View Full Version : Iron Hands 1500pts list needing advice

10-01-2013, 08:30 AM
I played a couple games as Iron Hands and am thinking of starting an army. Came up with a list I liked the look of and was looking for some advice. The points total is currently 1498.

Chapter Master with artificer armour, Shield Etenal, Burning Blade and 10 man honour guard.

Two 6 man tactical squads with missile launcher, flakk missiles and melta bombs. Mounted in razobacks with twin-linked lascannons.

3 Ironclad Dreadnoughts.

Heavy Support
Stormraven gunship.

What I was thinking was having the chapter master and honour guard in the stormraven to get them where they need to be. Sitting the razorbacks on objectives and giving support with the lascannons with the squad disembarking turn 5 to hold the objective. The dreadnoughts would walk around wreaking havoc. I was also considering having the stormraven carry one of the dreadnoughts out into the enemy lines.

A friend suggested getting a third troop choice, dropping the burning blade for a thunder hammer, swapping the lascannons for the lascannon with twin-linked plasma.

The main things I'm wondering is where is the army likely to have problems and if there's anything I've missed.

10-01-2013, 09:52 AM
Seeing as most missions are Objective Based, you definitely need more troops. I would be able to unwind this list fast, just by focus firing on the 2 Razorbacks. My Necron list has the potential to do this on turn 1.

Putting all your eggs in one basket is a bit rough, regarding the Stormraven, HQ and Honor Guard. You are essentially relying on one unit to do a lions share of work, and it isn't scoring. Granted you can split it up and do well, but the best you can do is contest objectives which won't win you games if your troops are all dead.

3 Ironclads is scary, and makes good use of the Iron Hands special rules. The problem is they are slogging it up the board. I would want these in Melta range ASAP, so consider some Drop Pods. I'd even consider dropping one for more points for DP's and Troops.

So I'd consider dropping the Burning Blade, 5 Honor Guard and 1 Dread. I'd pick up some more Tactical Marines and Drop Pods.

I'd even consider another Tac unit with a Drop Pod. That way you can be sure both Ironclads come in first turn, and your Tactical Marines can grab an objective that's further out. You could also deploy your Tactical Squad on an objective in your Deployment Zone, and use the Drop Pod as an area denial unit and general nuisance ;)

10-01-2013, 10:25 AM
Never take the las/plas in razorbacks. Just twin link it and let it do its job. Two ironclads in pods. That big HQ unit is too points heavy and you need more troops. I'm not sure I like the Stormraven with this list.

10-01-2013, 10:30 AM
Also the Flakk missile doesn't make sense in your tactical squad. I like your strategy with the razorbacks. Just keep them cheap; a 5 man squad with a flamer to move on and clear stragglers off objectives is great. However, I recommend 4 of these squads at 1500 points.

10-01-2013, 11:52 AM
I really like the idea of having 3 ironclads so I toyed with the list a bit and managed to squeeze a few things in without losing any dreadnoughts. Swapped the burning blade for a power fist, dropped 6 honour guard and swapped the stormraven for a razorback. Dropped the missile launchers for flamers, brought the squads down to 5 men and got the ironclads a drop pod each. So after those changes it comes to exactly 1500pts.

Chapter Master with artificer armour, Shield Etenal, Power Fist and 4 man honour guard in a razorback.

Four 5 man tactical squads with flamer in razorbacks with twin linked lascannons.

Three Ironclad Dreadnoughts in drop pods.

With drop pod assault is the half rounded up or down and do drop pods count for line breaker?

Dave Mcturk
10-01-2013, 01:28 PM
i really like the idea of having 3 ironclads to toast...walkers are so nerfed in 6th... just leave them in the toy cupboard ...

10-01-2013, 05:14 PM
Ironclads are actually pretty decent. Front armor 13 makes a huge difference. That and drop pods actually make them a fairly decent pain to deal with for a lot of armies. The only thing I'd change is to make at least 1-2 Ironclads have Heavy flamers. The number of xenos you get to roast is huge these days.

10-05-2013, 01:06 PM
Never take the las/plas in razorbacks. Just twin link it and let it do its job. Two ironclads in pods. That big HQ unit is too points heavy and you need more troops. I'm not sure I like the Stormraven with this list.

I greatly disagree. At the expense of a little reliability you get far more versatility with the Las/Plas turret. I would never take a TL Las turret unless I know the Razorback is never leaving my deployment zone.

10-05-2013, 10:35 PM
I'd still go with more troops.