially it's a kit-bash comprising two spare doors from the original Rhino that form the top and bottom. The front and back are a 40mm square base, with the edges trimmed - that gives the missile silo look. The sides are card/plasticard and the base is a spare original Rhino chassis piece.

You can read more about it here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/diy-whirlwinds.html


And that's why all the original epic models looked like this:


10-09-2013, 06:13 AM
The conversion I remember from White Dwarf was when somebody stuck a load of Hunter-Killer Missile Launch Boxes together which gave a similar effect to what you've achieved.

Looks good whichever way you cut it!

10-12-2013, 06:30 AM
Turn 3, start as we mean to go on:


My Tyranid forces finally start to take on the guard.


While what remains of Otty's central assault has still a long ways to go:


While NOT Lysander is the sole remaining Terminator from his squad to face down the Hormagaunts under the shadow of the Warlord Titan


More details and hobby p0rn here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/apocalypse-wow-12500pts-of-armageddon_7.html

10-14-2013, 04:19 PM
Turn 4, 5 and 6, pretty much flew by at this stage so there are less photographs and the end result is here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/apocalypse-wow-12500pts-of-armageddon_9.html

However the highlights include Nancy 2 taking on all comers


The last ditch attempt of my nid force to break into the Imperial Guard deployment zone:


Nancy 2 on her 3rd helpings of Super Heavies


Lets shoot some flyers


Thanks for your indulgence, we'll definitely be doing it again some time next year. Meanwhile my good buddy Liam who scratchbuilt the Warlord, Warhound, Lightnings and all sorts has just started a blog. He's new at this so be gentle as he finds his stride but his first post is starting how to scratchbuild your own Land Speeder Tempest so if that's not a statement of intent I don't know what is. Who knows what insane step-by-steps he'll share. So check out http://bluewarpstudios.blogspot.co.uk

10-16-2013, 11:27 AM
As a player who tries to field a 100% painted army every time he games, you have no idea how much pleasure it brings me to see a battle of this size played on great looking terrain with excellently painted models. Gorgeous looking Batrep, I'm so jealous right now.

11-11-2013, 04:52 PM
This, right here.

Its beautiful.

02-18-2014, 07:19 AM
Just to make everyone aware Liam has finally decided to part with his scratchbuilt Warlord Titan, which has featured on BoLS very own front page. Should you wish to obtain this once in a lifetime behemoth then check out the ebay auction at a £300 starting price is less than a Warhound Titan!




John Bower
02-18-2014, 09:52 AM
Bugger, I need to wipe my keyboard from drooling over such a gorgeous looking Apocalypse now.... :)

02-19-2014, 11:21 AM
I've posted a link onto North West Gaming Centre's Facebook page.
Don't know if anyone will bid, but no harm in trying for you.