View Full Version : Is this good for an cities of death Imperial Fists 1500 point list?

10-01-2013, 02:08 AM
I'm going to verse an Ultramarines army in an cities of death battle i need help if this is good list:

Captain Lysander

Tactical Squad(10 man squad), combi-flamer, power weapon, vet Sargent,plasma cannon, flamer- 195P

Tactical Squad(10 man squad), power weapon, vet Sargent, plasma cannon, plasma gun-195P

Tactical Squad(10 man squad), power fist, combi- grav, vet Sargent, grav-gun, lascannon-220P

Sterngaurd vets squad(6 man squad), power fist, 2 combi-meltas, meltagun- 165P

Drop Pod-35P

Assault terminator squad-225P

Devastator squad (5 man squad), 2 lascannons, 2 missile launchers-130P


comments are always welcomed

10-01-2013, 10:20 AM
For cities of death, I think you should drop the devastator squad. In its place you could take an Ironclad dreadnought. I suggest dropping the heavy weapons on the tactical squads and adding meltabombs and teleport homers. If you must take a heavy weapon then take a multibmelta. The tactical squads having flamer/combined flamer looks solid. I think your stern guard should be 10 man. Not sure how 1 stalker would make a difference against air, I'd rather squeeze out some points elsewhere and take a Thunderfire cannon. I would feel less threatened by flyers in cities of death but maybe I'm wrong .

10-01-2013, 04:31 PM
I'd never played a cities of death game before nor i played against another marine player, well except for chaos marines i'd versed them before. But thanks anyway

10-02-2013, 07:50 PM
Drop the heavy weapons to start with on the Tac squads, upgrade the Power Weapons to Power Fists, and give each Sergeant a combi-weapon to match up with the squads special weapon (combi-Flamer/Flamer, etc...) I'd keep the devastators, but I'd replace the drop pod/stalker for a Thunderfire Cannon, Fortify a building in your deployment zone, and stick both units in there (3+ cover save, yes please) to give you a decent firebase. Personally, I don't like Plasma weapons personally, and I'm yet to be sold on the Grav guns, however you are facing marines, so don't drop them. my brief calculations says you can get an extra Sternguard, so I'd take it, but replace the meltagun with a combi-melta, so you can still get the special issue ammunition.

10-03-2013, 03:24 AM
that might work