View Full Version : Painting for GW, Immortalise yourself in legend.

09-29-2013, 01:16 AM
I noticed this new fan feature on the GW website, sounds cool to me. Basically GW will choose a model from their new range. Then if you purchase the model and paint it in the given time frame and send GW the pictures of your work you will be entered into a competition. If you win your model will be used as part of the visual images in the online store with your name attached. This will be for as long as the model is in their range.


Sounds like a neat idea to me. I reckon we have a few bolsters who are more than capable of winning this monthly comp. I may even give it a go :D

09-29-2013, 02:49 AM
On the plus side, web immortality and one could use it to generate commission. On the negative side they are getting you to do 'Eavy Metal's work for them. Mmmmm.

09-29-2013, 02:58 AM
It encourages the hobby, shows people what can be done and may generate traffic for other sites, such as Bols. Plus it can show people what can be done with the kits with a bit of creativity.

09-29-2013, 03:20 AM
On the plus side, web immortality and one could use it to generate commission. On the negative side they are getting you to do 'Eavy Metal's work for them. Mmmmm.

Not in any major way, they already have the models painted by 'eavy metal, they are in effect painted miniatures they have paid for with painted miniatures donated to them.

09-29-2013, 03:29 AM
Reaper's had customer painted minis on their site for years. I think it's a great idea as often the Eavy Metal style doesn't show a mini in the best light. I know I've often been meh on a first pic but changed my mind when seeing an alternate scheme.

09-29-2013, 03:31 AM
Yup, particularly with Elves they tend to overdo the skin highlights and pretty much every release has a few models which people don't like until they see it in different colours.

09-29-2013, 03:34 AM
I know I've often been meh on a first pic but changed my mind when seeing an alternate scheme.

Quoted for truth. Been a fair few GW figures over the years that I've been largely indifferent too until I'd see someone paint one of them up on Cool Mini and been blown away by it as a result. Alexi-Z's amazing Valten the Exalted being a particular example.

Patrick Boyle
09-29-2013, 03:22 PM
No kitbash huh? I guess that kinda screws me on any of the new Marine minis I've already built if they go back and do this for some of them. I went back in and used purity seals from other kits(namely the Grey Knights kit) and one or two Sternguard kit weapons on my tacs, and I again have purity seals added to my librarian and used one of the devastator kit servo skulls over the creepy cherub. Guess I'll build a couple Sternguard minis stock and see if they turn up on the list.

09-29-2013, 03:46 PM
quality idea, might give it a go myself!

10-02-2013, 03:20 AM
I actually think this is a really good idea but I would imagine the competition would be quite fierce, as has been said it would be a great way to advertise your commission work.

However I don't think this is a competition like Golden Daemon so hopefully it will give all levels of painters a chance to have their minis up on the GW website.

I for one would love to have a go, but I'm not renowned for a) finishing anything b) hitting painting deadlines or c) being able to take decent photos.

But if some 40k stuff comes up it might at least push me to finish something once a month. :)